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GOP strategists: Clinton is in good shape with 3 weeks left


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15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

If Trump doesn't win the Presidency, he stands to lose substantial value in his commercial brand "TRUMP."


I've had my eye on this since he announced his candidacy.  He pissed in his own beer on day 1, and has been keeping the stream steady since.  He'll be the new face of US bigotry, xenophobia, neo-facism and the world's #1 Ugly American.  It will be interesting to hear reports of people confronting him once the Secret Service detail is called back, which happens as soon as the results are official.  He will have restaurant workers spitting in his food (or worse) until the end of his days.


On the other hand he may move into branding different products that appeal to his new-found fans, like camouflage vests, pickup-truck ornaments, waders, shotgun shells, etc.  Move over Duck Dynasty.



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Adding Insult To Investment

China’s Strange Trump Love :  http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/07/11/china-s-strange-trump-love.html

"Trump and his business expend far more effort to please Chinese travelers and oligarchs than his grassroots supporters at home. Win or lose, he will walk away a rich man, and perhaps live to file for bankruptcy another day"


Edited by Opl
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It seems the general consensus is that Trump needs a low turnout to win.

This would explain the strategy of trying to convince voters there is no point in turning out because it's rigged.

Of more importance are the House and Senate races.


Especially when you have Republicans coming out with things like this:



“I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up,” McCain told WPHT in Philadelphia. 


The arrogance of these people is astounding. They honestly see fit to decide which bits of the constitution they care about, but have the audacity to scream like schoolgirls at a Trump pageant at even the most ridicuous perception of a  threat to it.

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On 10/17/2016 at 11:49 AM, Dagnabbit said:

Clinton is just 4 points ahead, despite the 'meltdown' that Trump is supposedly having.


This is still very much an open race.



Except it isn't. It's not about the "percentage lead" nationally. That's average of the several states. It's about the lead in individual states, and there, Clinton is destroying Trump. FiveThirtyEight has an excellent interactive electoral map (http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/) as well as several other interactive illustrations of where the election stands now. Their site is updated continually. Sorry, but barring a miracle, Donnie Dumpster is toast.

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15 hours ago, bendejo said:


I've had my eye on this since he announced his candidacy.  He pissed in his own beer on day 1, and has been keeping the stream steady since.  He'll be the new face of US bigotry, xenophobia, neo-facism and the world's #1 Ugly American.  It will be interesting to hear reports of people confronting him once the Secret Service detail is called back, which happens as soon as the results are official.  He will have restaurant workers spitting in his food (or worse) until the end of his days.


On the other hand he may move into branding different products that appeal to his new-found fans, like camouflage vests, pickup-truck ornaments, waders, shotgun shells, etc.  Move over Duck Dynasty.





Don't forget Confederate flags and white bedsheets.

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