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Faithful dog waiting by the roadside for his master is dead - now the blaming starts


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Faithful dog waiting by the roadside for his master is dead - now the blaming starts



Image: Thairath


CHANTABURI: -- A faithful dog that became a social media and news celebrity waiting by the roadside for his master to return is dead.


"Ay Long" (the lost one) was mown down by a passing car yesterday. The body was pictured on Facebook while concerned members of the public came and picked him up to bury him in the Tha Mai, Chanthaburi area, reported Thairath.


But the end of "Ay Long" is not just a story of another dog killed by the roadside. Recriminations and allegations of abuse have been aimed at animal welfare after bungled attempts to help him.


And do-gooders who came to give him food and offer him a home have also been criticized for leading to the animal's untimely death.


"Ay Long" became a celebrity of social media and the news when he was pictured staring forlornly down the Chanthaburi - Trat section of Sukhumvit Road for the master that never came back.


The dog had been there a year but when the story broke online there was a constant stream of people coming to give food. Several people claiming to be the owner tried to take Ay Long home but he resisted.


He started getting scared of all the attention and was running about the road putting himself in danger trying to flee the many people wanting pictures.


It created further drama on social media.


So concerned locals called in animal welfare to relocate him and asked for the media to stop reporting the case.


Animal welfare came and shot the dog with a tranquilizer but succeeded only in scaring the animal who fled in anguish into the woods.


He since emerged Sunday and was subsequently killed by an unknown vehicle.


Villagers have criticized animal welfare for their actions. They wanted the reporting of the case to stop so that they could sort it out properly by themselves.


Now it is too late. The body was picture on the Facebook page of Sornnarn Pato yesterday.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-26
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Blame humanity. This world is one of go go go go go. A lot of people do care but it's impossible to do something for everyone and some who would be helped would bite you like a dog if you tell them they should do this or that or if you even try to help them. The dog's story is a  reflection of our times.

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How about the thousands of other dogs that get run down by vehicles in thailand that does not get any social media attention at all?  Soi Dogs and people driving too fast n recklessly are all problems in LOS that needs attention n problem solving immediately.

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19 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

How about the thousands of other dogs that get run down by vehicles in thailand that does not get any social media attention at all?  Soi Dogs and people driving too fast n recklessly are all problems in LOS that needs attention n problem solving immediately.

The social media attention was directed at this dog because he decided to stay in the same location, as if waiting for his owners to return for him. It was a more poignant story.

I agree many dogs are killed by cars daily and many accident are caused by stray dogs in which humans are seriously injured as well.

Valid points you make.

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There really is only one point of Blame and that is the owner tht he was waiting for.


Were mistakes made in this yes.


But unfortunately if the person that hit the dog moved them to the side of the road and did not just keep trucking they are relatively blameless. 

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carelessness and speeding leads to another death. simple as that - it's Thailand...'


Not having a p/p on how to deal with an abandoned dog also put him in harm's way. Don't get the part of the inability of capturing a dog and finding a home for him thru adoption protocol...Can't even tranquilize a domestic dog properly....


Just another example of incompetence by everyone involved, a mai bpen attitude and a survival of the fittest mindset here which is the easy way out of not doing max effort and executing a plan to solve a problem.......It's played out here time and again....What gives....


Maybe I will do a world bike tour but be sure not to go through Thailand.....

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Animal welfare came and shot the dog with a tranquilizer but succeeded only in scaring the animal who fled in anguish into the woods.


Animal welfare missed their chance at social media fame here. If only they'd waited at the roadside waiting for the dog to show up.

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A driver does not always have to be speeding or to blame when a stray dog runs out into the road right in front of his vehicle. I have witnessed several soi dogs darting across busy roads or even chasing cars and motor cycles, sometimes causing unavoidable accidents,

In some cases, the alleged owners of the dogs expected the driver to pay for the loss of the dog and thought nothing of the damage to the vehicle.

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a few years ago I was driving behind a thai who was in a pick up truck. he had his dog on a long leash in the back, the dog was standing with his paws on the side of the truck when the driver lurched forward knocking the dog over the side and he was hanging by his neck with his hind legs just barely touching the ground. I honked my horn several times to try to get his attention bur he just kept driving with his head up his ass! I then pulled around him and cut him off! got out of my car and pointed to the dog who was strangling. the fool just looked at me so I picked the dog up and put him back in the truck and then clinched my fist

 at him and made a motion of hitting him, at that time he finally got the message and went around me and drove off.but i did have traffic stopped in both directions.

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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Do you let your kids play in the road? 

My neighbours do. ?

Always puzzled me how its against the law to let a dog stroll around on its own yet in someplaces they outnumber humans. Its the owners, people that feed them but never vaccinate or give a home, etc that are to blame for many uneccesary animal deaths sadly. I have hit many and its just miserable and more so when you stroll in to the house or shop from which the dog came from where no one takes responsability. Sad...

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50 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

A driver does not always have to be speeding or to blame when a stray dog runs out into the road right in front of his vehicle. I have witnessed several soi dogs darting across busy roads or even chasing cars and motor cycles, sometimes causing unavoidable accidents,

In some cases, the alleged owners of the dogs expected the driver to pay for the loss of the dog and thought nothing of the damage to the vehicle.

You gotta laugh

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5 minutes ago, roamer said:

No the idiots are the animal welfare people that tried to dart a non-threatening approachable dog.


Also the retards going and taking Facebook selfies and feeding the dog on the side of the road, fully re-enforcing the dog to continue to stay on the busy roadway, all for likes on Facebook. All the while everyone in their village knows whats going on with the dog but no-one takes the time to befriend the animal and take responsibility over it. 


Then after it dies by getting hit on the busy roadway in which it was re-enforced to stay, people are all butthurt. 

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1 hour ago, Sphere said:


Animal welfare missed their chance at social media fame here. If only they'd waited at the roadside waiting for the dog to show up.

Animal welfare certainly missed the boat, like a lot of happenings in Thailand,  they don't get the bigger picture, they sit back and wait for someone else to do the dirty work................................

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Just driving around Mabprachan lake in Pattaya I see people feeding the soi dogs, it only encourages them to breed and stay by the side of the road, chasing cars, motorcyclists, bicyclists and darting across the road causing accidents, I saw one guy on his motorbike nearly killed when one of the mutts decided to dash in front of him. IMHO all strays should be rounded up and put down, they are just a bloody menace.

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