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Thumbs up for Thailand once again - quick thinking airport staff save the day for British tourist


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3 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

We were due a "thumbs up for Thailand" piece of news about now.


Can't have all that negative publicity piling up   :thumbsup:

O c'mon Celtic, don't be such a ... Western expat in Thailand ...


Even if it is a communication stint, what's wrong with that, in this particular case, as long as it's a true story ? Should the media publish only horrible stuff ? Wait, that's what they do, most of the time, isn't it, and the News should really be renamed the Bad News.


This lady (btw I love the hesitation with the pronouns in the beginning of the article, it is sooooo Thai) did avoid a nightmare and it was thanks to the airport staff efficiency. Nothing wrong with reporting it, wouldn't you say ?


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16 minutes ago, sahibji said:

i think there is no mention of any reward given by the tourist to the taxi driver. if that is the case, it is sad because the kindness of the driver must be rewarded.

Like you, I've no idea whether the taxi driver or quick-thinking staff were given a reward.


But too often when in a very stressful situation (and this woman would have been extremely stressed) our mind is 'all over the place', and so we can forget to offer a reward to those that helped us.

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I don't know thai dogooders what do they think there doing. Helping a farang!!! They obviously never read Thai Visa otherwise they would have thrown her in the monkey house. How can anyone possibly leave a bag in a taxi!!! Driver was silly to return it. Picket the lot her fault . Classic example of a good women in bad woman out DEPORT her now ban her for life.???

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I normally stand up for Thailand but I have to say on this occasion.....if it is considered  "quick thinking"  by the "Special Operations Room"  to have a look at the CCTV cameras....I'd hate to imagine what  "slow thinking"  looks like?

Looking the next day?

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Anybody out there understand karma? If so, was this event for the woman the result of good karma or the cause of negative karma for not tipping. Meanwhile, it was most assuredly good karma for the stand up driver, even though he was fingered. Karma seems to be influenced by circumstances.

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1 minute ago, Yann55 said:


And you, of course, aloofposter, have never forgotten anything anywhere... so it's OK to call other people idiots from up there on your high horse ... :sick:


Maybe he is incapable or disinterested in traveling and has never traveled at all. There are people like that out there. There may be people out there that have never forgotten anything, too.

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10 minutes ago, AsianExport said:

How can someone be so stupid to forget a bag containing all...


And funny title ! quick thinking ! hahaha, yes they are GENIUS to have the idea to check the video to find the driver ! Next nobel price maybe ?





Leaving from a holiday in Thailand one  year, I was responsible for taking the scooter back to the rental place and my husband was responsible for loading all our bags into the car, and picking me up on the way.


Arriving at the airport we discovered that he'd missed the small bag containing our passports/tickets/money etc....

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2 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Come on, it IS a good story. Imagine if the same had happened in London or Frankfurt, a thai guy leaving his valuables in a taxi who had already left. I think at most the police would have him fill some form, with a vague promise of doing what they could when they could.


But why is the driver being punished with a hug by that wrestler dressed like a woman?



A number of years ago I left a bag with my passport, wallet, DL etc in it on one of the London tubes when I was back on leave. I realised just as the doors shut and I was on the platform.


Cannot remember which station but it was one of the ones in central London. I went and found a platform supervisor who radioed ahead to the next station and a member of LT staff got on at the next station and recovered my bag. I was quite amazed but got onto the next tube coming through, went to the next station, found the staff memebr in question and got my bag back.


Cannot remember how much I gave the staff but I know I definitely gave them something as they had saved me so much grief.


Not all in this world are as bad as we tend to picture them, and acts of human kindness and generosity do still exist -  sadly just too rarely.

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3 hours ago, alex8912 said:

It's a good story. Nice to hear. I had money returned once and gave the guy 1000 baht.  BTW. British women are just stunning lol. 


When I was reading this story I was wondering how long it would take before someone made a comment about the woman's looks.  Not long after this, comment 15, also. Why do some of you have to do this?  Because all of the 57 year old men in the world are just gorgeous models ...that is why we don't make stupid juvenile comments about them?  I have never seen a woman do the same.  It isn't just TV it is every forum and comment section in the world!!  And many of you are clicking Like!  SAD, SAD, SAD!!

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4 hours ago, alex8912 said:

It's a good story. Nice to hear. I had money returned once and gave the guy 1000 baht.  BTW. British women are just stunning lol. 



british women are equally as stunning as their male brit counterpart expats in thailand.

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And no fine for the Taxi driver for not checking his cab after the client got out???


I recall a taxi driver once, a small camera had fallen out of of my bag on the back seat, it was a about half an hour after arrival at the airport I noticed the taxi driver trying to get my attention, I was checking in and he was the other side if the rope barrier, he had taken a lot of trouble to park up and find me, he would not accept ac reward, he just said please recommend me... 

Edited by Basil B
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5 hours ago, catman20 said:

if someone said to her ill get all your belongings back but i want 10% she would of gladly given it, everything comes back and seems like she dose not give anything as a tip. i dont get some people. 

I don't get your cynical attitude. The driver had to be contacted to return her bag. He didn't volunteer. Tips are given when they are deserved. 

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