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Police in Bangkok Conduct Random Checks on Tourists Ahead of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit


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1 minute ago, Mickmouse1 said:


I would indeed object and see how it goes.Yes they might spike it..Long ago I went to stay at a hotel behing khaosan Rd.at 1am a French fellow went across to buy few cans of beer.30 minutes later he returned, when I asked the reasonfor the delay he said the cops stopped and searched him without any reason.

Knowing myself I would have got into trouble as I would have strongly objected. I hadvtaken the easy way out and never went there again.

So many tourists would not return and may advise others to skip Thailand ?


Again, how do the police know who is a tourist and who is a long-term stayer?

Farangs buy the drugs so farangs are being stopped and searched and no amount of whining about intrusion on privacy is going to stop it.

Last year, the cops were piss-testing routinely in that area and tourism didn't collapse; the sex areas were still busy so can we just get over it?

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10 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Again, how do the police know who is a tourist and who is a long-term stayer?

Farangs buy the drugs so farangs are being stopped and searched and no amount of whining about intrusion on privacy is going to stop it.

Last year, the cops were piss-testing routinely in that area and tourism didn't collapse; the sex areas were still busy so can we just get over it?


10 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Again, how do the police know who is a tourist and who is a long-term stayer?

Farangs buy the drugs so farangs are being stopped and searched and no amount of whining about intrusion on privacy is going to stop it.

Last year, the cops were piss-testing routinely in that area and tourism didn't collapse; the sex areas were still busy so can we just get over it?

Somewhat irrelevant comment if they are ignoring the Thais? Or don't they get involved in drugs? And you seriously think having a tourist take a urine test won't discourage them from coming back, or from talking negatively to their friends, relatives, et al? Don't be naïve.

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1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:


Again, how do the police know who is a tourist and who is a long-term stayer?

Farangs buy the drugs so farangs are being stopped and searched and no amount of whining about intrusion on privacy is going to stop it.

Last year, the cops were piss-testing routinely in that area and tourism didn't collapse; the sex areas were still busy so can we just get over it?


"Again, how do the police know who is a tourist and who is a long-term stayer?"


A fair point in the context of shaking down their foreign guests, but the greedy, immoral, deceitful Thais playing silly face games and making double their money out of drugs and foreigners is part of the problem, most definitely not a solution.


"Farangs buy the drugs so farangs are being stopped and searched"


Did these falang first go to lower Sukhumvit and cry out all the way to Nigeria for drugs?

No, just like the ladies, drugs were found to be readily available... and the Thais... had/have nothing to do with it?


The Thais are guilty of all the drug dealing near Soi 3 but the picture they paint is only of black hands and white faces.


Decent, honest, professional people would target the dealers and those behind them if there are gangs of Nigerians parading themselves selling drugs on... GASP! ...THAI soil!

However could that have happened?!


This whole debate is just dealing with thick-headed people who support a society behaving like chimpanzees. Pee-test apologism has the same roots as Article 44... the Art of shutting people up:


"...no amount of whining about intrusion on privacy is going to stop it. Last year, the cops were piss-testing routinely in that area and tourism didn't collapse; the sex areas were still busy so can we just get over it?"



As I posted before, hopefully this is another contributory factor in the foreign press that can help keep innocent tourists away from Thailand. That's what's different about this story for me: context. This is no longer some obscure annoyance for ex and sex pats to argue about, but yet another potential bad headline for their hub of piss cups.


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6 hours ago, mania said:

I wish them well I do but they are shooting themselves in the foot constantly now & in the end it will be up to the Thai people themselves

to put a halt to it all...if not then they have the government   junta they deserve



Totally agree.

So I hope the tourists stay away. And the foreign investors. And various other people, especially people called Nigel.

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2 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:


Somewhat irrelevant comment if they are ignoring the Thais? Or don't they get involved in drugs? And you seriously think having a tourist take a urine test won't discourage them from coming back, or from talking negatively to their friends, relatives, et al? Don't be naïve.


Believe it or not, Bangkok extends far beyond Sukhumvit.

Thais are regularly stopped, searched and often piss-tested in parts of Bangkok most farangs never see or hear about.

I personally know two local women who tested positive for drug use after urine-testing around the Praram 9 area.

Just because it's not reported in farang-oriented media, maybe you assume it doesn't go on.


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8 hours ago, Squeegee said:


Not delusional to hope. Didn't say I think.


Your pathetically blinkered, 'very small number' includes head-kicked old ladies and taxi scammed victims in their droves greater than your imagination for the wider picture, one that tells me Thailand needs time out from tourists.



Old ladies head kicked?  


You have personal knowledge of this; you've seen them being head kicked, or is it hearsay?  You know of somebody who says his mate told him that he heard it in a bar?


Incidentally, the press qualifies as hearsay.


The tourists won't stop coming.  


In response to another poster who attests that tourists stopped coming after the coup a couple of years ago, they didn't stop out of some misguided sense of the coup harming Thailand and they wanted to make a political statement.  If there was a drop in tourist arrivals at all, it was because their embassies were telling them that it was dangerous to travel to Thailand.

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:



Old ladies head kicked?  


You have personal knowledge of this; you've seen them being head kicked, or is it hearsay?  You know of somebody who says his mate told him that he heard it in a bar?


Incidentally, the press qualifies as hearsay.


The tourists won't stop coming.  

You're right, they won't.

Massive over-reaction to something that just happens from time-to-time in that area.

I've met guys who've been stopped and tested and, while it's an inconvenience, they still live in/visit Thailand and go to the same areas.

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23 hours ago, Get Real said:


I must be something, when I look at the specification of your location.
There is also like the amount of tourists that are still arriving every day, that just talks against your statement.
Othervise it was ok.

What are you "gibbering on" about....your English is appalling.

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On 10/9/2016 at 1:27 PM, trogers said:



Safety for these business leaders in their after hours haunts?


Officials don't want to be embarassed by subsequent reports:

about fly by night delegates going home with souvenirs for the wife,

caught from 'going slops' with girls already infected by those naughty tourist undesirables.  


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Somebody should be doing random checks on the police.


In fact if they had been doing their job all these years none of these problems would exist.


Koh Phangan police chief drives a nice shiny MB. 5 Million Baht worth.


Think about it...

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Despite whatever ways  that foreigners are treated by the local authorities or locals and despite whatever negative comments people can post or even the media covers, foreigners are still coming to Thailand and in todays news in Bangkok Post, the finance minister says that the GDP might be even incresing for 2016 from 3.2 to 3.5 percent as a result of an increase in tourists levels! Sometimes I think that most foreigners have no shame, and despite whatever, they still come here and patronise a country that treats them worst than animals.

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5 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

Somebody should be doing random checks on the police.


In fact if they had been doing their job all these years none of these problems would exist.


Koh Phangan police chief drives a nice shiny MB. 5 Million Baht worth.


Think about it...

Yes. I always say that Thailand does not have a real police force - only criminals in police uniforms!

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2 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

Despite whatever ways  that foreigners are treated by the local authorities or locals and despite whatever negative comments people can post or even the media covers, foreigners are still coming to Thailand and in todays news in Bangkok Post, the finance minister says that the GDP might be even incresing for 2016 from 3.2 to 3.5 percent as a result of an increase in tourists levels! Sometimes I think that most foreigners have no shame, and despite whatever, they still come here and patronise a country that treats them worst than animals.

The most shameful example of Westerners still coming here - to party and 'have fun' - was of course Koh Tao, shortly after the slaughters and instituted cover-up. Despicable!

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8 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Old ladies head kicked?  


You have personal knowledge of this; you've seen them being head kicked, or is it hearsay?  You know of somebody who says his mate told him that he heard it in a bar?


Incidentally, the press qualifies as hearsay.














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3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I love this and would like to see more of it.  Let's get the dopers off the streets. If one has nothing to hide why worry?  


Holy Baubles, Christmas Treeman! Your lights shine so far and so wide!


If you love it so much just know there's probably some ugly character out there somewhere who would love it to see you be a victim of identity theft or other such misfortune where your sorry nothing to hide gets a taste of corruption with a good dose of reality.






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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I love this and would like to see more of it.  Let's get the dopers off the streets. If one has nothing to hide why worry?  

When dealing with the BIB people have every right to worry given their reputation and what they get up to.

I wish you well in your belief there's nothing to worry about, having nothing to hide doesn't come into it.

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37 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

When dealing with the BIB people have every right to worry given their reputation and what they get up to.

I wish you well in your belief there's nothing to worry about, having nothing to hide doesn't come into it.


Here is a journalist from Time magazine relating his experience with the BIB.



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11 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:


and the date of that report ........Jan 20 , 2015  more than 1 1/2 years ago......maybe you need a more current example............


So you think that things have improved since then? 1 1/2 years ago is like yesterday given the timeline and events.

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4 hours ago, Squeegee said:














Be serious Squeegee.


The discussion is about police conduct.  You claim police were kicking "old ladies in the head", so I asked whether you had first hand experience, and the best you can come up with is a video of a few thugs giving a hiding to an English family in Hua Hin, with not a cop in sight.  You really need to start thinking clearly, or not make ridiculous statements in the first place.


We can now discount anything you say.


Incidentally, ladies is PLURAL.  You came up with one incident, irrelevant to the discussion, but ONE only.

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11 hours ago, anotheruser said:


So you think that things have improved since then? 1 1/2 years ago is like yesterday given the timeline and events.


I just read the article.


I have never had anything like that happen, and I generally have a hotel on Sukhumvit.  Quigte extraordinary, and I can't help but think that some people make themselves an obvious target, or are drama queens, or.........who knows.

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10 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Be serious Squeegee.


The discussion is about police conduct.


No it's not.


That's why since your very first quoting of me this has been entirely about you hijacking my point [edit: actually, my posts] for your own agenda; that or you completely misunderstand me and/or fail to comprehend when reading.


I even repeated my actual point in the more recent quote you have selectively edited and chosen to ignore again.


So you not getting an entirely serious response out of me saves me from being overly rude, since I don't usually find your posts should warrant such behaviour, until the time comes, as it now has done, to move on 'cos there really was nothing to see here.


You should focus on the posts that are actually concerned with what you want to talk about, 'police conduct' or whatever.


Alternatively, get sugar frosted flakes in a snack-pack too:



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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I just read the article.


I have never had anything like that happen, and I generally have a hotel on Sukhumvit.  Quigte extraordinary, and I can't help but think that some people make themselves an obvious target, or are drama queens, or.........who knows.


The point of the article is only that the shake downs are becoming widely known. This guy even told them he was a journalist and they didn't seem to know the implications of that and still tried to shake him down. lol The point is when they do it at random they are bound to shake down the wrong guy and news of this type of thuggery goes around the world these days. 

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