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The Philosophy Of Soap Operas


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The theme of western civilization is 'the myth of redemptive violence,' and the Thais are learning it.

I tell my Thai partner when the soap operas are running and the violence or shouting begins, "Oh, this story must be teaching Thailand that the Lord Buddha just loves shouting and disrespect of elders, and maybe it means that Buddha loves it when Buddhist Thais kill and kick each other. Is this what the monks taught you in the wat, 23 years ago, to kill other Buddhists in Thailand?"

Now, let me hasten to explain that my above statements are meant ironically. Soap operas in Thailand are, I assume, a disgrace to the teachings of the Lord Buddha. Kids in govt. school get an hour or two per week of instruction by good monks, and then go home to a home in Thailand full of displays of people-hitting, people-killing, and disrespect of elders. What's next - will the soap operas start to show the lead characters killing monks, smashing holy images, and burning wats?

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maybe because farangs wouldn't like the thai society to become like the westernised ones - with a rat race and dog eats dog philosophy, violence, one generation families and lack of community.

unfortunately soap operas aggravate those attitudes

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I think that even though we do not understand the dialogue, we can gather from the dramatically acted facial expressions, the over the top musical accompaniment, and the fact that the same people appear in each new serial, together with the previously mentioned shouting and occasional gun fire that these programs are not exactly intelligent fair. Most of them seem to take place a mystical hi-so land and don’t very much reflect Thai life for the majority.

I am no fan of Eastenders or Corrie, but by comparison they are Shakespearean. Some of the Thai shows are pantomime like at best and often worse.

Next you’ll be telling us that the Thai comic books are hi-brow and beyond our comprehension.

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maybe because farangs wouldn't like the thai society to become like the westernised ones - with a rat race and dog eats dog philosophy, violence, one generation families and lack of community.

unfortunately soap operas aggravate those attitudes

Yep, certainly no dog eat dog philosophy and violence in Thai society at the moment. :o

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I just don't see what the problem is.

How can foreigners complain about something they don't understand and is absolutely none of their business?

I really don't understand. :o

Same reason they use Internet forums in far-off corners of the Earth maybe, twit?

Actually local soaps aren't all that difficult to understand. They're just wannabe Dallas without budgets or acting skills. Hope this helps,...

Something you leave the missus watching whilst you go play sports or drinking. If you've got a pair...?

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They certainly strongly reinforce an image of women as very childish, petty, rapacious, somewhat pathetic sex objects given to frequent tantrums and clearly subservient to men in all departments.

Some may think that serves their purposes particularly as they play on every channel of Thai TV every day of the year.

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OK, i understand.

So farangs aren't capable of distinguishing between reality and fiction. Showing a gun on tv makes people think of using guns.

And do you(that someone) feel much better after calling me a twit? Can't you think of a better way to ease your anger?


Of course you have the right to critize, same do I. But you just don't know what you are talking about.

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They certainly strongly reinforce an image of women as very childish, petty, rapacious, somewhat pathetic sex objects given to frequent tantrums and clearly subservient to men in all departments.

Some may think that serves their purposes particularly as they play on every channel of Thai TV every day of the year.

And is not that the role that is desired of Thai women by those in Bangkok who write and produce these shows, to maintain the role of women, especially the poor, as mere property? What the author of the article leaves out is that these shows also define the social concept of beauty in Thailand as being other than ethnic Thai, either sino-Thai or nowadays luuk khreung, thus maintaining low self-esteem for all other women. I may find the local village lasses as pretty, but I never see girls who look like them appearing on Thai TV. These shows also teach that the only way to get through tribulations is by thinking only with your hormones and emotions, those who wish to engage in thoughtful rational contemplation need not apply.

These soaps are a the carefully constructed soma of the brave new modern (pattana charoen) world of Thailand. The soaps indeed serve their purpose, little different than the ancient Roman Colosseum spectacles, for those who are not able to afford to drown themselves in consumerism as do the many Khunyings abandoned by their husbands for a mia noi.

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So are people saying that thailand should not have soap operas on tv? :o

I may find the local village lasses as pretty, but I never see girls who look like them appearing on Thai TV.
There are. By the way, there are also lots of isaan girls who have very light coloured skin.

It is not the tv teaching people to like light coloured skin but rather the other way round.

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So are people saying that thailand should not have soap operas on tv? :o
I may find the local village lasses as pretty, but I never see girls who look like them appearing on Thai TV.
There are. By the way, there are also lots of isaan girls who have very light coloured skin.

It is not the tv teaching people to like light coloured skin but rather the other way round.

I make no comment nor judgement as to whether Thailand should have soap operas on TV.

But in my most humble opinion you have it arse backwards and that it is indeed the media, and the Madison Avenues of the world, that dictate public consensus on most issues, including fashion and beauty.

As the great modern Canadian prophet Marshall McLuhan said: "we become what we behold."

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They certainly strongly reinforce an image of women as very childish, petty, rapacious, somewhat pathetic sex objects given to frequent tantrums and clearly subservient to men in all departments.

Some may think that serves their purposes particularly as they play on every channel of Thai TV every day of the year.

And is not that the role that is desired of Thai women by those in Bangkok who write and produce these shows, to maintain the role of women, especially the poor, as mere property? What the author of the article leaves out is that these shows also define the social concept of beauty in Thailand as being other than ethnic Thai, either sino-Thai or nowadays luuk khreung, thus maintaining low self-esteem for all other women. I may find the local village lasses as pretty, but I never see girls who look like them appearing on Thai TV. These shows also teach that the only way to get through tribulations is by thinking only with your hormones and emotions, those who wish to engage in thoughtful rational contemplation need not apply.

These soaps are a the carefully constructed soma of the brave new modern (pattana charoen) world of Thailand. The soaps indeed serve their purpose, little different than the ancient Roman Colosseum spectacles, for those who are not able to afford to drown themselves in consumerism as do the many Khunyings abandoned by their husbands for a mia noi.

Very well said Johpa.

I could extend your point by pointing to all the women walking around nowadays doing impressions of wombles after having had rhinoplasty but I fear I am meandering off topic.

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These calls for less sex and violence on Thai TV and more moral religious programming scare me. Has my mother moved to Thailand? That's exactly what she said in the 1970's - liberal Hollywood was ruining her children! I laughed in her face...maybe she was right...HMM?

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I would like to see more representative soap operas rather than consumerism-oriented fantasies.

Let me take one example. In one I watched, a sort of evil crime godfather type contracted HIV after having unprotected sex. This is very rare in soap operas as depressing sh*t is not normally allowed in. However he then went to the wasted dying stage within a few weeks.

This is one of many ridiculous messages that these shows put out constantly every single day. I can't help but come to the conclusion that someone is having a huge laugh at the masses' expense.

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So farangs aren't capable of distinguishing between reality and fiction. Showing a gun on tv makes people think of using guns.

Well, I guess under the same logic, why are alcoholic drinks and cigarettes blurred out when lifted to the mouth? And Buddha forbid a nipple is shown, let alone a naked body.

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These shows also teach that the only way to get through tribulations is by thinking only with your hormones and emotions, those who wish to engage in thoughtful rational contemplation need not apply.

Exactly. And that's why some (but not many) urban, middle-class Thais I know refuse to let their children watch any Thai soaps at all.

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So farangs aren't capable of distinguishing between reality and fiction. Showing a gun on tv makes people think of using guns.

Well, I guess under the same logic, why are alcoholic drinks and cigarettes blurred out when lifted to the mouth? And Buddha forbid a nipple is shown, let alone a naked body.

I think they don't want people to know what brand of alcohol and cigarettes they are consuming. :D

Well yes, IMO it is a stupid thing to do. :o

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I hadn't realized til just this evening..... now two articles....

"Glad to hear from readers here at 'thai-visa' that they have been enjoying my latest articles from The Nation. Both this one and my last, entitled - 'Corruption From The Cradle To The Grave'. Still being commented on......."

Cheers to all.

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Soap operas are difficult, to understand for a farang.

First, you should know about the background.

There is the influence of the chinese opera, (Tang-Dynastie of Xuanzong (712–755))

where the roles of the woman were played by male actors.

The quality of this acting was based on the fact, that they were able, to present a catalouge of about 250 female face expressions.

To hide the own feelings behind a mask of perfect face expressions, is one level, a good thai lakorn is build on.

The next level is the development of the actors, over the years.

Its nice to see a young thai Dara, who is first Miss Teen Thailand,

and acting in her first lakorn.


After a lot of education, you see her in her second and third lakorn.

Over the time, you can realize, who she is improving her catalouge of new female face expressions.

Over the time, she is also playing in different characters, where she has to proofe, that she could speak the different levels of the thai language.

To see this development, is one of the goals.

You have also different types of thai lakorns,

thai-chinese mafia lakorn,


the historic lakorn,


the typical love lakorn,


the young generation lakorns,


the funny clowny lakorns,


the ghost lakorns,


the katoey lakorns,


different types of music lakorns,


just to mention a few.

Each one of them have a certain history and development.

To understand the importance of a lakorn in thailand, you should know, that many of this top lakorns are also the platform, to present the newiest thai music songs of the best thai songwriters.

To have the first contact, with the newiest smash hit in thailand, that are performed the first time in the media, while millions of thais are watching this lakorn live on air, when the music is started in a touching moment, is one of this magic lakorn feelings.

Edited by DisainaM
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