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Thai Red Cross Society unveils new pill to prevent HIV transmission


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What I recently red about aids in africa : in some countries, they practise anal sex as contraception ...


the anus is not made for rough contact and can tear easy


sperm shut up the bloodstream is the cause of auto immune disease in this case


you know aids ... acquired immune deficiency ....     so the immune killing is because of the foreign SPERM in the bloodstream


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1 hour ago, adhd said:

What I recently red about aids in africa : in some countries, they practise anal sex as contraception ...


the anus is not made for rough contact and can tear easy


sperm shut up the bloodstream is the cause of auto immune disease in this case


you know aids ... acquired immune deficiency ....     so the immune killing is because of the foreign SPERM in the bloodstream


You need to read more.

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What about intravenous drug abusers or are not even worthy of consideration?

They just get on the monthly payment schedule. Big pharmaceutical likes it that way. Lifetime supply of money from that single victim.

Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

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I think it would be a brave (or foolhardy) man who would pin his hopes on a Thai preventative for AIDS. I don't think the past medical history of Thailand - in terms of new prophylactic or remedial discoveries - has exactly set the world alight.


If it is truly a Thai medical product, then the likelihood of its being both safe and efficacious is rather low. Mind you - much the same could be said of a number of the products of the Western pharmacological laboratories too (remember thalidomide?)!



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17 hours ago, halloween said:

When I had a HIV test (in Oz) my doctor informed me that there are 3 groups of people with the disease:

Those engaging in intravenous injection of drugs, needle sharing being the prime concern

Those engaging in anal intercourse

The female partners of the above


The stated view of the AMC is that if you do not fall into one or more of the above groups, you are highly unlikely to contract the disease.

For those who remember, the AMC objected to the Oz govt bowling lane ad, and had it stopped as false advertising.

Siimon (yes, the tosser spells it like that) Reynolds was the copywriter behind the 'bowling ball' Ad, but, it worked! And we remember it 30 years on!

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13 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

HIV is a problem for everyone regardless if gender and sexual orientation. 


True, some groups within society are more at risk, but to say it is not a heterosexual problem is absolute nonsense. 


As as for your claim that you need open sores on your genitals to contact HIV...anyone believing that and basing their sexual behaviour on that idea is heading for trouble.

You can speak for yourself I have no problem with that

Let me assure you that HIV is not a problem for everyone

I am in a GENUINE monogamous relationship, and have been for many years,  plus I am not morally bankrupt either

HIV is not a problem for ME let me assure you of that

I am not being judgemental of others, other peoples lifestyle choices are their business

The point of this post is simply to correct your statement, and put you back on the straight and narrow where the facts of life are concerned

This post is for myself , plus others in the same position

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5 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

You can speak for yourself I have no problem with that

Let me assure you that HIV is not a problem for everyone

I am in a GENUINE monogamous relationship, and have been for many years,  plus I am not morally bankrupt either

HIV is not a problem for ME let me assure you of that

I am not being judgemental of others, other peoples lifestyle choices are their business

The point of this post is simply to correct your statement, and put you back on the straight and narrow where the facts of life are concerned

This post is for myself , plus others in the same position

My point [ and I can't believe I am having to explain this] is that it is possible for anyone to catch HIV regardless of their sexual orientation.


The rather prejudiced and ill informed post I responded to claimed otherwise.


Where on earth did you see me judging others sexual lifestyle or claiming monogamous couples free of HIV can contract it. 


Or did you just want to see that?

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:


My point [ and I can't believe I am having to explain this] is that it is possible for anyone to catch HIV regardless of their sexual orientation.


The rather prejudiced and ill informed post I responded to claimed otherwise.


Where on earth did you see me judging others sexual lifestyle or claiming monogamous couples free of HIV can contract it. 


Or did you just want to see that?

I would suggest you read YOUR post 18

YOU said that HIV is a problem for EVERYONE in that post, thats simply not TRUE

Now you Say ANYBODY can catch HIV regardless of their sexual orientation which is TRUE

YOU have changed your tune somewhat

I dont care to who or what you were replying, I will not allow incorrect statements to pass unchallenged IF they include MYSELF

Your claim that HIV is a problem for everyone in that post, is not true and I simply just corrected you nothing else

I used my own situation as evidence, to disprove what YOU said, WHERE on earth did you see me accusing you of judging others sexual lifestyle or claiming monogamous couples free of HIV can contact it

I used the position of monogamous couples, in my first post as a counter to your false claims nothing more, hopefully you understand now

I did not see you as judging others I simple pointed out who the others were that you wronged with your incorrect  information, which included myself if you did not notice

Now does that EXPLAIN your mistake to you

The only advice I can give you is in the future

Say what you mean    Not mean what you say

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26 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

I would suggest you read YOUR post 18

YOU said that HIV is a problem for EVERYONE in that post, thats simply not TRUE

Now you SAY anybody can catch HIV regardless of their sexual orientation which is TRUE

YOU have changed your tune somewhat

I dont care to who or what you were replying, I will not allow incorrect statements to pass unchallenged IF they include MYSELF

Your claim that HIV is a problem for everyone in that post, is not true and I simply just corrected you nothing else

I used my own situation as evidence, to disprove what YOU said, WHERE on earth did you see me accusing you of judging others sexual lifestyle or claiming monogamous couples free of HIV can contact it

I used the position of monogamous couples, in my first post as a counter to your false claims nothing more, hopefully you understand now

I did not see you as judging others I simple pointed out who the others were that you wronged with your incorrect  information, which included myself if you did not notice

Now does that EXPLAIN your mistake to you

The only advice I can give you is in the future

Say what you mean    Not mean what you say

I changed nothing.

Read post 18? Here let me quote it for you



''HIV is a problem for everyone regardless of gender and sexual orientation. 


True, some groups within society are more at risk, but to say it is not a heterosexual problem is absolute nonsense. 


As as for your claim that you need open sores on your genitals to contact HIV...anyone believing that and basing their sexual behaviour on that idea is heading for trouble.''


Nothing in that post is incorrect and it has everything to do with post it was made in response to. I suggest you read it.


HIV is a problem for everyone. That does not mean everyone will catch it.


However everyone is able to catch it if they do not take proper precautions.


My statement was correct in the context to the post I responded to.


Your refusal to take into account the post mine was made in response to is laughable.


I made no mistake. I certainly made no false claims.


where did I see you accusing me of judging others? The implication of your ''I am not judgemental of others'' is that I do. Cleared up for you?


You are seeing what you want to see.


The only advice I can give you is read more carefully and understand the context of a post.


[in fact as you won't read it, let me quote the post I replied to as well...context helps I find


''You need contact with your blood to get the disease. If you have no open sores on your genitals you will not be caught. This is why homosexuals are more likely to get the disease as they break their skin more often in pursuit of the act.


I recall reading about the figures in Victoria, in Australia, years ago. About 180 reported cases of the disease. Nearly all homosexual some needle use, a couple of cases not sorted, and maybe one heterosexual case. The disease is basically not a heterosexual problem., I guess if both partners are heterosexual.''}

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

I changed nothing.


HIV is a problem for everyone. That does not mean everyone will catch it.


However everyone is able to catch it if they do not take proper precautions.


My statement was correct in the context to the post I responded to.


Your refusal to take into account the post mine was made in response to is laughable.


You are seeing what you want to see.



You changed your wording from one post to the other, its there for all to see

HIV is NOT a problem for everyone you are living in the past

I am seeing what you have posted nothing else

In future dont post nonsense info if you dont like being pulled up for it


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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

You changed your wording from one post to the other, its there for all to see

HIV is NOT a problem for everyone you are living in the past

I am seeing what you have posted nothing else

In future dont post nonsense info if you dont like being pulled up for it


I posted nothing that was nonsense.


Everything I said is true.


Nothing has changed in the point I make.


your inability to understand it is your problem.

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For those of you interested, perhaps some facts ...


HIV is mainly, not allows of course, but mainly a disease of IV users, homosexuals (anal receptive or bottoms being the most vulnerable), and female partners of the above 2 groups.


Heterosexual transmission from female to male, although possible in theory, in practice rarely happens ... I am not saying it is impossible, I am saying it rarely happens.   Anecdotally I know of one guy whose female partner had HIV, they had unprotected sex regularly and he never caught it ... after years together.  


For those of you saying we all need to be careful, well yes, perhaps for zero risk that is true, but if you are a heterosexual male who is circumcised, it is highly unlikely you will contract the disease.


More scientifically, I refer to you to Medhelp: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/STDs/Question-about-infection-odds/show/247359


Odds of a male catching HIV from a female from unprotected sex is about 1 in 2,000 - assuming the female has HIV.   This number drops again by half if you are circumcised.


If you assume only a 1% chance a female has HIV, multiple this by 1/2000 and you get approximately a  .0005% chance of a random female giving HIV to a male for a single act of unprotected vaginal sex. 


For comparison, your chances during your lifetime of being struck by lightening are 1 in 12,000 or about .0083%.   You have 1,666 times more chance of being struck by lightening than (assuming a 1% chance of a random female having HIV) receiving HIV from having one episode of unprotected vaginal sex.


Of course if you have many episodes, your chances go up ....


This is not to somehow detract from the reality that HIV is an awful disease and we should all help to getting to a cure ... I am just putting some reality of figures.   HIV, compared to many other communicable diseases, is comparatively difficult to contract ... if it wasn't difficult to contract, many of us would already be dead.  

Edited by FrankThai
fix some language
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17 minutes ago, FrankThai said:

For those of you interested, perhaps some facts ...


HIV is mainly, not allows of course, but mainly a disease of IV users, homosexuals (anal receptive or bottoms being the most vulnerable), and female partners of the above 2 groups.


Heterosexual transmission from female to male, although possible in theory, in practice rarely happens ... I am not saying it is impossible, I am saying it rarely happens.   Anecdotally I know of one guy whose female partner had HIV, they had unprotected sex regularly and he never caught it ... after years together.  


For those of you saying we all need to be careful, well yes, perhaps for zero risk that is true, but if you are a heterosexual male who is circumcised, it is highly unlikely you will contract the disease.


More scientifically, I refer to you to Medhelp: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/STDs/Question-about-infection-odds/show/247359


Odds of a male catching HIV from a female from unprotected sex is 1 in 2,000 - assuming the female has HIV.   This number drops again by half if you are circumcised.


If you assume only a 1% chance a female has HIV, multiple this by 1/2000 and you get a .0005% for a random female giving HIV to a male for unprotected vaginal sex.


Best to deal with actual facts ..




None the less the risk exists and it happens. 


True some groups are more at risk [as I said before] however those saying it is not a heterosexual problem are putting themselves at risk if they do not take precautions when engaged in sex with strangers/multiple partners/prostitutes/etc


Those who rely on stats in place of taking precautions are being stupid. 


HIV can infect anyone. 



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23 hours ago, halloween said:

You've got it wrong. HIV is easily transmitted to heterosexual females via intercourse. Bisexual men are the main vehicle for transmission to the heterosexual community.

Anecdotal evidence only, I know 3 men whose wives have died from AIDS - none are infected.

Why am I wrong?

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19 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

Why am I wrong?

If you read your own post you would know. The disease is transmitted with semen as well as blood, and it is certainly a problem with heterosexual women with partners who are bisexual or intravenous drug users.

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On 12/1/2016 at 5:31 PM, oldlakey said:

You changed your wording from one post to the other, its there for all to see

HIV is NOT a problem for everyone you are living in the past

I am seeing what you have posted nothing else

In future dont post nonsense info if you dont like being pulled up for it


Having a friend who contacted HIV after a blood transfusion in an emergency unit, I can assure you HIV is a problem for everyone.

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9 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

Having a friend who contacted HIV after a blood transfusion in an emergency unit, I can assure you HIV is a problem for everyone.

Yes that certainly has happened but hopefully that avenue to HIV infection has now been closed by simple screening at the point of blood donation or some other way if thats not possible

There has been more recent cases involving Health professionals who have been found to be HIV positive and still practicing, and put patients at risk, thus causing  mass screening I dont know if anybody was actually infected, quite possibly they were

These are events I have no influence over so rightly or wrongly I personally dont worry about becoming HIV because of those types of events

Everybody has a problem with HIV, was the statement I objected to within the context of this thread

The main thrust of the debate / discussion  was centered mainly on LIFESTYLE and its consequences, where HIV was concerned, there was no discussion as far as I could see on a general overview of the dangers of HIV , or possible ways to get infected


I have full control over my lifestyle choices, but not outside influences

My point is that anybody in a monogamous relationship, who does not share needles as a intravenous drug user has nothing to worry about as far as HIV is concerned, apart from outside events, which would have to include body fluid from a unsafe source / unproven source namely an infected person

If I am wrong, then obviously I have just been plain lucky all these years and long may it continue

I meant absolutely no disrespect to all those people who were infected by just simply going about their business

Hopefully this gets me off the hook and explains my thinking


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37 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Yes that certainly has happened but hopefully that avenue to HIV infection has now been closed by simple screening at the point of blood donation or some other way if thats not possible

There has been more recent cases involving Health professionals who have been found to be HIV positive and still practicing, and put patients at risk, thus causing  mass screening I dont know if anybody was actually infected, quite possibly they were

These are events I have no influence over so rightly or wrongly I personally dont worry about becoming HIV because of those types of events

Everybody has a problem with HIV, was the statement I objected to within the context of this thread

The main thrust of the debate / discussion  was centered mainly on LIFESTYLE and its consequences, where HIV was concerned, there was no discussion as far as I could see on a general overview of the dangers of HIV , or possible ways to get infected


I have full control over my lifestyle choices, but not outside influences

My point is that anybody in a monogamous relationship, who does not share needles as a intravenous drug user has nothing to worry about as far as HIV is concerned, apart from outside events, which would have to include body fluid from a unsafe source / unproven source namely an infected person

If I am wrong, then obviously I have just been plain lucky all these years and long may it continue

I meant absolutely no disrespect to all those people who were infected by just simply going about their business

Hopefully this gets me off the hook and explains my thinking


Nonetheless everyone has a problem with HIV. Some group in society more than others, true.


Yes lifestyle choices play their role but no one is immune.


I never said lifestyle choices do not protect you and the post I responded to was making erroneous claims about heterosexual sex not being a problem as far as HIV is concerned .


Your sexuality does not protect you, only your choices.


Gay couples free of HIV in a monogomous relationship are as safe as anyone else. 


My post can only be viewed in relation to that one.


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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I repeat:


Anyone can contract HIV.


Sexuality does not protect you.


It is a problem for everyone.


The post I made was 100% correct. It was made in response to a post you appear unwilling to read.


You did say that a monogamous relationship kept you safe. Monogamous relationships keep everyone in them safe. The sexuality of those involved in them is irrelevant. Gay or straight.


To say sexuality plays a choice in who catches HIV is asinine. The poster I responded to was making this claim.


And finally, just so we are clear: HIV is everyones problem, everyone can catch it regardless of their sexual identity.

I refuse to repeat myself even for you

Goodnight and Goodbye 555555555555


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