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Thai Govt approves legal farming of hemp under new drug plan


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11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So.will they be growing it for drug use,or for the manufacture of ropes ,clothing,that type of thing,they grow quite a lot in Europe,legally,but not

for selling as drugs,it has had the THC,taken out of it.


Maybe they should first build warehouses,to store the inevitable glut that occurs

with a lot of agricultural crops here.

regards worgeordie


11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So.will they be growing it for drug use,or for the manufacture of ropes ,clothing,that type of thing,they grow quite a lot in Europe,legally,but not

for selling as drugs,it has had the THC,taken out of it.


Maybe they should first build warehouses,to store the inevitable glut that occurs

with a lot of agricultural crops here.

regards worgeordie

While I agree with 99% of your of your replies worgeordie,they grow  hemp which has such a low thc they don't have to extract the thc.it is taken out in the process of manufacturing paper,beauty products,food stuffs such as flour.as for storing in warehouses.just find a way of making bricks out of rotten rice and they will have plenty of room for storage.

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If my memory seres me right, "Hemp" is actually the male plant with much less, if any THC - its the female plant that produced the high levels of THC.......in the Army, we used to set fire to the old  tent ropes  -  smells like the real thing, but only makes you sneeze........maybe a real agronomist or plant expert can chime in.  


I knew an American in Cambodia 95-97 that started a Hemp Farm, with a factory,  producing fabric, rope, sandals all kinds of things, he had a license to grow hemp, but as with all things in Khmer Land, once you start getting successful, the Police want bigger pieces of the pie...he refused...his land confiscated, factory shut down, 40 Cambodians out of work, he was deported.  I see any fahlung trying this in Thailand geting the same treatment.    :sleep:

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Another lost opportunity to ease up on the brake pedal gone.I wonder if they are going to try to sale this castrated weed? At 1% you make as well smoke an old plimsoll it will give the same effect. rlol zilch!  Makes the Thai's look hip man.

Edited by Bureaucrat
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