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Clinton reaching past Trump, as he denies report of assault


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Clinton reaching past Trump, as he denies report of assault



PUEBLO, Colo. (AP) — Hillary Clinton turned up the heat Wednesday on Republican candidates who are facing both tight election races and tough decisions on what to do about Donald Trump. She's now seeking to spread her new momentum to fellow Democrats on November ballots.


The move came on a day that ended with new allegations — piling onto already damaging revelations of Trump's aggressive sexual comments about women.


Two newspapers reported late Wednesday that Trump's actions went beyond words. The New York Times published interviews with two women who say they were touched inappropriately by the billionaire without their permission. The Times said Jessica Leeds, 74, of New York, told the newspaper she encountered Trump on an airline flight three decades ago. Leeds said Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.


"He was like an octopus," she told the newspaper. "His hands were everywhere."


Rachel Crooks, of Ohio, said she met Trump at Trump Tower in 2005. Age 22 at the time, Crooks says Trump kissed her "directly on the mouth" against her will.


Trump denied the accusations, telling the Times, "None of this ever took place." His campaign spokesman, Jason Miller, called the story "a completely false, coordinated character assassination."


Separately, The Palm Beach Post in Florida, reported Wednesday night that Mindy McGillivray, 36, told the newspaper that Trump groped her at his Mar-a-Lago estate 13 years ago. Trump's campaign said her allegation "lacks any merit or veracity."


The reports came as two GOP senators and two House members who called for Trump to step aside over the weekend climbed back aboard. Their basic case: They're voting for a Republican next month, and if Trump isn't leaving then he's got to be the one.


John Thune of South Dakota, the third-ranking Republican in the Senate told the Rapid City Journal he had "reservations about the way (Trump) has conducted his campaign and himself." However, he said, "I'm certainly not going to vote for Hillary Clinton."


Also back on board after calling on Trump to resign: Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska and Reps. Scott Garrett of New Jersey and Bradley Byrne of Alabama. There still are some three dozen GOP lawmakers who have withdrawn their support or are calling for Trump to step aside.


At a rally in Colorado, Clinton declared that Trump is "desperate" and running "scorched earth strategy."

"That's all they have left — pure negativity, pessimism," she said.


Indeed, Trump kept up his unrelenting denunciations of Clinton at a rally in Florida. It's not enough for voters to elect him instead of her, he declared, "She has got to go to jail."


Later Wednesday, Clinton was campaigning in Las Vegas, where she planned to call out Rep. Joe Heck, a Republican in a tough Senate fight who revoked his support for Trump after hearing his caught-on-video boasts about groping women.


The focus on Republican congressional candidates is the latest sign the Clinton campaign is moving past a narrow focus on winning the White House, and now is aiming to win big — by delivering the Senate to Democrats, making deep cuts into the Republicans' majority in the House and, possibly, winning states long considered Republican territory.


"If you've got friends in Utah or Arizona, make sure they vote, too," Clinton told a raucous crowd in Pueblo.


"We are competing everywhere. ... I think Americans want to turn out in as big a number as possible" to reject Trump's message, Clinton said.

She had sympathetic words — serious or not — for Trump supporters who have begun to interrupt her events.


As security escorted one man out in Pueblo, Clinton said: "You have to feel a little sorry for them; they've had a really bad couple of weeks."


Clinton's new swagger and expanded ambitions come as Trump declares he feels unshackled to launch the sort of hard-edged, personal campaign his most ardent supporters love.


In Florida, he highlighted a new batch of hacked emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's account, published by WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group. He asserted that the emails show ever more clearly that the former secretary of state and her family are corrupt.


"It never ends with these people," he said.


Clinton aide Glen Caplin said Wednesday that Trump's campaign needs to explain its "possible ties to foreign espionage." The campaign has accused Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser, of having advance warning about the leak.


Stone has confirmed he had "back-channel communications" with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, but he denies knowing about the group's plans to release the trove of damaging correspondence.


WikiLeaks, which U.S. officials have said has ties to Russian intelligence, released a fourth installment of private correspondence between top Clinton campaign officials on Wednesday.


Podesta says the FBI is investigating Russia's possible involvement, raising the extraordinary prospect of a link between Russia and the U.S. presidential election. The FBI said anew that it is investigating possible Russian hacking involving U.S. politics but made no comment on Podesta.


Late Wednesday, Podesta was hacked again, this time via his Twitter account. The campaign would not comment on whether the second hack was related to the email breach.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday in Moscow that "hysterics have been whipped up to distract the attention of the American people from the essence of what the hackers released. ... They talk about who did it. Is it really that important?"


With polls showing Clinton pulling ahead in the presidential race and Trump digging in, Republican candidates for the House and Senate are tied in knots. If they revoke their support for their party's nominee, they risk losing his voters and losing their races. If they stand by him, they not only risk turning off moderate Republicans but also being branded for years as aligned with the Republican who sparked a crisis for the party.


As party leaders step away from him, Trump is vowing to win the election his own way.


He is striking particularly hard at House Speaker Paul Ryan, who told Republicans Monday he'll no longer campaign for Trump.


Trump said in Florida there is a "whole sinister deal going on" that has prevented Ryan and other Republican leaders from fully backing his campaign. "We're going to figure it out," he said. "I always figure it out."


He said, "I wouldn't want to be in a foxhole with a lot of these people, that I can tell you, including Ryan. By the way, including Ryan, especially Ryan."


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples, Jonathan Lemire and Jill Colvin contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-13
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Don't you love the way that the Donald is killing his own chances and yet blaming the media and everyone else?


Most of his political wounds are self-inflicted. Having a go at two "golden parents" (parents of a dead war hero) would have killed off most candidates and he never apologised. Now we have the sexual predator stuff.


The real truth is that the media have been extraordinarily good for Trump. Arguably, the reason he won the primary is because the media followed him around like a little puppy dog waiting for the next outrageous quote and they ignored the rest of the candidates.


But eventually, even the most diehard supporter is going to say, "wait a minute!"


Although I am far from being a Clinton supporter, I still think that every time he threatens Hilary with jail, he is seen by at least some Americans as threatening an older lady. That is leaving aside the fact that even if he got into the White House, he would not have the power to put her in jail - there is the separation of powers in the USA.


Even if he won the election, I think that he would not last long before they impeached him - especially since he has annoyed enough Republicans. He would try to go after Clinton as he can never let a grievance go. He would never build bridges and therefore even the Republicans in the House and Senate would be against him. It would make the gridlock during Obama's era seem like light afternoon traffic.

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If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.

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38 minutes ago, humqdpf said:

Don't you love the way that the Donald is killing his own chances and yet blaming the media and everyone else?


Most of his political wounds are self-inflicted. Having a go at two "golden parents" (parents of a dead war hero) would have killed off most candidates and he never apologised. Now we have the sexual predator stuff.


The real truth is that the media have been extraordinarily good for Trump. Arguably, the reason he won the primary is because the media followed him around like a little puppy dog waiting for the next outrageous quote and they ignored the rest of the candidates.


But eventually, even the most diehard supporter is going to say, "wait a minute!"


Although I am far from being a Clinton supporter, I still think that every time he threatens Hilary with jail, he is seen by at least some Americans as threatening an older lady. That is leaving aside the fact that even if he got into the White House, he would not have the power to put her in jail - there is the separation of powers in the USA.


Even if he won the election, I think that he would not last long before they impeached him - especially since he has annoyed enough Republicans. He would try to go after Clinton as he can never let a grievance go. He would never build bridges and therefore even the Republicans in the House and Senate would be against him. It would make the gridlock during Obama's era seem like light afternoon traffic.

I would take anything coming out of the NYT about Hillary or Trump with a grain of salt. They gush and ooze every time there is an article about Hillary. She has them in her back pocket.

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trump can deny everything that there isn't a tape or video about. But the world has seen what Donald is already. He's a sexually abusive PERVERT. From now on people won't say Peeping Tom anymore ... they'll say Peeping DONALD. So with so much smoke, there is fire. Just like Bill Cosby. 


PERVERT in chief? No thank you.

The women's vote will bury the orange monster.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just now, Jingthing said:

trump can deny everything that there isn't a tape or video about. But the world has seen what Donald is already. He's a PERVERT. So with so much smoke, there is fire. Just like Bill Cosby. 


And Bill Clinton


And Hillary Clinton

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8 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I would take anything coming out of the NYT about Hillary or Trump with a grain of salt. They gush and ooze every time there is an article about Hillary. She has them in her back pocket.

Just like a typical trumpist. Blame the press when your product is a total mess. 

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Quite ironic that trump will lose the election to a woman for the way he treats women..... I wonder if something will surface that will destroy him once and for all.  Maybe all this egotistical limelight hogging will backfire on him.  


One can only hope. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump can deny everything that there isn't a tape or video about. But the world has seen what Donald is already. He's a sexually abusive PERVERT. From now on people won't say Peeping Tom anymore ... they'll say Peeping DONALD. So with so much smoke, there is fire. Just like Bill Cosby. 


PERVERT in chief? No thank you.

The women's vote will bury the orange monster.


And that is exactly why the Dems picked Hillary - to get the 'woman's vote'. But it aint working - amercican woman are far more balanced and sensible than they anticipated. At first they were keen on croooked HRC, but as her decit and lies and abuse have become public knowlegde, they are turning away.  Therefore the Dems are bringing out their 'trump card' and making all sorts of accusations (mainly false or 'spin') designed to win back the american woman. But she wont fall for it (I hope) as she makes up her own mind and she is not a sheep following the delusional liberal progressive dogma that HRC must be elected because she is a woman.  

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9 minutes ago, Bung said:

Quite ironic that trump will lose the election to a woman for the way he treats women..... I wonder if something will surface that will destroy him once and for all.  Maybe all this egotistical limelight hogging will backfire on him.  


One can only hope. 

Yes, hoping that Hillary can go in for the KILL now and not only take the presidency but the house, senate, and supreme court as well. It's now possible. 

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17 minutes ago, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.


What news have you been reading?

Second Ammendment - Read this site on what Obama said  http://fusion.net/story/313013/obama-gun-control-perfect-response/ Haven't you notice, Americans are killing Americans more than terrorists are? School shootings are like a monthly occurrence! Simply because NHRA and all those gun supporters don't want stricter regulations.


The number of illegal immigrants are decreasing and has somewhat stabilized at a level, what makes you think it will rise under Clinton? 


Race Relations - Wow the words coming out of Trumps mouth is no indication of race issue the party you support is having? and what makes you think Trump will make it better?


Corruption - More than 3000 lawsuits against Trump vs how many against Clinton. 


Trump is an idiot - Period. If a school teacher or employee is not allow to say or do anything that Trump did, what makes you think a future President can and should be excuse for?



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"Trump denied the accusations, telling the Times, "None of this ever took place." His campaign spokesman, Jason Miller, called the story "a completely false, coordinated character assassination."


Ridiculous! That would imply the Trumpet has character.


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Clinton's new swagger and expanded ambitions come as Trump declares he feels unshackled to launch the sort of hard-edged, personal campaign his most ardent supporters love.


can it be worse?

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50 minutes ago, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.

Wow! No wonder they call you guys wingnutters.

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28 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


And that is exactly why the Dems picked Hillary - to get the 'woman's vote'. But it aint working - amercican woman are far more balanced and sensible than they anticipated. At first they were keen on croooked HRC, but as her decit and lies and abuse have become public knowlegde, they are turning away.  Therefore the Dems are bringing out their 'trump card' and making all sorts of accusations (mainly false or 'spin') designed to win back the american woman. But she wont fall for it (I hope) as she makes up her own mind and she is not a sheep following the delusional liberal progressive dogma that HRC must be elected because she is a woman.  

Tell me, is a total disregard for facts and a disconnect from reality a prerequisite for you trumpets??

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10 minutes ago, MZurf said:

Tell me, is a total disregard for facts and a disconnect from reality a prerequisite for you trumpets??

No - we are not at all like you liberal progessives - we can see the truth.

You guys cant see - try stopping the personal insults - and stop drinking the koolaid.

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:


Do you think that if Hillary starred in a movie remake her best part would be Skynet? I'm still working on the Donald.

I think Hillary should be in the Wizard of Oz remake as the wicked witch of the west.

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26 minutes ago, mike324 said:


1.  Second Ammendment - Read this site on what Obama said  http://fusion.net/story/313013/obama-gun-control-perfect-response/ Haven't you notice, Americans are killing Americans more than terrorists are? School shootings are like a monthly occurrence! Simply because NHRA and all those gun supporters don't want stricter regulations.


2.  The number of illegal immigrants are decreasing and has somewhat stabilized at a level, what makes you think it will rise under Clinton? 


3.  Race Relations - Wow the words coming out of Trumps mouth is no indication of race issue the party you support is having? and what makes you think Trump will make it better?


4.  Corruption - More than 3000 lawsuits against Trump vs how many against Clinton. 


5.  Trump is an idiot - Period. If a school teacher or employee is not allow to say or do anything that Trump did, what makes you think a future President can and should be excuse for?

1. The Dems will abolish the 2nd amendment. Your delusional view that criminals and terrorists will not get guns because a law is changed, is just that - delusional liberal thunking.


2.  OMG - you seriously believe the floodgates will not open if Dems/HRC win? That 500,000 Muslims will not pave the way for far more legal and illewgal immigration??


3.  Obama made it worse - a black Dem !!  HRC aint gonna make it better !!!   Are you OK????


4.  Every millionairs and billionaire in US has had frivilous lawsuits against them. Trump is one of the few that refuses to ever settle to make it go away. That actually proves him a man of integrity.


5.  Aftre points 1 to 4 I can see why your 'words' in 5 make no sense and it is clear you were not burdoned by a decent education in school.  Clearly the one with problems is not Trump - it is HRC.  You may not like or agree with what he says, but he is sane - HRC is a loony.




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6 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Do you think that if Hillary starred in a movie remake her best part would be Skynet? I'm still working on the Donald.


Skynet - Wicket Witch - all good.

But how about Queen Mary I (England).


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