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Trump: I'll run America like my business. Clinton: Let's not


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2 hours ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?


Hillary can't steal the election without help from Republican governors in key swing states--Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, etc.  Though I don't expect logic will shake your belief in Trump's absurd claim about election rigging.

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9 hours ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?

Are those real questions?  We're you hatched out of an egg yesterday?


Actually, Muslim fundamentalists probably won't like HRC, because she will surely do what she can to ban perversions/mutilations against women in Muslim countries.  


Trump, ha, he won't even give it lip service.


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19 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Churchill was a great wartime leader.  But not the right person to govern afterwards. Remember that he wanted to hold on to the Empire. Which was ludicrous given the UK's condition after the war and the rise of nationalism. 

A valid point. One thing that I have noticed from then till now is we sure have not made made much progress in "choosing" the right person for the times. Thus you have the emergence of Donald (The Terminator) Trump.  

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On 10/27/2016 at 3:41 PM, boomerangutang said:

Here are some people to ask - whether Trump, as a businessman, should run the largest economy in the world:


>>>  contractors who have been stiffed from getting paid.  It usually happens on the final payment-due.   I've been a building contractor  in the US.  I would never work for Trump.  Usually, the first several payments go to pay materials and labor.  Every contractor, looks forward to that closing payment, because that's his/her profit.  Trump doesn't pay it.  When the contractor tries to contact Trump to complain, he gets a lawyer on the phone who says something like, "We didn't like the quality of your work.  If you want to sue us, go ahead.  We've got nearly 4,000 lawsuits on continuance.  Get in line.   If you're lucky, you may get 10 cents on the dollar in 45 years. ha ha ha."


>>>  Ask the investors who trusted Trump with his several giant casino projects.   Trump  declared bankruptcies on them, then walked away with a grin and bags full of cash.  The investors all went for losses.


Boomer so the story goes. But I put it to you that if every contractor and investor got stiffed in this way then he would eventually never get anything done.With 1000's of contracts over the years I'm sure that some things are bound to go belly up and lawsuits abound. I've lost a lot of money the same way, but in business you hope that it's minimal and you control the amount of credit you extend. Part of the risk of doing business. With Trump while some stories may be true it's bound to become part of an urban legend as well because of his celebrity status.

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On 10/27/2016 at 4:06 PM, Emster23 said:

Someone needs to take Donald aside and explain that a country going bankrupt is a bit different than one of his businesses. For one thing, there is not International Income Tax, so couldn't carry losses forward for 18 years so as to avoid later taxes. He and his fans are so willfully ignorant regarding real world it is appalling


So in your real world the now $20 Trillion national debt is not carrying losses forward?

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23 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You mean when she wins the election?

The USA should alter who to elect based on what Muslim nations may or may not think?

It is a "yes or no" question.  I repeat: will she be respected..by Muslim nations?  Based on their views and actions towards women, I say "no."

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually there have been plenty of studies showing that the richer you are the less empathetic and honest you are.


Well I would have said the opposite so we can both dig up statistical evidence if you like. In my country (not the USA) there are rich individuals and families who have worked hard to get somewhere (not standing on someone else to get there as you're implying) who are quietly the most generous. My thinking is the left are the most stingy who are full of self righteous indignation to the plight of the poor but seldom give anything to charities.  

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Actually if we could get the amount of money the US government loses every year to less than a billion US dollars (the amount Trump wrote off as a loss in a single year) we would be in a much better position than we currently are.


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39 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

It is a "yes or no" question.  I repeat: will she be respected..by Muslim nations?  Based on their views and actions towards women, I say "no."


And yet we've had female heads of state in Muslim nations, and Clinton never had a problem meeting Muslim heads of state.

This is just rubbish.

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7 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Actually if we could get the amount of money the US government loses every year to less than a billion US dollars (the amount Trump wrote off as a loss in a single year) we would be in a much better position than we currently are.



Yes well Trump's entire budget is a tiny fraction of that of the US economy, so if you extrapolate you wouldn't sleep at night.

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Obama ran the POTUS office just like he used to run the Community Workshops - idealistic and incompetent with no understanding of the real world. Crooked Hillary would be even worse - much worse - the Clinton Foundation type corruption would bankrupt America.  


Trump is a businessman and although he is not perfect, he knows how to create jobs and understands how business works. He also understands how the corrupt system works - just as the Clintons do. But Trump will not use the POTUS position for his own benefit as they would, he will do it for the benefit of American businesses and people. 



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12 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Obama ran the POTUS office just like he used to run the Community Workshops - idealistic and incompetent with no understanding of the real world. Crooked Hillary would be even worse - much worse - the Clinton Foundation type corruption would bankrupt America.  


Trump is a businessman and although he is not perfect, he knows how to create jobs and understands how business works. He also understands how the corrupt system works - just as the Clintons do. But Trump will not use the POTUS position for his own benefit as they would, he will do it for the benefit of American businesses and people. 





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24 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Obama ran the POTUS office just like he used to run the Community Workshops - idealistic and incompetent with no understanding of the real world. Crooked Hillary would be even worse - much worse - the Clinton Foundation type corruption would bankrupt America.  


Trump is a businessman and although he is not perfect, he knows how to create jobs and understands how business works. He also understands how the corrupt system works - just as the Clintons do. But Trump will not use the POTUS position for his own benefit as they would, he will do it for the benefit of American businesses and people. 



My understanding is the Trump News streaming service will run you about $20 a month, starting around January 2017.  Please sign up so you can start personally donating to Donald Trump’s billionaire empire and his continued success as a "businessman". If he can get some 15 million idiots like you to sign up, that will be, what? $300 million a month? He, and the other 3 amigos, will be laughing all the way to bank. 


Wake up. They are populist demogues. They are playing to your fears and hatreds for their own benefit.  They could care less about you and your problems. Never in the entire history of mankind has a populist  demogue ever done anything but leave a wake of destruction and heartaches  behind them. The list is endless. 


Edited by thaihome
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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

Obama ran the POTUS office just like he used to run the Community Workshops - idealistic and incompetent with no understanding of the real world. Crooked Hillary would be even worse - much worse - the Clinton Foundation type corruption would bankrupt America.  


Trump is a businessman and although he is not perfect, he knows how to create jobs and understands how business works. He also understands how the corrupt system works - just as the Clintons do. But Trump will not use the POTUS position for his own benefit as they would, he will do it for the benefit of American businesses and people.


I bet you wouldn't suggest improving a poorly performing football team by putting in as quarterback an amateur who has never played football.  I'm certain that if you had a surgical procedure that didn't go well you wouldn't turn to a self-promoting "healer" with no medical training and experience to open you up and fix things.


Yet you want to put Donald Trump, a man with no experience in elected office, into the highest elected office in the US.  You want to put this man who has no military experience and has demonstrated complete ignorance about nuclear strategy, policy and threats in charge of a nuclear arsenal and the nuclear policy of the US. 


You are willing to do this because he loudly and repeatedly claims he'll be great at it.  He offers no proof of his ability, just as he offers no proof that he is a billionaire and won't release his tax records so his business competence and ethics can be verified.  You've been completely taken in by a shameless showman who offers glitz instead of substance.


Why to people think that being president is an easy job that requires no prior experience?  Why do they think it is so inconsequential it is ok to put a clearly unqualified, self-promoting loud-mouth in the job?

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It is a "yes or no" question.  I repeat: will she be respected..by Muslim nations?  Based on their views and actions towards women, I say "no."

I have to assume you get all your information about Muslim nations from Trump and Hannity?
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4 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

Just answer the question; that's all.

Of course they'll respect here just like they respect the leader of any powerful nation. You think that the people who run these nations are going to put their views about women ahead of the interests of their respective countries?  Do we have reports of women leaders of other nations being disrespected by the leaders of Moslem nations? 

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Of course they'll respect here just like they respect the leader of any powerful nation. You think that the people who run these nations are going to put their views about women ahead of the interests of their respective countries?  Do we have reports of women leaders of other nations being disrespected by the leaders of Moslem nations? 

Thank you for answering the question.  The first and only person to do so.  No, I do not think it is a "no brainer..."

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How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money : Mr. Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad.




Trump: 'There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money':  Because it takes, the risk, you get a good chunk of it and it takes the risk. We’re going to do this, in this case, from a humanitarian standpoint. OPM: other people’s money.”










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      Trump is wrong on so many issues, it's hard to know how to prioritize them.  One way to list them: Which of his ignorant spins on issues will cause most harm to people (we'll deal with environmental destruction in another topic).


       Trump claims he will lower taxes for rich and middle class.  What he doesn't tell you is; he will lower taxes more for the rich and super rich percentage-wise.  As for dollar amounts, it's like comparing spaces in a sports stadium to a matchbox.   His tax plan give himself and his family massive breaks (altho it's rather moot, because he dodges taxes anyway).  




        Another part of the equation:  less taxes = less money to spend.   Who's going to take a haircut?  Not the military (Trump wants to dramatically increase military spending).   Not welfare for the rich (PIK, TARP, etc) .   Not % payments on trillions of national debt.   What's left?  cut back SS?   Not likely, because a lot of middle aged white folks who voted for Trump are SS recipients.  Same for veterans benefits.   So what's left to gut?  How about programs which help the least powerful sectors of America:  Head Start, Meals on Wheels, Lunches for inner-city school kids, National Parks (animals and trees don't vote), School grants for inner cities.  


       Trump has already said he will do away with DOE, EPA and IRS.  He'll probably add PBS, NPR, NASA, and Weather Services to the mix.  Weather reports are BS from scientists, aren't they?  .....particularly Chinese scientists who are pulling a ruse about a warming planet, according to Great Leader Trump.  


Edited by boomerangutang
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