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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’


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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’




WASHINGTON: -- Observers of the US presidential election race could be forgiven for thinking that all domestic and global issues have been completely sidelined.


The campaign has become dominated by allegations portraying Donald Trump as a sleazy sex predator, while the Republican candidate has retaliated by trying to focus attention on the sexual transgressions of Bill Clinton.


Euronews’ Washington correspondent Stefan Grobe gives his assessment of the latest events, and what is likely to come:


“For whoever thought the presidential campaign was ugly, here’s some news: you ain’t seen nothing yet. Ten women made allegations of sexual assault against Donald Trump in one day, accusing him of touching them without their consent. The candidate denied it all as a partisan smear while also stepping up his attacks on Bill Clinton’s past infidelities.


Trump is considering to parade several women who accused Clinton of rape at campaign rallies to destroy the character of Hillary Clinton. Many analysts see Trump’s latest strategy as a sign of desperation, as he has tanked in the polls.


Trump seems to be hoping to bring down Clinton voter turnout in order to keep his own chances alive. With less than four weeks to go until Election Day, we might not have seen yet the highest level of ugliness in this campaign.”

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-14


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35 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

A nation's shame played out before our very eyes.

It truly is a giant douche vs a turd sandwich.

I can't agree.  Yes, one candidate is awful, but that doesn't necessarily mean the other is awful also.  Have you followed all the stories which brought us (observers) to this point?  It's like comparing a bicycle with a bent rim to a train wreck.  You get one guess which one is the train wreck.  


And yes, I agree with the OP.  Trump is falling off the stage, but he's grabbed on to the curtains, the rug, the furniture, the actors to drag down with him as he falls - into the percussion section of the orchestra pit.

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"Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’ "  


as long as:


- D. Trump continues to defend only his personal issues instead of defending the American people's interests.

- D. Trump goes on being Trump

- D. Trump delivers what he thinks his supporters love


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The candidate denied it all as a partisan smear while also stepping up his attacks on Bill Clinton’s past infidelities.



I have never seen a candidate campaign against someone who isn't even running for office. 

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On a personal note, this election campaign has validated my success in raising two sons (both over 40 now) ,in a part of the US  many would consider an alt right stronghold, and dispite a myriad of parenting mistakes I made,  who are in no way Trump supporters.



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A BILLIONAIRE alpha-male surrounded by 1,000's of beautiful women his whole life with no history of sexual assault allegations untill 3 weeks before his presidential election  vs the wife of someone whose sexual assaults over decades resulted in numerous settlements. Hillary was involed in threatening Bill's victims. We are not talking about his affaires either. Of course Clinton has the corporate media on her side to even out the score.


More important matters do exist of course but this is what the corporate media is focused on. The Clinton's war crimes in Serbia, Lybia, Syria and their corruption are far more pressing issues but the discredited corporate media is not interested. 



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5 hours ago, HooHaa said:

A nation's shame played out before our very eyes.


It truly is a giant douche vs a turd sandwich.




Well stated.  Moved the family from USA 3 mo ago to CM, election was a strong side reason.  Reminds me of no child left behind only this is no idiots left behind.  Sad to see my home country reduce to a Kardashian "Reality" show.  Lowest common denominator. 


Long live the King.

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This is the ugliest campaign I have ever seen and I have seen many of them.  No one cares what Bill Clinton did. He is not running for anything. Donald Trump has continued to show his true character which involves racism; misogyny; bigotry and downright being mean to people who he considers lesser human beings than himself. He would destroy America  and he could never make America great as his slogan purports

Hillary Clinton has her faults- her private server smacks of elitism as well as being downright stupid but at least she has an agenda, plans for reform and will not destroy the country. She will get my vote simply to stop Trump for ever becoming President.

I do hope that once this charade is over- Americans have finally figured out that our whole electoral system needs reform because we do not get the best candidates running. This election has made America look bad in the eyes of the World where America continues to criticize other countries for failed democracy. It needs to look in the mirror.

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3 minutes ago, Merzik said:

A BILLIONAIRE alpha-male surrounded by 1,000's of beautiful women with no history of sexual assault allegations untill 3 weeks before his presidential election  vs the wife of someone whose sexual assaults over decades resulted in numerous settlements. Hillary was involed in threatening Bill's victims. We are not talking about his affaires either. Of course Clinton has the corporate media on her side to even out the score.




No history of sexual assault allegations? Even a simple google search would prove this statement "False". But heck, let us go one further, shall we? How about a whole wikipedia page dedicated to just Trump's sexual misconduct?


Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations



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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


No history of sexual assault allegations? Even a simple google search would prove this statement "False". But heck, let us go one further, shall we? How about a whole wikipedia page dedicated to just Trump's sexual misconduct?


Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations




Trump's ex wife stands behind him and said their was no rape :


"Donald Trump’s ex-wife is disputing a story published by The Daily Beast that reported that she had accused Trump of rape in a court deposition from the 1990s.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit,” Ivana said in astatement to CNN. “Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an excellent president."


I was unaware of the 1997 suit but it was frivolous. The lady started dating him again in 1998 .


"Donald Trump appears to have locked up the crucial “person who once accused him of attempted rape” vote.

In an interview with LawNewz, Jill Harth, who once sued the GOP presidential candidate, now says that she’d vote for him....

In her interview with LawNews, Harth said that she was “pressured” to file the lawsuit and did so “under duress,” adding, “The allegations were twisted and embellished. Everything could be looked at in a different way.”


Characterizing her willingness to vote for Trump as an instance of “supporting a friend,” Harth added, “I saw him recently, and he said I looked good. I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.”



The recent charges are bogus and many have already been disproven.

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Are you telling me out of an estimated population of 322,762,018 .....the US of A could not find better candidates than those two. Trump or Hillary ?????


What happened to Bernie Sanders ? media Blackout !?!?!?

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3 minutes ago, off road pat said:

Are you telling me out of an estimated population of 322,762,018 .....the US of A could not find better candidates than those two. Trump or Hillary ?????


What happened to Bernie Sanders ? media Blackout !?!?!?


Shame Dr. Ron Paul wasn't in the running.

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It's not a question of not being able to find good candidates such as Bernie Sanders; Paul Ryan or others.  It is a question of the nominating system; the massive amount of money needed to run; the media distortions on both sides; the actual election protocols; and the length of time the whole process takes. It is complete madness; Democracy at its worst; and an exhausted electorate that is disgusted with the whole system. The whole thrust of Bernie Sanders agenda was to take the money out of politics; reform the whole system and bring sanity and accountability into elections. Sadly, we are left with what we have now.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's not a question of not being able to find good candidates such as Bernie Sanders; Paul Ryan or others.  It is a question of the nominating system; the massive amount of money needed to run; the media distortions on both sides; the actual election protocols; and the length of time the whole process takes. It is complete madness; Democracy at its worst; and an exhausted electorate that is disgusted with the whole system. The whole thrust of Bernie Sanders agenda was to take the money out of politics; reform the whole system and bring sanity and accountability into elections. Sadly, we are left with what we have now.




What I can't understand is how the US goes around the World preaching democracy, hell, even killing in the name of it when it doesn't really have democracy itself.

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42 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

seems to be a good distraction from americas real problems. household debt 12 trillion, national debt 20 trillion, trillions missing, next property bubble forming, millions homeless, many millions of home vacant, massive income disparity.

Well right now as a Yank in Thailand I'd rather be distracted from all those real problems then to have to be distracted 'bout this:


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42 minutes ago, off road pat said:

Are you telling me out of an estimated population of 322,762,018 .....the US of A could not find better candidates than those two. Trump or Hillary ?????


What happened to Bernie Sanders ? media Blackout !?!?!?


He was better than Hillary for sure. Less likely to get us into WW3 with Russia than the war-monger Clinton and opposed to crony-capitalist trade deals. Yet many problems with Bernie as well. Many of his socialist ideas simply do not work. He was an open-borders advocate and getting legal and illegal immigration under control is very important and one of the main reasons Trump is a better choice. Sanders never had a regular job until he was 42 and has many radical leftist positions. Anyway he is gone. 

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The  US bureaucracy feels that it must assert its moral imperative to coax other countries into accepting Democratic practices. The US in the past considered itself the World's policeman but  during the Obama administration, the US has tried to avoid getting involved in the World's wars. As an American, I see no need to send US Forces to any spot unless there is an actual verified direct threat to America. I would feel much better if other countries stepped up and took the risks and spent their money to handle perceived threats. As long as the US  continues to spend $632 Billion Dollars per year on its military, the most in the World and untold billions on 25 different intelligence agencies- Americans will continue to fall further behind in living standards. Ever wonder why Switzerland is so wealthy? They don't get involved in foreign wars and spend their money on their own people.

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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The  US bureaucracy feels that it must assert its moral imperative to coax other countries into accepting Democratic practices. The US in the past considered itself the World's policeman but  during the Obama administration, the US has tried to avoid getting involved in the World's wars. As an American, I see no need to send US Forces to any spot unless there is an actual verified direct threat to America. I would feel much better if other countries stepped up and took the risks and spent their money to handle perceived threats. As long as the US  continues to spend $632 Billion Dollars per year on its military, the most in the World and untold billions on 25 different intelligence agencies- Americans will continue to fall further behind in living standards. Ever wonder why Switzerland is so wealthy? They don't get involved in foreign wars and spend their money on their own people.


I agree with you  except for what you said about Obama. Even Shrub Bush ( whom I hate and was one of our worst presidents ever ) avoided direct conflict with Russia. Obama has been even more reckless than Shrub with us  supporting/ financing the illegal Ukrainian coup and our funding of the mercenary jihadist army in Syria. His carpet bombing of Lybia resulting in chaos and the spread of Islamist radicalism was also a disaster.  I liked Ron Paul in the last 2 elections.  Between Clinton and Trump...it is Trump who is the better choice for peace. I for one do not want any part of Clinton's jihad against Russia. I was married to a Russian for 7 years. They are a tough people and we no longer have the moral highground we had when the USSR was around.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

No history of sexual assault allegations? Even a simple google search would prove this statement "False". But heck, let us go one further, shall we? How about a whole wikipedia page dedicated to just Trump's sexual misconduct?


Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations




Geez y'all need to open your eyes cause there is a lot more going on here:




  • This page was last modified on 14 October 2016, at 10:49.


Wikipedia is public

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30 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's not a question of not being able to find good candidates such as Bernie Sanders; Paul Ryan or others.  It is a question of the nominating system; the massive amount of money needed to run; the media distortions on both sides; the actual election protocols; and the length of time the whole process takes. It is complete madness; Democracy at its worst; and an exhausted electorate that is disgusted with the whole system. The whole thrust of Bernie Sanders agenda was to take the money out of politics; reform the whole system and bring sanity and accountability into elections. Sadly, we are left with what we have now.


It seems this election is not about who is most popular but who is hated the least. It is a sad reflection on America that these are the only candidates available to the voters.

If Bernie Sanders stood as an independent he would walk it.


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