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Ketogenic Diet resources in Thailand


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I am trying a Ketogenic Diet for prostate cancer. Basically, this is a very low carbohydrate diet which hopefully will starve the cancer cells. Very experimental.

Since I'm no cook -- fried eggs are about my limit of expertise -- I would prefer someone to prepare keto meals for me. Anyone know of someone in Bangkok who might do that?

Any other resources, like keto food stores? Packaged foods in supermarkets generally have sugar added (a definite no-no), except for packaged green salad.




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If you go to Tops they have plenty of pre-cooked grilled or baked meats, beef, chicken, pork fish.  Have a piece of meat and you can make your own salad at the salad bar.  Get vinegar and oil for your dressing.  Keto is pretty straightforward.  Also paleo is definitely not keto, well, it can be, but in many cases it is not.


Stick with green veg, meat and eggs, if you want some cheese or cream go for it.  Macademia nuts are a nice snack.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So far it seems not many people really know much about the Ketogenic diet.  

So lets get into some details:

70% of your diet is fats.  Thats a lot.  Lots of fatty meats like bacon.  Butter, and cream.  Cheese.  

Some protein.  But not like Atkins.  Way, way less.

Keep carbs, which include things like all fruits and even many vegetables, to a minumum.

Loads of stuff on youtube.



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