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Tot Or Tt&t ?


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First of all I want to highlight that our opinion is subjective and we didn’t post this information to make you follow it but just in order to share our experience.

We are current TOT customers since May 2006 and we probably will still stay with them at least till to the May 2007. After that we might try to check around in order to find better deal or better conditions.

As we are running computer classes and small internet shop we need stable 1024/512 kbps connection and because of I couldn’t get it from TOT in 5 month in the end of September I decided to try out TT&T.

Thankfully great promotion from TT&T (they gave away to try out 1 month free internet connection including broadband modem) I could use both TOT and TT&T connection at same time and it gave me a great chance to test both of them with http://adslthailand.com and share results with you HERE.


TOT 1024/512 kbps got better and more stable download speed than TT&T.

TT&T 1024/512 kbps got better and more stable upload speed.

Within day time I would rather stay with TOT as they give me reliable download that is vital for internet users.

On other hands – if you are night time user better go for TT&T ….after 23.00 they are almost perfect and give you on average 750/400 kbps.


Both providers are not reliable at all. During working day connection might disappear few times for few seconds at least.

Within month it could disappear at least once for more then few hours.

Customer support useless and cannot provide with any help.


If you are looking for reliable ISP here in Thailand it just useless, they probably do not exist at all.) :o

Edited by oliveror
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you might want to do some tracerouting and then some dig or nslookups to see what network your really on.

I have TOT phone line and originally TTT Maxnet. Recently I upgraded to 1024 Maxnet. When I do a traceroute etc I can see I am on TOT network.

good report.. thanks!!!!

Edited by george
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Hi O,

I'm active on several forums and the report you wrote is similar to many other peoples' opinion.

Still I want to make a small nuance. The geographical area (i.e. its infrastructure) is IMO an very important determinant.

I'm running TOT 1024/512 (before 1024/256) for 16 months. In the first months it was bad. More than once a week, no internet for several hours. After that TOT runs very well. Not often disconnections, P2P dl-speeds of 900 Kb and (if only uploading) 300 ul-speed.

Using speakeasy.net gives values of 400-800 dl/200-300 ul. I'm happy with it. What do you want with a DSL-connection for 1,000 THB per month.

Petch01, still a happy TOT-er.

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hmm, I just upgrade to 1024maxnet as well, and the speed is crap. first day it was nice, after that its just as slow as 512 and, when doing a speedtest in europe I only get 100/100 ... and calling the hotline doesnt help ¤#¤"#, any good suggestions how to get the speed up?

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Thank you for reply!

I don’t think that many ppl can have a chance to test both connection at the same time and this the reason I’ve posted this topic.

I remember time when I was looking into forums to get some more information about those providers and couldn’t find any.

Also please keep in mind that you might have completely different results if you live somewhere else..


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hmm, I just upgrade to 1024maxnet as well, and the speed is crap. first day it was nice, after that its just as slow as 512 and, when doing a speedtest in europe I only get 100/100 ... and calling the hotline doesnt help ¤#¤"#, any good suggestions how to get the speed up?


Only one advice to do – dig, dig, and dig again and again.

Call them all the time, many times, every time you feel like want to talk.

I did it for almost 3 month before speed became acceptable…


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I have TOT 1024kbps.

When I applied for ADSL I was told I would not get the advertised speed due to the distance. Originally I had 512kbps. I only got around 300kbps. This was not enough to watch internet videos so I asked to upgrade to 1024.

Once again they told me I would not get the advertised speed. When I did the broadband test, it shows I have around 800 kbps. For me, this is ok. It is better than 300kbps and now I can watch internet tv.

Point being, unless the TOT/TT&T office is 5km away or less, don't expect to get the speed your paying for. If you want faster, you have to pay for faster.

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