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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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2 minutes ago, Strange said:




Gimme a break Mr. High Road. 


Im not confused about anything. When this video/audio came out people went on a rampage. Im not condoning it, I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying that words are words. Remove Trump and Apply to any other person that says stuff like this. Cracking Jokes and laughing like a 10th grader over fuggin pussy grabbing isn't sexual assault. Weather you personally dont say anything means nothing. 


Jesus christ I've heard women talking about the same nonsense. Your Brit birds are particularly bad. You think women don't talk like this about men in private? Of course in the context of a Trump thread, EVERYONE is going to take the High Road because its easy to look like Mr. Polite do good, but real talk, I call BS. Its equally just as bad from both sides. 


Its bad trump said this being that he is running for president, but anyone that thinks that ALL these women coming out right now are being truthful, and are not in any way being coached or influenced, are extremely gullible. Im not taking any high road here and I'm calling BS when I see it. Sure maybe he did, maybe he didn't, we will probably never know. 


I give undying support to women that do not tolerate actual sexual assault. If it happens, go to your boss, go to the police, make a report, get it in writing, do whatever you can. Fight it. This is what evidence is for. Its how you know when people are lying or intentionally misleading for benefit. It happens. 


If you were really interested in supporting those women, you would speak up whenever anybody - like Mr Trump - says anything that reinforces the 'rape culture' that both makes such assaults more likely, and reporting them more difficult. 

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:




Gimme a break Mr. High Road. 


Im not confused about anything. When this video/audio came out people went on a rampage. Im not condoning it, I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying that words are words. Remove Trump and Apply to any other person that says stuff like this. Cracking Jokes and laughing like a 10th grader over fuggin pussy grabbing isn't sexual assault. Weather you personally dont say anything means nothing. 


Jesus christ I've heard women talking about the same nonsense. Your Brit birds are particularly bad. You think women don't talk like this about men in private? Of course in the context of a Trump thread, EVERYONE is going to take the High Road because its easy to look like Mr. Polite do good, but real talk, I call BS. Its equally just as bad from both sides. 


Its bad trump said this being that he is running for president, but anyone that thinks that ALL these women coming out right now are being truthful, and are not in any way being coached or influenced, are extremely gullible. Im not taking any high road here and I'm calling BS when I see it. Sure maybe he did, maybe he didn't, we will probably never know. 


I give undying support to women that do not tolerate actual sexual assault. If it happens, go to your boss, go to the police, make a report, get it in writing, do whatever you can. Fight it. This is what evidence is for. Its how you know when people are lying or intentionally misleading for benefit. It happens. 


His real crime was to be stupid enough to get caught mouthing these obscenities.


How can anyone think that this charlatan, huckster and snake-oil salesmen is presidential material, is beyond me. Hiliary is an untrustworthy liar, just like Trump, but, at least she's qualified for the job.

Trump is the head clown of all the creepy clowns.

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:

If you were really interested in supporting those women, you would speak up whenever anybody - like Mr Trump - says anything that reinforces the 'rape culture' that both makes such assaults more likely, and reporting them more difficult. 


"rape culture" don't even try that on me, buster. 


And don't even try to insinuate that I don't really care. 


Being that I am a younger dude I've grown up in this modern land of supposed "rape culture" and its getting to the point now where women actually use this for personal gain. Wether its in the workforce, for revenge, whatever. It totally undermines the women that have ACTUAL assaults and harassment going on against them. 

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


"rape culture" don't even try that on me, buster. 


And don't even try to insinuate that I don't really care. 


Being that I am a younger dude I've grown up in this modern land of supposed "rape culture" and its getting to the point now where women actually use this for personal gain. Wether its in the workforce, for revenge, whatever. It totally undermines the women that have ACTUAL assaults and harassment going on against them. 


What undermines them is when a candidate for one of the most powerful jobs in the world brags about assaulting them, and other men say this is ok. 

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For a year the guy told horrors on Mexicans (being rapists), Muslims (being terrorists), on absolutely every minority, without ever apologizing, and got selected as the Republican candidate for it. But one 10 year old crude comment on how being famous helps with women (which some may argue contains a little part of truth) and he has to crawl.


That's obscene. 


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Yes, but what folks are ignoring here is this was all Locker Room talk.  Go into any men's locker room around the world and you'll hear 'pussy grabbing' or more.


I am not sure what locker rooms you hang out in but I, for one, have never heard this type of talk in any locker room I have ever been in. Now, I have heard this kind of talk at some parties where these types of guys are trying to boast about their sexual prowess. You usually know the type of knob head that says these remarks is someone that is just a major sleaze. You wouldn't let that type of guy anywhere near your sister. It isn't the average guy that says this. Give me a break. It is the one off at the party that no one feels comfortable being around except other fellow sleazebags. The average guy would not say or even condones these type of sexist remarks.

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How about some proof to your allegations?

You know more than the FBI?


Bet you think Obama is a Muslim and born outside the USA, eh?


To me the typical Trump supporter sticks there fingers in their ears whilst shouting nah, nah, nah, nah.

They seem to be allergic to facts.

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6 minutes ago, Silurian said:


I am not sure what locker rooms you hang out in but I, for one, have never heard this type of talk in any locker room I have ever been in. Now, I have heard this kind of talk at some parties where these types of guys are trying to boast about their sexual prowess. You usually know the type of knob head that says these remarks is someone that is just a major sleaze. You wouldn't let that type of guy anywhere near your sister. It isn't the average guy that says this. Give me a break. It is the one off at the party that no one feels comfortable being around except other fellow sleazebags. The average guy would not say or even condones these type of sexist remarks.


Actually, it sounds more like the boasting of of a 14 year old adolescent.

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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


What undermines them is when a candidate for one of the most powerful jobs in the world brags about assaulting them, and other men say this is ok. 


Quit squirming. I never said its ok. I said it happens from every side, every color, every gender, every sexual orientation, whatever. Things like this get said and our resident Libs go apeshit. Then there is you in here poking around like Mr. High Road and me calling BS when I see it. I can't stand when these things get sensationalized, yet the other side of the coin is completely ignored. 

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20 minutes ago, Strange said:

Im not confused about anything. When this video/audio came out people went on a rampage. Im not condoning it, I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying that words are words. Remove Trump and Apply to any other person that says stuff like this. Cracking Jokes and laughing like a 10th grader over fuggin pussy grabbing isn't sexual assault. Weather you personally dont say anything means nothing. 


It doesn't matter if it was Trump, Billy Bush or whomever, there are consequences to words. Words have meaning. Words have weight. Words can hurt. Words can start a war. Words can tear down a person. Billy Bush learned there are consequences to his words and he was just a TV celebrity. If a teacher said those things that Trump stated, do you think they would still be employed? People have been fired for far less but yet it is okay for a Presidential nominee to state these types of things. Please.

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20 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


His real crime was to be stupid enough to get caught mouthing these obscenities.


How can anyone think that this charlatan, huckster and snake-oil salesmen is presidential material, is beyond me. Hiliary is an untrustworthy liar, just like Trump, but, at least she's qualified for the job.

Trump is the head clown of all the creepy clowns.


"Qualified" is very subjective. 


They both suck. 

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Trump accusers (of sexual assault) are being investigated and have been found to be lying and exaggerating - all of them.  One by one over the last few days, each one has been debunked. Did all you Crooked Hillary people notice that one week it was the tape and then it was the assault claims - sound like an orchestrated campaign to smear Trump (or are you that stupid).


So what do we have here.


1. We have Trump bragging about his sexual exploits and how easy women are when you are a famous billionaire. Really?? Every man's dream !! And the Clinton sycophants go off their rails (again).    But guess what??? The person who he talks about has gone on the record to say she has no problems with what he said, and that he was always extremely polite and respectful when they met, and that she liked to flirt with Trump whenever she could. 


2. One week later some false allegations by female Clinton sycophants in a coordinated and managed release - all designed to win over the female vote. Everyone of them has been bebunked and is now avoiding the non-mainstream media - and even the Clinton News Networks are avoiding them. 


So what is the outcome.


1.  Just like the blacks and the latinos - more and more women are now switching to Trump. They realise that Clinton and her Dems allies are taking their vote for granted and are just using and abusing them to get people to vote against Trump.


2.  This episode, and Bill's exploits, actually puts back then women's cause against real sexual predators.  Bill's accusers have failed at every attempt to get him prosecuted - going back to the days when he was asked to leave Oxford following an allegation of rape.  This shows other women that you will have a ruined life if you complain about being sexually assaulted by a man in power - and it tells them they are better off if they shut up - which further empowers those predators to continue.  AND the latest false allegations makes it harder for other women to come forward and make true allegations against any man, because this shows that some women will do that falsely just for political gain/fame/vindictiveness.  


Just recently in the UK a high profile footballer had his conviction for rape overturned. The reason his conviction was overturned, was because the High Court ruled that the woman's previous sexual behaviours was admissable in his Appeal. Because she had frequently previously participated in sexual liaisons with several wealthy famous men, it was ruled that there was enough doubt to overturn his conviction.  The reason the High Court has changed (forever) the admission of a woman's previous sexual history in Court, was because of the growth of false claims by women of sexual assault.  Because some women have falsely made claims of sexual assault, all women are less protected.  If this continues, then the next obvious step is that women who make false allegations of sexual assault will be liable to prosecution, and that would be an even bigger loss to the protection of women against genuine sexual predators.


All women should think very closely about whether they should vote for a woman that would coldly and calculatingly use false allegations of sexual assault against her political opponent. Clinton is a lying manipulator that does not care about women's protection against sexual predators - she only cares about winning the election.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:

It doesn't matter if it was Trump, Billy Bush or whomever, there are consequences to words. Words have meaning. Words have weight. Words can hurt. Words can start a war. Words can tear down a person. Billy Bush learned there are consequences to his words and he was just a TV celebrity. If a teacher said those things that Trump stated, do you think they would still be employed? People have been fired for far less but yet it is okay for a Presidential nominee to state these types of things. Please.


Hell yeah words have meaning. If you say it, be prepared for the consequences. There is the law, free speech, the workforce, and your peers. You are held accountable by all. Just about any gown man or woman should know this and it shouldn't even be worth talking about. 


If a teacher said what trump said in the privacy of their own home or in an assumed private conversation, YES they would still be employed and YES the rightfully so. In front of the teaching facility or students, YES fired, and if there are any laws broken, YES arrested. 


This is about context. Just because you were fired for something does not mean you broke a law. 

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Just now, Strange said:


Hell yeah words have meaning. If you say it, be prepared for the consequences. There is the law, free speech, the workforce, and your peers. You are held accountable by all. Just about any gown man or woman should know this and it shouldn't even be worth talking about. 


If a teacher said what trump said in the privacy of their own home or in an assumed private conversation, YES they would still be employed and YES the rightfully so. In front of the teaching facility or students, YES fired, and if there are any laws broken, YES arrested. 


This is about context. Just because you were fired for something does not mean you broke a law. 


But Trump wasn't at home, and it wasn't a private conversation. He was at work, talking to one colleague about another colleague. 

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5 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Trump accusers (of sexual assault) are being investigated and have been found to be lying and exaggerating - all of them.  One by one over the last few days, each one has been debunked. Did all you Crooked Hillary people notice that one week it was the tape and then it was the assault claims - sound like an orchestrated campaign to smear Trump (or are you that stupid).


Debunked by who? Please elaborate and provide links. Thank you

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:
2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Proved factual and substantiated by evidence, where? 


Did anyone claim they had been proved?


Absolutely not. But hey lets keep on believing everything a person or persons say during a huge political smear machine. 

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4 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


But Trump wasn't at home, and it wasn't a private conversation. He was at work, talking to one colleague about another colleague. 


It was an assumed private conversation. He is paying for it. Just like if you or myself said something like this at work, we would likely be fired. 


So what, we should implement audio recorders in the workplace now? Catch some women or men talking about co-workers at the water fountain? 

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Just now, Strange said:


It was an assumed private conversation. He is paying for it. Just like if you or myself said something like this at work, we would likely be fired. 


So what, we should implement audio recorders in the workplace now? Catch some women or men talking about co-workers at the water fountain? 


It was not an 'assumed private conversation' - he was wearing a microphone and taking part in the filming of a TV show!

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For those that dont watch old movies - there is one called Citizen Kane which many people rate as the greatest movie of all time (either that or Gone With The Wind).  Kane is a highly successful man and runs for President - the campaign is going great, but then he is undone by allegations of sexual misconduct.  Seems to me the Democrats have decided that they would try to do the same to another great man - they have been planning this smear campaign for many months.


But this time it wont work. Nowadays information gets out quickly and is investigated quickly - the smear campaign is being seen for what it is - a desperate attempt by a lying woman to degrade all women by using allegations of sexual misconduct against her opponent. And all while having years of evidence showing that she proactively attacked her husband's accusers, and as a lawyer even defended a man who raped a 12 year old.  


Crooked or Evil ??  Go figure.  Rosebud




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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


It was not an 'assumed private conversation' - he was wearing a microphone and taking part in the filming of a TV show!

Correct. They had already commenced filming. They dropped the TV crew off at the entrance to the building, then miked up and drove around again so that they could be filmed getting off the bus. The fact that people defend this is incredible. We are NOT talking about a couple of rednecks at the gym discussing their latest conquest, we are talking about a 60 yr old man who had commenced filming and who is now running for President of The United States. If you are decent, then be offended.

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Although the spectacle of Trump's campaign buckling in response to his sexual speech and behavior is highly entertaining, in fact, that issue has not changed the outcome of the campaign.  Trump has been losing in the polls since the day he was nominated.  Prior to the first debate, HRC's lead was already increasing, reverting to the mean of the current campaign of about 4%. 


At the beginning of his campaign Trump was urged to set up the standard "self-oppo" team whose mission is to dig up dirt on their own candidate so that they are prepared to counter it when the other party trots it out inevitably.  Trump, of course, refused to permit such an investigation by his own team.  So, he was caught with his pants down, as it were. 




We're very fortunate that Trump is as dumb as a box of rocks, but it wouldn't have mattered.  He was always going to lose.



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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:
2 minutes ago, Strange said:

It was an assumed private conversation. He is paying for it. Just like if you or myself said something like this at work, we would likely be fired. 


So what, we should implement audio recorders in the workplace now? Catch some women or men talking about co-workers at the water fountain? 


It was not an 'assumed private conversation' - he was wearing a microphone and taking part in the filming of a TV show!


Dont be childish. Just because he was taking part in a TV show, does not mean that everything is live all the time and recorded. 


The dumbass should've made sure his mic was off, but it was an assumed private conversation nonetheless. 


You think he said this with a hot mic on purpose? 


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