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Trump back on campaign after Reno gun drama


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Trump back on campaign after Reno gun drama

Catherine Hardy




RENO: -- Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail after a security alert led to him being rushed off stage in Reno.


The US Republic Party’s presidential candidate is targeting Democratic strongholds ahead of Tuesday’s vote.


Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota are on the list.


What happened in Reno?


Trump was briefly hustled off stage by secret service agents.


They had jumped on a man in the crowd who was holding a sign saying “Republicans Against Trump”, fearing he had a gun.


Trump came back on stage minutes later.


“Nobody said it was going to be easy for us. I want to thank the Secret Service.”


How events unfolded


  • Trump stopped his speech after seeing something in the crowd
  • He was rushed off stage by two agents
  • The protester was held down and searched


Officials later confirmed that someone in the crowd had shouted “gun!”.


“Upon a thorough search of the subject and the surrounding area, no weapon was found.”


“A thorough investigation is ongoing at this time by the US Secret Service and the Reno Police Department,” a statement added.


The protester

The man at the centre of the disturbance says he was attacked when he got out his sign.

Austyn Crites says he did not have a gun.


Last-minute changes


Both candidates are making last-minute changes to their itineraries.


Poll numbers are on the decine in some of Clinton’s key Democratic states.


Trump campaigners are keen to capitalise on what they see as an opportunity.

What do the polls say?


Hillary Clinton remains ahead in most polls, but the gap is narrowing.


A McClatchy-Marist opinion poll, released on Saturday and of voters nationwide, shows Clinton leading by one percentage point.


This is compared to six percentage points in September.


A Reuters-Ipsos tracking poll from Saturday shows Clinton ahead by four percentage points nationally, compared to five points on Friday.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-07
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This election really shows America's stupidity and lack of moral understanding.

  One candidate a criminal,under investigation by the FBI a threat to national safety. The majority of americans appear to have no problem having a criminal run their country.

 The other candidate simply says things people do not like. 

  American's appear to put more value on sexist remarks and strong racial motivated talk ,than criminal activity It seems it is ok to a be crook but please do not say any thing that could be taken as racist or sexist.

  I think it is time America got back on track. To bad they will not let Trump in office so it can be done.

  Clinton is basically looking  for voting support from the ghettos.She gets in America will keep its down ward spiral.May be by the end of her term there will be even more ghettos across the country.

   Do people really believe a crook will change given more power? No of course not. Will just do more criminal activities to suit their needs.

Edited by lovelomsak
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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

There was no "drama," the Secret Service protective detail f'ed-up.

I wouldn't blame the Secret Service - the moment someone in the crowd shouted "gun" they had no choice but to get their principal out of the area.


Far more to blame would be the crowd who beat and stomped the protestor for doing nothing more than raising a sign which said "Republicans Against Trump." Next in line would be the idiot who shouted "gun."

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This protester was a hired gun by the DNC. He has been to many Trump rallies and paid by the DNC to disrupt them. Proof is all over the net.

DNC gestapo tactics are SOP for the ugly Democrats. Only way they can win. Fair play is just an n-word for their ilk.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The protester

The man at the centre of the disturbance says he was attacked when he got out his sign.

Austyn Crites says he did not have a gun.


Austyn has been a member of the Republican party since 2011. It just goes to show the DT is pushing mainstream Republicans to vote for Hillary. DT just doesn't appeal to voters like Austyn. When Austyn tried to voice his opinion, he was quickly tackled and assaulted by the "non-violent" DT supporters. His simple sign "Republicans against Trump" is very telling protest.


Oh, yeah, and now being billed as an "assassination attempt" is the most laughable thing of all. DT and his ilk need to dig deep into the well of the imaginary to come up with that one. Gosh, DT was almost assassinated by a man with a sign! How pathetic. Give me a break.


Edited by Silurian
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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


Austyn has been a member of the Republican party since 2011. It just goes to show the DT is pushing mainstream Republicans to vote for Hillary. DT just doesn't appeal to voters like Austyn. When Austyn tried to voice his opinion, he was quickly tackled and assaulted by the "non-violent" DT supporters. His simple sign "Republicans against Trump" is very telling protest.


Oh, yeah, and now being billed as an "assassination attempt" is the most laughable thing of all. DT and his ilk need to dig deep into the well of the imaginary to come up with that one. Gosh, DT was almost assassinated by a man with a sign! How pathetic. Give me a break.



This tells a lot about the mob that attends D. Trump rallies , this is a sample of how these people will act after election day whatever the result is.

One way or the other they apparently seek for any opportunity to give a go to the hate and violence they have Inside their heart, and D. Trump showed them the way and keeps on fueling the fire.

He is totally addicted to this power of nuisance he has.

D. Trump is making America CRAZY.


Edited by Opl
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Lovelomsak you have it backwards....Trump is under indictment for fraud and racketeering. Hillary is under indictment for nothing at all. But like Trump don't let the truth get in the way of lies. It is time to say goodbye to this sociopathic liar come Tuesday night. On Inaguaration Day he will be following behind the police horses picking up horse turds....how appropriate. 

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5 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

I wouldn't blame the Secret Service - the moment someone in the crowd shouted "gun" they had no choice but to get their principal out of the area.


Far more to blame would be the crowd who beat and stomped the protestor for doing nothing more than raising a sign which said "Republicans Against Trump." Next in line would be the idiot who shouted "gun."

What about the idiot that tweeted "Assassination attempt made on my father"? I smell a setup.

Edited by elgordo38
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4 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

I think you can expect more of these false flag operations in the last couple of days to try and bring out a sympathy vote for Trump.

Yes its the way the Trump camp operates and the back water boys are gobbling it up hook line and sinker. 

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5 hours ago, jackh said:

This protester was a hired gun by the DNC. He has been to many Trump rallies and paid by the DNC to disrupt them. Proof is all over the net.


And this is one major factor in the brainwashing of the Trump supporter.

"Proof is all over the net".


It's what Alex Jones says on his show a lot.  "President Obama is a shape shifting lizard alien, if you don't believe me, look it up".

Top (and probably only) link in Google Search? "Infowars.org: President Obama is a shape shifting lizard alien".


How utterly gullible can you be?






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29 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

I think you can expect more of these false flag operations in the last couple of days to try and bring out a sympathy vote for Trump.


think it's entirely what that odious little toad giuliani was referring to when he said they still had a "couple of things up their sleeve". these lot are totally capable of bomb scares at polling stations for example.

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31 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

They did not find a gun its like the old smoking gun statement. Its all theatrics as his son tweeted right after "Assassination attempt made on my father" Its another back woods boys call to arms 

 You'r right it wasn't a gun it was a sign saying "republicans agains trump"

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1 hour ago, StevieH said:


think it's entirely what that odious little toad giuliani was referring to when he said they still had a "couple of things up their sleeve". these lot are totally capable of bomb scares at polling stations for example.

Yes politics is the same as trench warfare take no prisoners.

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