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Testocaps available from pharmacies in Thailand ?


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In Australia I had been feeling exhausted and weak and my libido had all but vanished. (age 71).

After some research on the net, I asked my GP if my Testosterone levels could be low.

He ordered a blood test and the results showed up as at the lower end of "normal range".


The GP prescribed one 40 mg cap per day. I tried that for 2 weeks and felt a slight improvement.

Then I started taking 2 caps per day. The results are miraculous.

I have a lot more energy and my libido has returned. My thinking seems a lot sharper than it was.

One side effect I believe is that a lot of the Testosterone is being converted to Estradiol  (a female hormone) which I think has been my

unresolved problem for many years. This has caused me to maintain weight around the middle and to develop unsightly man-boobs.

I looked at drugs that block Estradiol (Aromatase Inhibitors such as Letrazole) but they seem to have too many undesirable side effects to be useful.


I have been exercising regularly (cycling & gym workouts).  I stick to a low carb diet. (salads, fish, nuts, decaf coffee)

Another unresolved  problem I have is that I get very tired after eating a meal at lunchtime or after an evening meal.

Apparently my tissues are "insulin resistant".

I've been unable to lose my stomach fat and my man-boobs have not shrunk, despite the exercise and diet.

My pharmacist recommended that I try Metformin.  He said he had seen some amazing results with obese customers losing a lot of fat over a few months.

Apparently Metformin lowers the insulin resistance and allows the body to use more blood sugar instead of it being converted to fat.


So my question: are Testocaps (or equivalent) available from pharmacies in Thailand ?

Any comment or advice from personal experience would be much appreciated.



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No comment on your personal struggles other than most of us have some issues and seek answers too.


We are chemistry sets and not the same ones. What works for me may not work for you and may not work forever... It is a challenge, especially as we get older and want to feel younger. Good luck. 

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If I had the means I would visit one of the clinics in the USA where they do a detailed analysis of all your hormones and replace the ones that are deficient with bio-identical hormones.

They do follow up tests over several months to check that the levels have stabilized.

I believe this would be the best way to go about the problems of aging instead of simply "growing old gracefully".

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Availability as above.


I hope that at 71 you have has=d a thorough check-up, including digital prostate exam, before starting on testosterone .  It is contraindicated in the presence of prostate cancer.


It is not advisable to self-prescribe metformin. If you think you have insulin resistance (AKA "metabolic syndrome") there are doctors here who specialize in it.

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