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The next stage: Will anti-Trump marches become a movement?


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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Not at all.  The Right has been most restrained you must admit.

Much more so than if the shoe was on the other foot.


Taking this forum as a benchmark. Not really.

I will grant you this, that had the situation be reversed, there would be similar reactions, yes.


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23 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

Very true, most of these basket cases probably have no clue what NATO is or what the issue is with China past the Chinese restaurant that donates to their local food bank - they'll go back to sleep soon enough.


The wrong things are all minor and not a big deal. 


Yes, and it is quite bizarre what a state they all got themselves into when it was merely suggested that Hillary may have jeopardized national security with her careless use of emails, but Trump talks of scrapping NATO and it's, who needs national security anyway?

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52 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

 Hillary may have jeopardized national security with her careless use of emails

Well, she absolutely demonstrated that she did with her home grown bathroom server being hacked by everyone, eh?  :post-4641-1156694572:

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8 hours ago, Morch said:


Well, that didn't too long. Let the purges begin....


The expected emergence of post-defeat with us or against us mentality, complete with the inability (or more charitably, unwillingness) to accept plurality of approaches and views, even when these are not in direct opposition to one's own.


Not being of a religious bent, an ideological true believer, or one to take causes and leaders at face value, I am rather used to my views, positions or motivations being misrepresented by purists of whatever persuasion. Nothing new or original, then, with the rant above. The fact free nature of the personal references in such diatribes is usually pretty obvious. Not different in this case.

Issue relating to right wing views getting more traction globally were addressed in my posts, and by PM with certain posters, over a period of few years now. And of course, "memo" was used in an altogether different context - namely, assertions that the protests are representative of mainstream views.


Full credit for comedy gold on haranguing others with regard to "lecturing" and "presumptuous" . Don't think I need to expand or dwell much on this point.


My posts, on pretty much any political topics, display a consistent line of thinking when it comes to discourse. Posters holding extreme views often find these anathema to their own convictions and style. Responses often incorporate the claims that with regard to pet subject on sale - all bets are off and vehemence is the order of the day. Similarly, issues related to divisions fragmenting societies, and the need to address them are a common theme. Understood that this too does not hold much appeal for those hooked on conflict. The no-one-to-talk-to is a run of the mill accompanying bogus claim.


Binary, black and white takes are not my thing. Too narrow, too limited, and almost never conforming to actual experience. What you read is what you get. When previously opining that HRC was the lesser of two evils, that's exactly what I meant. None of my posts indicates buying wholesale into campaign trail drivel, so not sure why the faux outrage is about. Seems like much of the electorate felt similarly.


Not too long ago, in response to an interesting post you made about the upcoming disintegration of the GOP, I wondered how things would pan out for the Democrats if they lost the elections. IMO, the protests and the post above reflect on the unfavorably on the answer. Run in circles, Scream and Shout.


To sum, have fun on your crusade, and save your long-winded, pompous nonsense for numpties impressed or intimidated by it. If it doesn't work for you, always welcome to opt for our previous understanding.



The post is 80% pulp fiction regret to say. This is so because it continues to try to establish an opponent when there isn't one, the proverbial strawman.


The greatest energy expended in the post is to continue to be determinedly self-righteous and erroneously aloof -- more or less unaffected. That is, passive -- if not disaffected, i.e., actively passive. The post is a bit fierce in the overall pursuit frankly, i.e., to speak from on high no matter.    


This poster self-initiated the interruption to the stalking and haranguing of another poster for a good reason. It was indeed semantics and it was in fact going nowhere. The suggested improvement, welcome or otherwise, might be to differentiate between the content and the methodology that distinguishes rather loudly left vs right -- the radical contrasts that are obvious.  


Perhaps some conscious thought might be given to how one wrongly focuses against the losing side in the election while essentially giving the sore winners a free pass. That is neither moderate, nor balanced, nor is it centrist.

Edited by Publicus
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42 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, she absolutely demonstrated that she did with her home grown bathroom server being hacked by everyone, eh?  :post-4641-1156694572:


No, she demonstrated that she would have done had there of been emails on there that did jeopardize national security, but as there weren't all she demonstrated was that she was careless with less than important emails.  Anyway, why no comment on Trumps little idea to scrap NATO mutual defense?  Does that not worry you at all?

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Just because of  KKK' as well as alt- right's support to D. Trump during the campaign - and because  of the position and role D. Trump  President-elect gives to S. Bannon, whatever happens next, whatever D. Trump's presidency becomes for better or worse -  in regard to America's History , there has to be at least reactions from the part of the U.S citizens who consider D. Trump as a potentially dangerous POTUS. With all informations we can have today nobody is entitled to say " I did not know".

Nobody can say - having S.  Bannon coaching POTUS is anodyne.


Edited by Opl
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40 minutes ago, Publicus said:



The post is 80% pulp fiction regret to say. This is so because it continues to try to establish an opponent when there isn't one, the proverbial strawman.


The greatest energy expended in the post is to continue to be determinedly self-righteous and erroneously aloof -- more or less unaffected. That is, passive -- if not disaffected, i.e., actively passive. The post is a bit fierce in the overall pursuit frankly, i.e., to speak from on high no matter.    


This poster self-initiated the interruption to the stalking and haranguing of another poster for a good reason. It was indeed semantics and it was in fact going nowhere. The suggested improvement, welcome or otherwise, might be to differentiate between the content and the methodology that distinguishes rather loudly left vs right -- the radical contrasts that are obvious.  


Perhaps some conscious thought might be given to how one wrongly focuses against the losing side in the election while essentially giving the sore winners a free pass. That is neither moderate, nor balanced, nor is it centrist.


The usual mumbo jumbo, covering not much whatsoever. Standard fare whenever a tirade gets botched.


My views are what I post, regardless of the imaginary interpretations you try to cast them as. Granted, they are not in line with your world view, posting style and general stance. Not about to change.


Last I checked, no one put you in charge of "stalking and haranguing" patrol on these forums. Most posters are perfectly able to fend for themselves, if they feel the need, without your assistance.


One would have to be quite out there to claim my posts amount to giving "free pass" when it comes to commenting or passing criticism on Trump or posts made by his supporters. I do, perhaps, have different expectations from different posters, based on their posting history - in some cases I find certain interactions pointless, or not worth the bother.


Now back to your crusade, and don't forget to purge.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


The usual mumbo jumbo, covering not much whatsoever. Standard fare whenever a tirade gets botched.


My views are what I post, regardless of the imaginary interpretations you try to cast them as. Granted, they are not in line with your world view, posting style and general stance. Not about to change.


Last I checked, no one put you in charge of "stalking and haranguing" patrol on these forums. Most posters are perfectly able to fend for themselves, if they feel the need, without your assistance.


One would have to be quite out there to claim my posts amount to giving "free pass" when it comes to commenting or passing criticism on Trump or posts made by his supporters. I do, perhaps, have different expectations from different posters, based on their posting history - in some cases I find certain interactions pointless, or not worth the bother.


Now back to your crusade, and don't forget to purge.


no one put you in charge of "stalking and haranguing" patrol on these forums.


Correct of course but it's easy to be correct about it -- glib perhaps. The statement does in fact attempt to create a false issue, and to try to devise the needed strawman that precipitates the concomitantly needed pursuit of the consciously and willfully targeted side, which is the losing side of the election.



One would have to be quite out there to claim my posts amount to giving "free pass" when it comes to commenting or passing criticism on Trump or posts made by his supporters...in some cases I find certain interactions pointless, or not worth the bother.


If you are going to dismiss and thus enable the triumphant and unrestrained right because they are per se or a priori  dismissable -- which they absolutely are not -- in favor of focusing on the opposition on this side, then you should not be surprised or offended that there is an appropriate response. You should expect one if not anticipate it. And accept it. Then proceed. In short, if you're going to initiate engagement against this side while further enabling the other side, then you are going to be engaged. Whining won't change it.


You know your approach is one-sided. So of course do we on this side know it. So if you might be surprised to feel some heat at the moment then it would be because the heat has in fact been turned on over here. Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.  


The right meanwhile may for these multiple reasons find itself placing you under their consideration as a nominee to be poster of the year over there. You of course would never accept (would you?). Still however, if placing the nominations over there were open, this poster would enter your name supported by the existing pages of posts. 

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I was about to answer ,but then realized that direct replies will only serve to exacerbate evident issues relating to the grandiose and persecutory delusions manifested in your posts. I hope, if not expect, that professional help will be sought.


You are hereby consigned to the very group of posters mentioned earlier. Please do not view this as an act lacking in empathy, as I believe it will save further embarrassment on the off chance your condition will improve.


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As stated, can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen so to close the kitchen door is a good idea for you -- and for others besides.


It removes a distraction to this poster that further enables me to focus on the radical right that has taken power over the country. Those who ignore the Right Sector in this respect while assailing its opposition are self-marginalised to begin with.

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