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Paul Laycock

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Yesterday I visited two local clinics after a month of pain in my right foot. First clinic declined to help and suggested I go straight to hospital, The foot is weeping fluid on the underside and between toes. Second clinic, Doctor said it's very serious infection and should go to hospital.


Went to my local hospital and they said very bad you should be admitted now, I declined at first stating I have to go to Lao on Wednesday. After a lot of discussion I agreed only to be told the head physician declined my admittance and offered a couple of alternative hospitals, Yasothon and Ubon Ratchathani.


My plans have changed and I will go to Mukdahan tomorrow, cross the bridge by pre arranged taxi. I will then go to Mukdahan International hospital on the way back.

That is about all I can say on the subject, if your wondering it's my wife's sister who helps me.

Any comments may be helpful so fire away.


Past history is two strokes, deep vein thrombosis and hip replacement surgery all in Thailand.

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If you can smell the wound it's at a very serious stage and needs immediate and intense care including a course of antibiotics. I had similar last month caused by accidentally stubbing my toe and pushing the nail back into the toe - I was forced to cancel an overseas trip on the day of departure as a result, the nail was removed and it all healed within a week. As said, if diabetic the risks are even higher, same also with anyone that has any form of peripheral neuropathy (think bad back/spinal problems, loss of feeling in the toes/feet).

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I recently had heart bypass surgery in the US.  I developed a post surgical infection (Cellulitis) in my left leg and foot after I was discharged from the hospital.  My leg became inflamed and too painful to walk on. Hospital personnel did not take it seriously when I told them my symptoms...they assumed it was normal post surgical irritation and simply prescribed oral antibiotics.  When it continued to get worse, I finally checked myself into an emergency department. Doctors immediately admitted me and put me on 5 days of IV antibiotics which managed to contain the infection. A doctor later told me if I had waited one more day I would probably have lost my leg and very possibly my life.

Do not mess around with any leg infection, especially one that is giving off any kind of puss or fluid.

Get to the best hospital available ASAP.

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From what you describe having been told, the situation is serious and by ignoring medical advice and continuing on your trip to Laos you may risk unnecessarily losing the limb.


It sounds like a bad cellulitis requiring antibiotics/


It was extremely unwise to ignore the pain for a month. It would be even more unwise to further delay hospitalization.



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Yes I have been stupid in ignoring the problem. As soon as I was told yesterday I went to our local hospital. They declined to admit me but cleaned and dressed the foot, repeated this morning. My Lao trip tomorrow will take no more than one hour.

After I fully intend to seek help at Mukdahan International where if asked will gladly stay.

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I'm no medical professional but as I posted previously,  I also had to recently deal with a leg infection, also cellulitis, that easily could have cost me a limb, or worse.  I had to seek alternate treatment when it became obvious to me that the infection was increasingly serious but was not being treated aggressively enough by the medical personnel I had been seeing.

I see your situation as similar...you need to seriously advocate for yourself and find a medical facility that will aggressively attack the infection.  Intravenous antibiotics ("Vancomycin" in my case) saved my leg and possibly my life.  Ask your doctor why you are not being given IV antibiotics and if the reasoning is not clear, find another doctor.    

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21 hours ago, Paul Laycock said:

ddddave, I'm now in Mukdahan International hospital, Hooked up to an IV had my foot cleaned and dressed. The doctor has taken samples of blood and infected skin tissue. I will be here overnight and as long as it takes.

Great to read this and relieved that you found appropriate treatment.

I hope you also will be able to ask questions and get to the reasons why this infection occurred so you can get treatment for whatever the underlying issues are.

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