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Some Republicans are discussing their plans for President Clinton — starting with impeachment


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52 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

The Congressional Republicans have demonstrated that they are impotent puzzyfarts. They aren't going to Impeach anybody...especially a President with a media who constantly have their wagons circled around her to protect her legacy. If the media doesn't report it, then it effectively didn't happen.  Perception is reality.

Well, since they most likely will still have a majority after the election, I hope they do pursue impeachment. It's a kind of self-deportation -- out of governing.

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On 11/6/2016 at 0:19 AM, Publicus said:


Let's go a step further to invoke the apocalypse while we're at it.


The Four of 'em.


Trump, Bannon, Preibus, Putin.


Funny actually Publicus, even for you.

Serious question since you seem to know your own justice/political intricacies more than I, if it was proven that Saudi Arabia (or any of the other Arab states) donated to the Clinton Foundation and ISIS, could that amount to treason on the basis of receiving money from countries that fund enemies?

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


Funny actually Publicus, even for you.

Serious question since you seem to know your own justice/political intricacies more than I, if it was proven that Saudi Arabia (or any of the other Arab states) donated to the Clinton Foundation and ISIS, could that amount to treason on the basis of receiving money from countries that fund enemies?


For those who presume too much.

Adynaton (plural adynata) is a figure of speech in the form of hyperbole taken to such extreme lengths as to insinuate a complete impossibility: I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one on his cheek.

In the same vein as 'If pigs could fly...'


If. If. If.


Questions from the back end of the world.

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Anyone who thinks democrat means democracy is deluded. I am not a Trump supporter either. But Hilary and her bunch are not a symbol of  a republic or a democracy. The opposite in fact. Fascism is probably the closest political ideology their actions relate to. I am not a Trump supporter. I am a person who believes in fairness and decency. None of which I see in Hilary. I understand politics very well and see it for what it is. A lie. A smoke screen to allow a small number of vast companies and very powerful people to do what they like with our planet and our lives. The peopel have no say whatsoever in the policies or what is carried out. That is a form of fascism not democracy and certainly not a republic.



Obama said he would end nuclear weapons. The truth...more money was spent on nuclear warheads then any other president in history. More drone attacks and deaths then any other presidency. Sound like the decent democracy and humane actions of good people.

More wars have been started under Democratic governments then republicans.

The media is so biased and controlled by liberalism that it stifles any form of descent or opinion not accepted by the democratic parties.

Do we need to mention the foundation and where the money comes from ? I am sure you are intelligent enough to know and have read all the reports. I won't bore you again with the sordid details


I could go on but it gets tiresome.


I am not a republican, nor am I,  a Trump supporter. But any one with a brain can see the great USA has been hijacked and it is an oligarchy who pull the strings. An oligarchy of huge companies and very rich powerful people. The great shame of it all, is that so many people fall for the garbage they read and still support these horrible people. Hilary is a very dangerous choice juts because you do not like Trump.  Good luck with that. Until the people wake up from their brainwashed state it will continue. I know one thing, I would never wish to meet any of them, talk to them or sully my life with their sordid behaviour. They are not people to be respected but looked down on with disgust. Crazy to think people pay their salaries too and they are supposed to work for the people. All very sad.



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2 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


For those who presume too much.

Adynaton (plural adynata) is a figure of speech in the form of hyperbole taken to such extreme lengths as to insinuate a complete impossibility: I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one on his cheek.

In the same vein as 'If pigs could fly...'


If. If. If.


Questions from the back end of the world.


Statement from the enlightened front end of the world who doesn't know that the Afghan taliban killed 2 American soldiers 3 days ago and thinks the taliban is no longer a threat. 

Edited by Linzz
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3 hours ago, Linzz said:


Funny actually Publicus, even for you.

Serious question since you seem to know your own justice/political intricacies more than I, if it was proven that Saudi Arabia (or any of the other Arab states) donated to the Clinton Foundation and ISIS, could that amount to treason on the basis of receiving money from countries that fund enemies?


The question deals with allies, enemies, war, peace. It is set up from a particular agenda which means the question is skewed, packed full, and that it is a leading one to target the Foundation rather than to inquire or to present evidence. 


While the question would draw minus points in debate because no judge would ever pose such a horridly conceived construct, in the real world one would need to focus on any possible/probable connection among the three subjects presented in the non-equation. Instead the question is entirely political innuendo and bent.


A prosecutor gets nosy because there is a law about something that may look suspicious. A political ideologue gets nosy because of, well, politics. 

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2 hours ago, davidcc said:

But Hilary and her bunch are not a symbol of  a republic or a democracy. The opposite in fact. Fascism is probably the closest political ideology their actions relate to.


Given the history of most good fascists, I find this nothing short of delusional.


Let's list a few of them:




Curbs on a free press.
Protectionist economic policies.

Imaginary enemies of the state.

All elements you'd associate with Fascism.

And ALL key elements of Trump's campaign.



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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


Statement from the enlightened front end of the world who doesn't know that the Afghan taliban killed 2 American soldiers 3 days ago and thinks the taliban is no longer a threat. 


Sorry. Taliban and Afghanistan. What's this got to do with the Clinton Foundation or Saudi Arabia.


Oh. I forgot. Your stupid comment on this issue got deleted so you are trying to revive it. By putting words in my mouth. Well, for the slow learners at the back end of the World, I observed that the US has been in discussions with the Taliban for some time because they, like many of us who understand the situation, that a military solution will not work in Afghanistan. Only a political solution will. Of course, shallow thinkers can pull articles from newspapers and try and prove some point but really, quite a stretch to say that the recent Taliban attack in Kunduz demonstrates that Hillary supports terrorists because somehow the father of the Orlando shooter is implicated. Gingrich tweeted that Comey is being 'twisted into an indefensible pretzel of contradictions'


The destruction of James Comey by political pressure is painful to watch. He is being twisted into an indefensible pretzel of contradictions

  • Your pretzel of stupid allegations against Clinton defies even Comey's twisted actions.

If they don't have pretzels in New Zealand, you can google the term.



Any more pearls of wisdom about Afghanistan?

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


The question deals with allies, enemies, war, peace. It is set up from a particular agenda which means the question is skewed, packed full, and that it is a leading one to target the Foundation rather than to inquire or to present evidence. 


While the question would draw minus points in debate because no judge would ever pose such a horridly conceived construct, in the real world one would need to focus on any possible/probable connection among the three subjects presented in the non-equation. Instead the question is entirely political innuendo and bent.


A prosecutor gets nosy because there is a law about something that may look suspicious. A political ideologue gets nosy because of, well, politics. 


OK thanks for the non answer. You just go into your reasons why you think I might have posted which really isn't interesting. 


Apparently HRC sent an email to Podesta in 2014 in which she said that SA and Qatar were both giving financial and logistical support to ISIS and other extremist Sunni groups. Wikileaks, which hasn't been denied.

Meanwhile The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department. — Reuters November 4, 2016


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37 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Sorry. Taliban and Afghanistan. What's this got to do with the Clinton Foundation or Saudi Arabia.


Oh. I forgot. Your stupid comment on this issue got deleted so you are trying to revive it. By putting words in my mouth. Well, for the slow learners at the back end of the World, I observed that the US has been in discussions with the Taliban for some time because they, like many of us who understand the situation, that a military solution will not work in Afghanistan. Only a political solution will. Of course, shallow thinkers can pull articles from newspapers and try and prove some point but really, quite a stretch to say that the recent Taliban attack in Kunduz demonstrates that Hillary supports terrorists because somehow the father of the Orlando shooter is implicated. Gingrich tweeted that Comey is being 'twisted into an indefensible pretzel of contradictions'


The destruction of James Comey by political pressure is painful to watch. He is being twisted into an indefensible pretzel of contradictions

  • Your pretzel of stupid allegations against Clinton defies even Comey's twisted actions.

If they don't have pretzels in New Zealand, you can google the term.



Any more pearls of wisdom about Afghanistan?


Yip. Congratulations, you found a new playschool word you can blow bubbles with. Glad you got to read my post. You've pounced on the opportunity to repost your answer. But sadly for you I never said "the recent attack in Kunduz demonstrates Hillary supports terrorists". I said the father of the Orlando shooter supported Hillary and the Taliban. Hillary just supports her bank account, or gets others to do that. Everything eventually will unravel as sure as the truth eventually will come out.

Anyway New Zealand has just been voted the number one country in the world to live, so why would we need pretzels when we have kumara chips?



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44 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Apparently HRC sent an email to Podesta in 2014 in which she said that SA and Qatar were both giving financial and logistical support to ISIS and other extremist Sunni groups.


No, this has not been proven that the source of the information was from Hillary or that it came from another source. You might say that Hillary read about it in the email but she wasn't necessarily the one that supplied this information.

Edited by Silurian
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20 hours ago, Publicus said:

Arnold had endorsed Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who was eventually terminated by Republican party primary voters. Arnold as far as we know has fallen quiet. No one knows if he'll be back.


The Terminator will have to have a shootout with Clint Eastwood

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3 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Yip. Congratulations, you found a new playschool word you can blow bubbles with. Glad you got to read my post. You've pounced on the opportunity to repost your answer. But sadly for you I never said "the recent attack in Kunduz demonstrates Hillary supports terrorists". I said the father of the Orlando shooter supported Hillary and the Taliban. Hillary just supports her bank account, or gets others to do that. Everything eventually will unravel as sure as the truth eventually will come out.

Anyway New Zealand has just been voted the number one country in the world to live, so why would we need pretzels when we have kumara chips?




Nothing against New Zealand, nor New Zealanders. Have been there many times and work well with many of them/you. Nothing against New Zealanders commenting on global affairs either, including the US election. What is a bit rich though is a non American carrying on as if they have some role in the election and regurgitating the right wing fringe talking points as if they are some relevance to a non American's perspective.


Hillary just supports her bank account is typical of the BS that you keep shoving at us. You hurl innuendo generated by some other person with a clear political agenda as if you have some intimate knowledge of the situation. You are making some silly allusion to speaking fees? Then why just focus on Hillary Clinton. It is part of the political game, just like ghost written books and talking head punditry. Corey Lewandowsky gets paid by CNN and I have never heard him give a straight answer to any question put to him. Just the usual right wing polemic. But when it comes to Hillary Clinton, then getting paid for speaking is somehow a sin.


Hillary Clinton, like all high level and prominent individuals, whether in politics, sports, media or other walks is no longer an individual. She is an enterprise operating under a corporate structure. Fees paid to her for speeches would be treated as the same as any corporate revenue. The money will pay for operating expenses, staffing, investment in future projects. All sorts of things that a business has to cover. Her corporate self would charge as much as the market will bear, just like any other capitalist. Of course she will be considering her bank account. It is her fiduciary responsibility as a corporate entity to do so.


Your shallow analysis of the events in Afghanistan and the morbid and distasteful use of the Orlando massacre of LGBT people and LGBT supporters to push your tawdry gutter attacks on Clinton are more twisted than Gingrich's pretzel and the Afghan stuff is way off topic. As is your incomprehensible play school references. Please try slapping me with something more consequential that a piece of wet lettuce. If you have the chops for it that is.

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21 minutes ago, Linzz said:


The Terminator will have to have a shootout with Clint Eastwood


The two guyz pushing each wheelchair are more likely to get plugged.


Protective vests for 'em along with metal shields might also be well advised as attendants.


As for the principals, Clint is older and a bit shaky but based on past performance he likes talking to an empty chair.  

Edited by Publicus
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12 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Nothing against New Zealanders commenting on global affairs either, including the US election. What is a bit rich though is a non American carrying on as if they have some role in the election


I find it gripping and what will happen will affect everyone. I have been ignoring my own country's news in favour of the US's. My wife says it's my reuang nam nao. Too bad you think I'm an interloper but you're being a bit precious. Just ignore me and if you think I have nothing useful to add and you can just preach to your choir. Anyway your commentary is too much clever showmanship to be very useful.


30 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

You hurl innuendo generated by some other person with a clear political agenda as if you have some intimate knowledge of the situation.


I have the same set of instruments as any other person on this planet to research available information and probably know as much if not more than the average American. Things I don't know I ask Publicus because he knows everything else. 

Thing is if I was praising Hillary and the Dems you would be welcoming my voice from NZ and doing your patronizing thing so really you're just another partisan political hack

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31 minutes ago, Linzz said:


I find it gripping and what will happen will affect everyone. I have been ignoring my own country's news in favour of the US's. My wife says it's my reuang nam nao. Too bad you think I'm an interloper but you're being a bit precious. Just ignore me and if you think I have nothing useful to add and you can just preach to your choir. Anyway your commentary is too much clever showmanship to be very useful.



I have the same set of instruments as any other person on this planet to research available information and probably know as much if not more than the average American. Things I don't know I ask Publicus because he knows everything else. 

Thing is if I was praising Hillary and the Dems you would be welcoming my voice from NZ and doing your patronizing thing so really you're just another partisan political hack


You have no idea of my politics. You have no basis for any assumption. You believe that you are fulfilling some mission to be the most informed person on the US election? With all your research - by which you mean google bingo. You have never once critiqued the platform of the Right. You merely repeat innuendo and anti Hillary talking points.


I have engaged in some discussion of political views with some posters but not with you. You are a mere polemicist. You offer nothing. There is no possible way to counter polemic except with more polemic. You are not interested in a discussion. You just want to show off your supposed knowledge. If you find my response to this self serving, intellectual self abuse patronizing, then you are most certainly on the right track.


When you first started posting on TVF you made a big deal about sticking to the facts. Like most of the right wing reactionary set who have lived in a bubble for most of their lives and get a shock when someone pricks their self inflated ego. Then you made a big thing about stalking Publicus. Trying to take down the 'big dog', something you have still failed to do with any competence. And now you presume to lecture, instruct and label me. If and when you say something that has some insight or meaning or objective analysis on American politics and life, I may pay attention and respond accordingly. I don't believe you have the capacity to do this - on the basis of your thousand previous posts.

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7 hours ago, Linzz said:


I find it gripping and what will happen will affect everyone. I have been ignoring my own country's news in favour of the US's. My wife says it's my reuang nam nao. Too bad you think I'm an interloper but you're being a bit precious. Just ignore me and if you think I have nothing useful to add and you can just preach to your choir. Anyway your commentary is too much clever showmanship to be very useful.



I have the same set of instruments as any other person on this planet to research available information and probably know as much if not more than the average American. Things I don't know I ask Publicus because he knows everything else. 

Thing is if I was praising Hillary and the Dems you would be welcoming my voice from NZ and doing your patronizing thing so really you're just another partisan political hack

I promise you that you if supported Hlllary with the same kind of bad logic and misinformation that you use to support Trump, I would not welcome you. I can't speak for what Tawan might do. The difference between you and me is that I know I can't.

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On 11/4/2016 at 5:54 PM, Pinot said:


Well, there are two things that can't happen. Want to try for a third? She can't be pardoned because she's not charged with anything and she can't pardon herself. 


Oh you WERE JOKING, that's funny. I always have trouble getting the right wing jokes. 




Carry on.

You were saying!

The right to pardon is an authority given to the President of the United States (POTUS) by the US Constitution in Article II, Section 2. This section specifically reads that the POTUS “shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.” Essentially, the only way presidential pardon is restricted by the constitution is under the circumstance of the sitting president being impeached. Self-pardon is not restricted by law, and under interpretation by the Supreme Court, a president could have the right to pardon himself not only for crimes he has committed, but also for crimes with which he has not yet been charged. As of yet, no president has actually pardoned himself for committing crimes or from actions that might later be considered crimes. - See more at: http://www.rense.com/general96/presidentpardonself.htm#sthash.5cBUhzSC.dpuf

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On 11/7/2016 at 1:29 PM, Chicog said:


Given the history of most good fascists, I find this nothing short of delusional.


Let's list a few of them:




Curbs on a free press.
Protectionist economic policies.

Imaginary enemies of the state.

All elements you'd associate with Fascism.

And ALL key elements of Trump's campaign.



You are talking to the converted my friend. I do not like any of them. I matured a long time ago and realised they are all the same. Free press ha ha. The monopoly of the media is owned by Time Warner. Please do research before making a statement. See how own companies and see what their strategy is. Do some home work and you will soon be enlightened. Imaginary enemies of the state...come on....what do you think Syria was and all thsese others.....When one truly opens ones eyes and mind to the reality of life, without prejudice, one then starts to become wise.  You can look up which great thinker said that. Have a great day buddy. By the way I support non eof them. I am clean of propaganda and having my mind manipulated. I think for myself.

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In another direction Trump is now handing out goodies to the party faithful (Prior to the election they were few in numbers but the Trump tsunami has swept them on board) He is handing out lollipops to some and putting others on his future hit list. Seem Mr. Christie is now out and Trump son in law is wielding more power. Is there a whiff of nepotism in the air methinks. Stay tuned. 

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