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Catching a Thai Girl cheating


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In general, most Thai people have a real problem admitting their faults, or taking responsibility for the problems they have created. So, of course she will deflect. You simply show her the door. Plain and simple. No big issue. Just, you are out of here, pack up your crap and go. Bye bye. I am not interested in hearing your story. Bye.


Man up, and do as Bond would do. 

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Show her the door.  No ifs or buts.  She, as they all are here are unable to accept their failings.  Her friends will tell her the reason for her infidelity is ultimately down to you, it'll be deemed your fault.  Yes it sounds ludicrous but this is how they deal with their failings her due to a nationwide inability to look in the mirror and admit to your wrong doings, to take responsibility for their actions.


Get rid of her, and don't give her any money save the bus fare.

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On 11/21/2016 at 4:48 PM, chiang mai said:

It goes like this and it's not restricted to just Thai girls:


He -"I checked up on you, you're cheating on me".


She - "You did what, you checked up on me because you didn't trust me, you followed me, do you not understand personal boundaries! You invaded my personal space, how dare you, if you can't respect my privacy you have no place in my life, we're finished. What that you say? It doesn't matter what I was doing, you had no right to distrust me and check up on me".


He - "Umm, sorry, mumble grovel, I bad".


why ? because they are narcissistic psychopaths with no emotions.... easy to separate love & money, guess you are there for which one ?


those kind of people live in a bubble and they don't want you to burst it with the truth

Edited by dickjones2018
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The way some people live their lives ...

Your girlfriend, or wife, is not a possession.

Relationships are based on mutual agreement.

Why would you wreck your life, risk jail or a beating, for another person you have been intimate with ?

Famous line in Breaker Morant - A Slice Off a Cut Loaf is Never Missed

Love ?  Don't make me laugh ... more pain and suffering down thru time for Love than for Hate

Not working...

Hi Ho Silver - Away !



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