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Some Article 44 edicts could become law


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Some Article 44 edicts could become law





BANGKOK:-- SOME orders issued by the junta chief under the interim charter’s Article 44 will likely be morphed into permanent legislation, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said yesterday.


"Relevant agencies will consider whether some of the orders could be turned into bills," he said. "But some will remain in place to settle things during this abnormal [political] situation."

Wissanu's remarks came after he presided over a meeting where officials brainstormed on laws to be drafted ahead of the new constitution's promulgation next month.
-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-10-08
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57 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Let's cut through all the bureaucracy and red tape and enshrine into law that whatever Prayuth declares to be a law automatically is.

In a way it's not to much different than what's happening.

Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?


For God's sake ....!!

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Just now, Eligius said:

Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?


For God's sake ....!!

There's was post yesterday, sorry can't remember the thread, crticising the Thai people for having no interest in what goes on which is quite true in the main.

However Thai govts don't exactly encourage the people to take too much of an interest and under the current lot taking an interest other than of an approved nature,  asking questions etc is hazardous to say the least but the lid can't be kept on things forever and we must worry about what could happen when things kick off.

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22 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?


For God's sake ....!!

Yes they care. You won't see that reflected in the "main stream media" because it is controlled by the Junta government. 


Why do they keep quiet - well the Army is in power, and 5 years ago the same people who are now running things shot scores of people in Bangkok, because they came out and showed that they cared. Quite simply the people know that they are prepared to kill to keep their power. They have shown that. At a more routine level they will manipulate the laws to squash opposition, defamation charges against the lady whose uncle they killed, computer crimes, asset seizing and of course the one we can't  talk about. 


But - the more you screw the lid down the bigger the bang when it eventually blows off...

Edited by JAG
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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

Yes they care. You won't see that reflected in the "main stream media" because it is controlled by the Junta government. 


Why do they keep quiet - well the Army is in power, and 5 years ago the same people who are now running things shot scores of people in Bangkok, because they came out and showed that they cared. Quite simply the people know that they are prepared to kill to keep their power. They have shown that.


But - the more you screw the lid down the bigger the bang when it eventually blows off...

Very true points, powerfully made.

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2 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Very true points, powerfully made.

It's intensely frustrating for those of us who want to see the freedoms and respect for peoples rights which exist in our home country extended to the people amongst whom we choose to make our lives. The light at the end of the tunnel is that many Thais want that too. They are the ones that will be causing the junta to lose sleep. They must know how rickety their rule really is, and how rotten and subverted are the organisations which property it up.

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"...abnormal [political] situation..." !!!


Only because the junta and their cronies usurped control of the country for their own benefit!


Finally, we are told that the Constitution is to be promulgated next month (if Krea-ngam is telling the truth). 


This is the first time I have seen this date reported. It is highly significant as according to Section 267, once it finally happens, the CDC have eight months to complete drafting their organic laws and submit them to the NLA.


More importantly, Section 269 tells us that the election for the House of Reps must be held 150 days after the first four of those laws come into force. 


So Prayut, get promulgating !!! 

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Some Article 44 edicts could become law






Look at that smile on his wrinkled face,... he's about to burst into tears of joy!!!!!!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:



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Well the Junta appointed the NLA, and just re-stocked it with a new complement of Generals, so what's the big deal here?


"Laws" get passed by the NLA often, usually by votes of 200-0, and many of the Article 44 "proclamations" are meant to reinforce the amart's position.


Article 44 "rules" will last forever.


File this one under, "Not Surprised."

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"But some will remain in place to settle things during this abnormal [political] situation."

Coups happen all the time in this country.  How is this "abnormal"?


This is nothing short of sad.  Usurping power then imprisoning a population for decades.  These people should be ashamed of themselves, but the greedy rarely feel shame.  This is not statesmanship.  It is just over control.  

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4 hours ago, Eligius said:

Very true points, powerfully made.


4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

There's was post yesterday, sorry can't remember the thread, crticising the Thai people for having no interest in what goes on which is quite true in the main.

However Thai govts don't exactly encourage the people to take too much of an interest and under the current lot taking an interest other than of an approved nature,  asking questions etc is hazardous to say the least but the lid can't be kept on things forever and we must worry about what could happen when things kick off.

it seems to be thai nature to keep calm up to a point then do something extreme. i believe the next election will be the point where things go bad. the good general i am sure knows this as well. probably why every year he has been delaying it to next year.

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11 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

... i believe the next election will be the point where things go bad. the good general i am sure knows this as well. probably why every year he has been delaying it to next year.


Assuming that there is no other significant event (either real or contrived) before the elections! 

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1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

"But some will remain in place to settle things during this abnormal [political] situation."

Coups happen all the time in this country.  How is this "abnormal"?


This is nothing short of sad.  Usurping power then imprisoning a population for decades.  These people should be ashamed of themselves, but the greedy rarely feel shame.  This is not statesmanship.  It is just over control.  

You are so right - although you are very kind and generous in your use of politely mild language! 'Over-control' is a euphemism for D...........!

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Actually, according to the new 'Constitution', all the junta's edicts remain in force. That is actually written into the 'Constitution'.

Amazing Thailand!


And how lucky the Thais are to have a national name ('Thai') which actually means 'free'. The great rulers are ever respectful and mindful of the Thai people's noble heritage of liberty and do everything they can to preserve and uphold it.


Oh sorry! I got mixed up: I intended the bit about freedom for a forum on the strong traditions of democracy and people-centred referenda  in Switzerland. Silly me!


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6 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Let's cut through all the bureaucracy and red tape and enshrine into law that whatever Prayuth declares to be a law automatically is.

In a way it's not to much different than what's happening.

Way to go glasses the old shell game starts now. The people voted on the constitution not a blank piece of paper for you to fill in later. What a crock. 

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Way to go glasses the old shell game starts now. The people voted on the constitution not a blank piece of paper for you to fill in later. What a crock. 

If he was a Christian the balloon caption would read " All our Christmases have come at once. "

I'm presuming he's Buddhist and have no idea what the equivalent might be although with a Thai it might involve something about money.

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3 minutes ago, tbthailand said:

This place reminds me of Hogwarts... 

Yes - fantasy land. And I wonder who here plays the role of the vicious, evil, dominating and murderous He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Voldemort)?

Oh, of course: THAKSIN!

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4 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes - fantasy land. And I wonder who here plays the role of the vicious, evil, dominating and murderous He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Voldemort)?

Oh, of course: THAKSIN!

 I was thinking that with all these directives and the relative body sizes ... that Prawit and Umbridge could be related... 

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Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?
For God's sake ....!!

It certainly appears that way, minus a few brave University students.
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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

We know what this is, we just can't say the words for fear or being banned or arrested.

Yes, and the very fact that we cannot speak this word of truth is testimony to the D........... under which we and the Thais are living!


Isn't it funny (in the sense of strange) how those with all the bullets, guns and bombs - more than could ever be used in a whole lifetime  - fear one simple word of truth?!


Now back to my private study of Thai vocabulary. What is the Thai word for 'cowards' again ....?

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12 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

There's was post yesterday, sorry can't remember the thread, crticising the Thai people for having no interest in what goes on which is quite true in the main.

However Thai govts don't exactly encourage the people to take too much of an interest and under the current lot taking an interest other than of an approved nature,  asking questions etc is hazardous to say the least but the lid can't be kept on things forever and we must worry about what could happen when things kick off.

Do you think they are trying to protect the village idiot? The General is holding on, but is this to be there when some terrible news eventually comes? The article has little consequence on the elite and the armed forces, in fact it protects them.

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16 hours ago, Eligius said:

Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?


For God's sake ....!!

Chai, Chai Chai Chai.


16 hours ago, Eligius said:

Do the Thai people never, ever, ever, ever grow a moral backbone and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Do they like being defecated upon from head to toe, day after day?


For God's sake ....!!


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