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Elderly female farangs living in LOS


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Yes, but.....

I am 70 years old and I understand that as an elderly person she may want a measure of structure and order in her day to day surroundings.

That mau be her way, but it is not mine.

Of course i am a male. and i have spent most of my life traveling around the world an living and working in many different cultures and different countries.

I can understand tha disire to "settle down" and live in a safe and structured enviroment, but for me that would just be boring and meaningless.

Everyone is different, and for me, now that i am "retireed" I have the time and enough money to visit those place I couln't when I had to earn a living.

Since I retired I have visited Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam (4 times), Hong Kong while living in Thailand.

As long as i have the health to visit such places I will keep doing it.

it comes doen to personal choice, I guess.



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47 minutes ago, bangkapi said:

My 84 year old mom and 64 year old sister are doing much better in the USA than they would be doing here.

For me it is the opposite.

My 28 year old daughter is doing much better in the USA than she would be doing in Thailand. :rolleyes:  For me it is the opposite too.  

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"Elderly female farangs living in LOS "


  Why is the thread title plural, when it is about ONE person in particular ?

Also, from her home in Wales to the home in Pattaya would be about a 24 hour door to door journey , that is quite a tough journey for a 74 year old .

   Considering that and the jet lag and the heat, I would also be against the old woman flying back after four days .

  She had a ticket home in one month ,  she could have just sat at the house in Pattaya and spent some time with the grandchildren , rather than having to probably buy a new ticket home and having another arduous 24 hour journey

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7 hours ago, Scotwight said:

When you get there and are trying to take care of elderly parents you will understand.  Walk a mile in my shoes.  I've done it twice.  The old folks get crazy and the kids get greedy.  Keep your mouth shut unless you know exactly what you are talking about and that is hard outside of the family circle.  


Mate, been there, done it, got the t-shirt. Walked a thousand miles, so before you tell people to shut their mouth, don't presume your the only one that's sacrificed some of your life for the benefit of others that depended on you being there.

If only you knew!


My post was a civil question to Gecko 123, whom I quoted, and who at least has the decency to give a civil answer, even if we aren't in agreement, so reel your neck back in.

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7 hours ago, Scotwight said:

When you get there and are trying to take care of elderly parents you will understand.  Walk a mile in my shoes.  I've done it twice.  The old folks get crazy and the kids get greedy.  Keep your mouth shut unless you know exactly what you are talking about and that is hard outside of the family circle.  


   You are talking about your own situation  and using that situation in the situation of the O.P.

You then tell other people to keep their mouths shut because they dont know what they are talking about .

   It is highly likely that you situation is completely different to this threads situation


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OP, you did the right thing.  Bravo.  I'd be willing to bet that the cafe is not turning out to be the goldmine sonnyboy thought it would be, and without the money from the sale of mom's house the place will be shuttered soon enough.  For your own health better stay clear of Mr Dirtbag and his cafe.  Who would suggest that their aging mom live in Pattaya?


As for older farang women living in Thailand I've come across a few online.

For  few years I migrated between Thailand, Malaysia and Lao.  Every so often I would run into this French woman, who I guess is pushing 80 right now.  She is very thin, and travels sort of backpacker style.  She obviously can take care of herself, and lived the same way I did, camping out in hotels or furnished rooms.  Too much of a coincidence the way we'd cross paths on occasion, but happen it did.  Never got her name, but our meets were never more than a few minutes of conversation on the street. 



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Getting back to the question, it seems there isnt many elederly farang women living in Thailand at all , particularly Pattaya.


I wonder why that is so? I guess with the male Senior Citizen  they are either divorced or their wife had died and they have moved over to Thailand to retire,but with female Senior Citizens they tend to stay in their own Country even if they are living by themselves.


it seems older men can move to Thailand successfully but with women its not very easy to fit in.

personally I havent seen any single older Farang women living in Thailand particularly Pattaya.


i guess there must be but I have never seen or heard of them.


Pattaya may not be their first choice I guess.

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"Getting back to the question, it seems there isnt many elederly farang women living in Thailand at all , particularly Pattaya.

I wonder why that is so?"


   Because the FBI, the Foreign Bureau of investigation in Pattaya , keep investigating these old felang ladies and they decide that old ladies are in grave danger of their sons robbing all their money and that they should go back home again and live on their own

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