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Grandfather, 71, Rapes Granddaughter, 7

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An elderly man was arrested yesterday for violently raping his seven-year-old granddaughter in Battambang province’s Banan district.  Brigadier General Cheth Vanny, the provincial major crimes police chief, said 71-year-old Yay Chea confessed to raping his granddaughter because he was drunk and had mistook her for his wife. 

“He raped his granddaughter while his wife was not home,” Brig. Gen. Vanny said.  “After raping the victim, he prohibited her from telling her grandmother [his wife] or her parents. 

“He threatened to kill her if she told anyone else about the rape,” he said, adding that the child had been living with her grandparents as both her parents were migrant workers in Thailand. A complaint was filed two days after the incident, which happened on Saturday, as the victim’s grandmother had repeatedly noticed blood on the child’s leg. 


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/33175/grandfather--71--rapes-granddaughter--7/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 15/12

A terrible thing to happen to the women and child in this whole family, including the granddaughter, daughter, and grandmother. How can an old man do such a stupid and damaging thing to his family is beyond words. 

10 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Do they not get Dementia or Alzheimers in Thailand. Pity, then they would hardly remember what to pee with.

Only problem with your post is that this was Cambodia, not Thailand

10 hours ago, billybog said:

so this POS thinks a 7 year old looks like his 60-70 yr old wife....right.

maybe his wife is 14 ( the sick turd)


Hang the dirty old Ba $t ard, but cut his Jacobs off first with a rusty old knife and feed them to the dogs in front of him

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