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Deleting Files


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I am trying to delete some files on my disk to make more space and

the Window Explorer is telling me there is not enough space to delete files??

Have Microsoft lost their tiny little minds?????????? :o

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Strange error. Might try this. First clear the recycle bin, then right click on it (recycle bin) and select properties. Click on "Do not move files to Recycle Bin" then try again. Just make sure they are files that you truly want to delete and be sure to re-enable the bin.

One other thing, try setting the recycle bin to use 0% in order to free that space up temporarily.

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This happens when there in not enough space to hold the recycle bin. Go to your control panel and reduce the size of your swap file. (Windows always makes it too big by default)

A nice idea, but this is my back up drive and does not have OS or swap file.

Thanks anyway.

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One thing that many people like to forget (or are un aware of) is to delete old system restore points.(Windows XP)

Doing this can easily give you a gig or two if you haven't done it in a long time.

Start=>All Programs=>Accessories=>System Tools=>Disk Cleanup

Select the C: drive and let it go, then click "More options".

In there click the "Clean Up" button on system restore.

Voi'la, more space !

Offcourse, you should only do this if your pc is running problem free, as older restore points

wont be avaliable anymore after a clean up.

The latest restore points will however not be deleted by this.

Edited by friend2
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