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Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing


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6 hours ago, Alive said:

I'm pretty sure they had a cure for HIV and Ebola. They might already have a cure for cancer somewhere in their records. Whatever the case, I think Prayuth should contact world leaders and let them know and call in the international press to make a statement. With the record Thailand has so far at ending these scourges, the future looks bright. :shock1::sad:

and issue  pamphlets  to all entering Thailand to "inform" them of this incredible news

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2 hours ago, Zikomat said:

"Every year in late May nearly 40,000 oncologists flock to Chicago for the world’s biggest cancer jamboree - ASCO - the American Society of Clinical Oncology. I’ve gone intermittently over the past 35 years as NHS consultant. While it’s on, the the global media is awash with stories of miracle cancer drugs. Positive stories are carefully placed by smart marketing execs on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. It all sounds so convincing.

But the reality is that this is a sophisticated conspiracy to hype products being sold to bigger companies by small start ups, to get more investment for the industry from the City or Wall Street, or simply to ramp up share prices and make short term gains.



Well said. There are two cases in the past that have puzzled me the cancer cure of Jimmy Carter whose cancer had  metastasized and Gordie Howe.

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6 hours ago, Alive said:

I'm pretty sure they had a cure for HIV and Ebola. They might already have a cure for cancer somewhere in their records. Whatever the case, I think Prayuth should contact world leaders and let them know and call in the international press to make a statement. With the record Thailand has so far at ending these scourges, the future looks bright. :shock1::sad:

We all know Mr. Prayuth is a modest fellow. He would never want to beat Thailands drum. All is for the good of the people. What a humble man.

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37 minutes ago, George Graham said:

Thai culture simply does not allow for the application of the scientific process. 

Yes, the scientific process contradicts directly the concept of losing one's face. If you made some "huge" scientific discovery and I later proved that you were wrong - the only way for you to deal with it is to kill me. Otherwise, you will lose the face which is totally unacceptable by the thai tradition.

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" The research work has been patented and also published in three international academic publication"


In which internationally recognized scientific papers did they publish their research?

Edited by AlQaholic
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36 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

As I said, your perspective is skewed. 90% is exactly the kind of baseless conjecture that scientific research rejects.

Come on, I am not a scientist so I don't need to present all my views under the "scientific research" brand. Instead , I base what I say on my own experience and the common sense. 

Also, we all know very well how this so called "research mantra" can be misused by anyone who wants. For example , by you in your last post above.

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21 minutes ago, Johpa said:

cutting edge technology as well as "me to" lifestyle drugs such as erectile dysfunction and hair loss drugs.

I am in dire need of both send me a contact point. As you point out its the cost factor that impedes the help for all part. The Hippocratic oath went out the window long ago enter the God of Greed. The rich and famous will benefit from these life saving miracles and the rest of us are here to provide the rich and famous with creature comforts. Who can afford movie tickets for two anymore and drinks and popcorn. I have to leave every 20 minutes or so to piddle so I miss a lot of the movie. Did you ever get lost going to the bathroom. Those stereo speakers in the theater are great till the train comes roaring down the track then I must insert ear plugs. 

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10 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

Come on, I am not a scientist so I don't need to present all my views under the "scientific research" brand. Instead , I base what I say on my own experience and the common sense. 

Also, we all know very well how this so called "research mantra" can be misused by anyone who wants. For example , by you in your last post above.


Your assessment of the situation is distorted as backed up my your own words - there is nothing about research in that you just said something unsupportable and there is little evidence of "common sense" - whatever that may be.


I seldom use the "research mantra" - as in citations on a forum, i think it displays a lack of argument


"I say on my own experience and the common sense". however I do often point out that the plural of anecdote is not data.

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5 hours ago, performance said:

Great work and good to see some advanced workings in Thailand. Although is not proven and it can not be called a cure. Let's test it on a western patient under observation via western specialists. 

The American Medical Association and big Pharma will soon nip this in the bud if there is any truth to it. The Rak plant has no place in wall street or the AMA.  Would try it before I would let them do Chemo therapy and/or surgery. I hope I'm wrong but I sure don't trust the western medical system.

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1 hour ago, George Graham said:

Thai culture simply does not allow for the application of the scientific process. 

Hey I believe they invented the oxen driven plow, it still works good to this day. Maybe that was just a lazy guy tired of pulling the plow and not a scientist. What about Red Bull there must have been science involved there. Sorry man I agree 100%. I believe there are hundreds of chemicals that will kill cancer, finding one that won't kill me is the problem. That said I think I would be the lab animal before Chemo.

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As Ben Goldacre says in his book "Bad Science" (referred to by Loeilad above), finding a chemical that kills cancer cells, while sounding great in newspaper articles, bears no relationship at all to the likelihood of developing an anticancer drug over the subsequent ten or more years drug development inevitably takes.


Goldacre points out that dishwashing detergent kills cancer cells. This doesn't mean Fairy Liquid is the next big cancer cure.

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4 hours ago, whatproblem said:

In my village they buy lotion for cure HIV and a man will spit on you if you are ill for a hundred baht 


Not a big difference to what they practice in the modern clinics nowadays. Actually no, there is one big difference - you pay much much more than 100 baht. Last time I visited a neurologist he spat on me a couple of useless sentences and prescribed me my medicine which I was taking for several months already (it was initially prescribed by another doctor). He charged me 1300 baht for the 2 minutes visit (this NOT including the medicine's cost).

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4 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

Where are the clinical trials? How can they make such a statement when their claims have not been tested and independently tested to verify the results.

Goes along side the cures for Ebola And HIV


Where are the clinical trials? How can they make such a statement when their claims have not been tested and independently tested to verify the results.


Because they are Thai and live in fantasy land.

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8 hours ago, Alive said:

I'm pretty sure they had a cure for HIV and Ebola. They might already have a cure for cancer somewhere in their records. Whatever the case, I think Prayuth should contact world leaders and let them know and call in the international press to make a statement. With the record Thailand has so far at ending these scourges, the future looks bright. :shock1::sad:

can they cure cancer twice? sure took my mind off all the other stuff going on in thailand now, for about a minute.

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2 hours ago, AlQaholic said:


" The research work has been patented and also published in three international academic publication"


In which internationally recognized scientific papers did they publish their research?

Dandy ,Beano, Topper?

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What a good job this thread was not started in the Health Foirum!


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Posters should be aware that factual misstatements abound on the internet and, to a lesser extent, in printed media. In particular, broad claims to the effect that "X number of (doctors/scientists)" agree to something or that something has been "proven in X number of studies" without specific citations are often fictitious. If a poster chooses to repeat such information as fact, the burden of ensuring these citations are reliable rest with the poster, who should take the time to verify this.

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5 hours ago, joebrown said:

Very interesting about 'spitting'. A few years ago in Phetchabun I witnessed a bizarre procedure applied to an old lady with cataracts in her eyes. A bottle of Thai Fire Water (Blue Label) was bought for 75bht and a local 'witch doctor' sipped the alcholol without swallowing. He then blew a spray of alcohol into her eyes a few times. This was followed by some ritual chanting. A true story. However, I'm not sure who benefitted most from this ritual. 

Easy answer, the seller of the firewater of course, 75% markup.

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I could imagine that certain substances can suppress growth of cell regions. I once read that Natron/Natrium can do that.

Not sure if it can help for all kinds of cancer or just specific ones. They wash wounds with Natrium lye after surgery in an Italian clinic and I read that this reduces cancers from reappearing.

Curious why this isn't common knowledge - either it's simply not true or another suppressed piece of information by the pharmaceutical industry (natrium is just too damned cheap!).

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6 hours ago, PattayaBoy said:

My first thought after reading topic was I heard that before, Again? 555

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


You're right to think that you've heard it before, consider this article dated back in 2006 for instance : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4087983/


Article title ''Anticancer and cytotoxic properties of the latex of Calotropis procera in a transgenic mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma"


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