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US election: Donald Trump accusers telling lies, says Melania


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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


That does not explain it. I freely admit I do not know the answer and I was just hoping an American member of the forum might be able to enlighten me.


Is it not possible to explain it in the words of one simple sentence.


It's a simple enough question 'Why is Trump up against Clinton and not Cruz or Bush?'

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I already explained it. The republican party has a nominating process. The winner was trump. He hasn't won any political office yet or ever. Odds are it will be NEVER. 


Some have suggested that trump has accomplished a hostile takeover of the republican party as he's such an EXTREME outsider. I agree with that perception, but after he loses, I think his power in that party will deflate radically. 


How did Trump win that nominating process?

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He's a con man and he conned the republicans into nominating him and now they regret it. Big time!

Dude, you're just jerking around now. There are millions of pages which will detail the long process of how trump became the republican nominee.

Do you want to know something more SPECIFIC? 

I get it that you don't understand the U.S. system and that's it's very different than the U.K. system, but you can just go online and read all about it. If after you've educated yourself, you have a more specific question, go for it, but now you're just wasting people's time asking the same vague general question again and again and again. 

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What seems strange to non Americans is how Trump who is apparently so universally hated both home and abroad is in a position where he could be the POTUS on the 9th of November. Who put him in that position and what method was used to do so. 

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


He's a con man and he conned the republicans into nominating him and now they regret it. Big time!

Dude, you're just jerking around now. There are millions of pages which will detail the long process of how trump became the republican nominee.

Do you want to know something more SPECIFIC? 

I get it that you don't understand the U.S. system and that's it's very different than the U.K. system, but you can just go online and read all about it. If after you've educated yourself, you have a more specific question, go for it, but now you're just wasting people's time asking the same vague general question again and again and again. 


I'm not jerking around and I do not want to read millions of pages on the subject. I'd be long dead before I'd finish them.


Did other republicans elect him to be their presidential candidate. A simple 'Yes' or 'No' will suffice and clear the matter up once and for all and I won't pester you on the matter any more.

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" Did other republicans elect him to be their presidential candidate"


D. Trump obtained 1725 votes of delegates on 2446 gathered in Cleveland July 19, 2016 and has largely been designated Republican nominee for the US presidency in November.
The other candidates, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio, collected respectively 475, 120 and 114 votes. Resigned from the primary, Ben Carson (7 votes), Jeb Bush (3 votes) and Rand Paul (2 votes), played the extras.





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3 hours ago, freebyrd said:


And look at the mess we've all been left with because Chavs had their 'say'.



What have chavs got to do with the mess we've been left with and what mess are you referring to.


There's no chavs working in Goldman Sachs, the BoE or European banking institutions that are responsible for exchange rates concerning the GBP.


They are the people who are punishing us for the Brexit result and intimidating other countries not to follow our lead not 'chavs'. The few chav like individuals I know never vote on anything, most of 'em are not even on the voters register because being on it would jeapordise their benefits or those of their girlfriends and any kids they've been sober enough to pump out.


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10 minutes ago, Opl said:

" Did other republicans elect him to be their presidential candidate"


D. Trump obtained 1725 votes of delegates on 2446 gathered in Cleveland July 19, 2016 and has largely been designated Republican nominee for the US presidency in November.
The other candidates, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio, collected respectively 475, 120 and 114 votes. Resigned from the primary, Ben Carson (7 votes), Jeb Bush (3 votes) and Rand Paul (2 votes), played the extras.






Thank you.


At last. A simple answer to an even simpler question.

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He wasn't elected. He was nominated.

It's not as simple as you want it to be. As I said some states have open republican primaries meaning there were some non republicans involved in sending delegates to the nominating convention. Caucus states attract more party activists than voting primaries.
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48 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


He's a con man and he conned the republicans into nominating him and now they regret it. Big time!

Dude, you're just jerking around now. There are millions of pages which will detail the long process of how trump became the republican nominee.

Do you want to know something more SPECIFIC? 

I get it that you don't understand the U.S. system and that's it's very different than the U.K. system, but you can just go online and read all about it. If after you've educated yourself, you have a more specific question, go for it, but now you're just wasting people's time asking the same vague general question again and again and again. 


"D. Trump obtained 1725 votes of delegates on 2446 gathered in Cleveland July 19, 2016 and has largely been designated Republican nominee for the US presidency in November. "


Courtesy Of Opl.


What was hard about that. That reply was 'SPECIFIC'.


Now why could you not have answered my polite question in a similar manner using similar wording instead of being ignorant and rude by suggesting I 'educate' myself and that I'm 'wasting people's time'

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Trump is going to lose.  I predict Melania will file for divorce in a year.  She'll probably also challenge the pre-nup.


In the meantime, she's got to say what she's programmed to say, like a model robot made in Serbia.  


I'd like to hear a tape of what Pence's wife said over that weekend when the Hollywood tape surfaced.  Rumor has it she was livid.  You can bet whatever Pence's wife said was a whole lot more genuine than Melania, the perfectly pretty 6' robotron.


Re; the Trump boys.  Even if Trump was as cool and sensible as Kusich, and had none of the crazy baggage he scatalogically broadcasts every chance he gets, .......just the fact that he's got those two boys (with propylene glycol running in their veins) - who would have the run of the White House and possibly influence top executive decisions, would be reason enough, by itself, to vote against The Divider.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:



What have chavs got to do with the mess we've been left with and what mess are you referring to.


There's no chavs working in Goldman Sachs, the BoE or European banking institutions that are responsible for exchange rates concerning the GBP.


They are the people who are punishing us for the Brexit result and intimidating other countries not to follow our lead not 'chavs'. The few chav like individuals I know never vote on anything, most of 'em are not even on the voters register because being on it would jeapordise their benefits or those of their girlfriends and any kids they've been sober enough to pump out.




The mess with Brexit is nothing to do with those that voted for it. The major banks are ensuring that the UK will have a very tough time. If it were even remotely sensed that the UK would be enjoying some form of success after Brexit (which it should) then the entire EU would collapse as countries queued up to do the same. The UK is being made to suffer, but if it can break through then it will prosper more than we have done in the last 40 years. The UK has been held back from true globalisation in terms of trade and providing Trump does not get in and destroy the global economy then the UK will have a golden era soon.

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#billybushmademedoit is trending on twitter.


Jimmy Kimmel said, "I was looking forward to having a First Lady that sounds like Borat."



"Listen, Immigrants don't enter America nearly as often as Trump enters immigrants"


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Trump claims he'll be "the greatest jobs president, ever!" yet hopes the NY Times goes out of business, along with all other major media corporations.  Additionally, if the biggest and most respected news organizations go out of business, then that will make it easier for (soon to be established) TRUMP MEDIA to dominate the news business, which is where he's headed (along with Ailes, Breithart and other hard-right liars) when he gets beaten in the election.


Trump also takes jobs away from American workers, when he consistently buys large amounts of steel, aluminium and copper from Chinese companies. 

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14 hours ago, yogi100 said:



What have chavs got to do with the mess we've been left with and what mess are you referring to.


There's no chavs working in Goldman Sachs, the BoE or European banking institutions that are responsible for exchange rates concerning the GBP.


They are the people who are punishing us for the Brexit result and intimidating other countries not to follow our lead not 'chavs'. The few chav like individuals I know never vote on anything, most of 'em are not even on the voters register because being on it would jeapordise their benefits or those of their girlfriends and any kids they've been sober enough to pump out.



Quite a lot actually and just because you don't think it's a mess, a great many of us do.


The most Googled item from the UK the day after the vote was 'EU'. How many interviewed on TV said they thought it was a protest vote and that they didn't really expect the UK to leave? Additionally, one of my contacts on TVF says he has a mature friend in the UK who thought "it wouldn't really happen" and that he was misled by the awful Johnson, Gove & Co.


How can you state categorically that "most of 'em" aren't on the voters list? Where did you buy your crystal ball? Indeed, no Chavs in the institutions you refer to, however, people of low education had a considerable effect on the outcome because they just wanted to stick it to the Tories, hence the nobs in the BofE etc having to adjust the exchange rate.


BTW, thankfully, I don't know any Chavs, remembering better times when they weren't nearly as visible as they are now.

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3 hours ago, freebyrd said:


Quite a lot actually and just because you don't think it's a mess, a great many of us do.


The most Googled item from the UK the day after the vote was 'EU'. How many interviewed on TV said they thought it was a protest vote and that they didn't really expect the UK to leave? Additionally, one of my contacts on TVF says he has a mature friend in the UK who thought "it wouldn't really happen" and that he was misled by the awful Johnson, Gove & Co.


How can you state categorically that "most of 'em" aren't on the voters list? Where did you buy your crystal ball? Indeed, no Chavs in the institutions you refer to, however, people of low education had a considerable effect on the outcome because they just wanted to stick it to the Tories, hence the nobs in the BofE etc having to adjust the exchange rate.


BTW, thankfully, I don't know any Chavs, remembering better times when they weren't nearly as visible as they are now.


"Quite a lot actually and just because you don't think it's a mess, a great many of us do."


Who's the great many of 'us'. So far there's only you. That's not 'a great many of us'!


How about some examples of this 'mess' you're on about. The only visible effect so far is the exchange rate. Other than that everything is the same as it was before.


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14 hours ago, Thakkar said:

#billybushmademedoit is trending on twitter.


Jimmy Kimmel said, "I was looking forward to having a First Lady that sounds like Borat."



"Listen, Immigrants don't enter America nearly as often as Trump enters immigrants"




She sounds a sight sexier than Borat.

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4 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


"Quite a lot actually and just because you don't think it's a mess, a great many of us do."


Who's the great many of 'us'. So far there's only you. That's not 'a great many of us'!


How about some examples of this 'mess' you're on about. The only visible effect so far is the exchange rate. Other than that everything is the same as it was before.



Quite a lot......do you have a life outside of TVF? I'm quite sure every Brit isn't a member of this forum. There are a great many that I have contact with in the UK who agree with me. Mess?....... "so far.....", where's your vision? What's going to happen if the Scots and Welsh pull the plug? You're happy to be a citizen of Little England? Perhaps the 'Chavs that you know' could answer that?


It's obvious that we have very different persectives of the situation, so best we agree to disagree.

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23 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


Quite a lot......do you have a life outside of TVF? I'm quite sure every Brit isn't a member of this forum. There are a great many that I have contact with in the UK who agree with me. Mess?....... "so far.....", where's your vision? What's going to happen if the Scots and Welsh pull the plug? You're happy to be a citizen of Little England? Perhaps the 'Chavs that you know' could answer that?


It's obvious that we have very different persectives of the situation, so best we agree to disagree.


I've made 613 posts on this forum, you've made 734.


How about an example of this mess, a visible quantifiable example that actually affects British citizens in their day to day life. If you can think of one fair enough just say so.


I actually live in the UK and what is obvious to me is equally obvious to all who live in the UK. Brexit has not physically affected us.


The Welsh actually supported us in the Brexit campaign. The Scots get more out of the UK than they actually contribute that's why the SNP will not seriously try and go it alone and few Scots if asked would even consider doing so if it came to the crunch. 

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I've made 613 posts on this forum, you've made 734.


Why is that in any way relevant? I've been a member 18 months longer than you, so what?


If the Scots go, you think the Welsh, who've hated the English for centuries won't want to break away too? I've lived in Wales and experienced their hostility first hand.


Why is someone who lives in the UK is on a Thailand forum?As I said, let's just agree to disagree. If you must have the last word, so be it, waste your time.


No more from me, end ex.

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