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New drunk-driving law would punish families


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3 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

maybe the charging the families issue is really about what should happen, making the parents responsible for their under aged children's behavior. Wouldn't that make sense? :passifier:


Not all drunk-driving accidents are perpetrated by underage kids. A sizeable proportion of drink related accidents are caused by adults.

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18 hours ago, Xircal said:

Ridiculous idea. What the police need to do is get out on the roads during the time of day when most drunk driving accidents occur and run breathalyser checks on anyone driving too fast or erratically.



And bust ass for no lights.

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I have no problem with this but they also need to punish families of corrupt police, politicians and civil servants by confiscating all assets.  They usually transfer assets stolen from the taxpayer to family members, so in the unlikely event they are caught and punished their family can still enjoy comfortable lives on the stolen proceeds.  This needs to stop. 

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