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Side Kick: Woman shows off Muay Thai moves on husband’s side chick


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4 hours ago, Allstars said:

I see a one on one fight, both same gender, what is wrong with that?


The other part has the right to defend herself


Pretty sure a "fight" requires offensive action on the part of both participants. The right term for this is "attack" or "assault".

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3 hours ago, snowgard said:


Do you have something with your eyes? I don't see a fight. Only that one woman kick a lot of times the head from another.

A fight is something other!!!



So if in a UFC the challenged party refuses to defend himself it isn't a fight, but rather an assault, right?


Did the mia noi think the wife was there for a game of cards? Weren't there enough signs prior that a fight would occur?


Because the other party is a coward who refuses to defend herself doesn't make the challenger an assaulter.


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4 hours ago, Allstars said:

I see a one on one fight, both same gender, what is wrong with that?


The other part has the right to defend herself

So you consider this a fair and equal contest and an acceptable way to settle the issue? 

Maybe I could accept "a few slaps" and some humiliation but a trained fighter repeatedly kicking a person's head this way is very uncivilised and dangerous in my opinion. 

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11 minutes ago, paulsingle said:

So you consider this a fair and equal contest and an acceptable way to settle the issue? 

Maybe I could accept "a few slaps" and some humiliation but a trained fighter repeatedly kicking a person's head this way is very uncivilised and dangerous in my opinion. 



A trained fighter? You just made this up, didn't you, or do you have other info than posted in the OP?


As several posters already pointed out, a trained fighter looks quite different from what is shown in that video.


You do notice that after the supposed beating had finished, the lady in the couch calmly started to put her hair together.


You think she would have been able to do that if a trained fighter had attacked her?

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By Coconuts Bangkok 


Who talk this lot English?

gik, or side chick.


learn it b4 you write it and then others will also learn from you


Gik side Chick


Even London slang is easier to understand that that


try this hope sensor is not reading


Husband had a bit on the side going but wife finds out and goes and kicks the Sh-- out of bitch at the local gym which sort of resembled a Muay Thai Fight but bitch got hammered, wife will get sued by husband for defamation as not his bit on the side but new wife


Only in Thailand


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3 hours ago, shunter said:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Canceraid  your comments  show a great deal of ignorance and your self assumed hostility to ''farangs'' shows you are  racially prejudiced and lack self esteem. Your contempt for Thai women  indicates that you are indeed not a credit to  the Thai nation. 


Oh and before you start screaming  anti farang comments I  will tell you, I am Thai English or English Thai with  law practices in both the U K and here. I assure you similar situations occur in the U  K too.


Love to meet up with you in the UK Then we can talk about how good thai lawyers are


Bloody Naff is a nice comment

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6 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


Didn't take long for someone to unwrap the old TIT pearl of wisdom.

Guess the spouse taking it out on the mistress is completely unheard of in the "civilized" countries.


  Didn't take long for the Thai apologists to try to justify Thainess. 

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3 hours ago, thisisnotmyrealname said:

Hope she gets arrested, charged and convicted of assault. Nothing makes this acceptable. A truely poor display of humanity.


I hope she does not get arrested, does not get charged, and is not convicted.   It is a personal affair.

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2 hours ago, Allstars said:



So if in a UFC the challenged party refuses to defend himself it isn't a fight, but rather an assault, right?


Did the mia noi think the wife was there for a game of cards? Weren't there enough signs prior that a fight would occur?


Because the other party is a coward who refuses to defend herself doesn't make the challenger an assaulter.



A UFC contest is entirely incomparable, primarily because it is an arranged fight to which both participants have agreed.


Yes this is an assault. Whether the assaulted party should have seen it coming or not, or even if they were entirely deserving makes no difference.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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9 hours ago, jkelly35 said:

Do none of you have Thai girlfriends or wives? This is normal. There are endless videos of wives or girlfriends smacking the s*#! out of Giks. And the recipients mostly sit there and take their beatings. Thai girls are tough all around. 

Sure. The husband is mostly to blame...I agree. He should be getting the beating but this is not the way it is. 

Funny to see the outrage on the forum here when this has been going on all over the Kingdom for years. 

This story made the news because she was a muy Thai fighter with skills. Author did not do their homework and explain that this is very common. 

Honestly "not our business."

You sleep with someone then it's good to know who they are. Shoot...he's married then there are consequences. 

Should be for husband too. 

Everyone just lighten up. 




This made the news because of the video. You and I watched it, didn't we?

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By the way she is striking the head with the kicks and the body movement follows through, shes had maybe max 1 months worth of lessons...her kicks were shit. The ONLY thing she did that was correct, was accuracy. (but anyone can hit a person sitting on a low sofa, making no attempt to block and by the looks in height, I would guesstimate, the gik was 6 inches shorter )

The wannabe fighter, still couldnt knock her out (9 kicks and 1 backhand  and feeble uppercut, and I'm still trying to work out if the other strikes were suppose to be punches or slaps).

BUT SERIOUSLY......shes coward and probably a bully in her hood.

EVERYONE in that hall were cowards and more so  the people the gik obviously thought were here friends, it did mention it was a party, so I'm assuming the gik was invited or/and had fake friends there.

The reporter that reported the original article, should be ashamed. This isn't a reportage, its a bad attempt of a humorous sports  commentary.

The girl that took the punishment, Hat off to you.....  the coolness in how she shakes off the beating with a casual rearrangement of her hair into pony tail, showed who the better person is.


How inconsiderate of wifey to mess with the hair. 


There wont be any arrests, the girl (gik) wont be pressing charges . Whereas the police in most western countries, could file charges of assault without the gik.  (Video is the evidence that a crime had been committed and MO is said by the assailant several times between shots to the head).

Edited by sioux2012
Correction...not MO .... but motive
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18 hours ago, ezflip said:


And, of course, the husband gets away with it as the 2 women refuses to dump his sad *ss. Or, at least 1 of them won't. But I think the worst part is that nobody dares to try to stop this, just stands there and watch or looks away. Pitiful behavior by so-called adults.

True...But I am thinking they pretty well know if they try to intervene then the situation will escalate and out of control with the angry, crazy woman going all the more berserk...which is usually the case with angry crazy Thai women.

The Thais love a drama ...especially concerning matters such as this.

But still it looks like it is happening in an office of sorts while who ever is in charge of the office should be the one or ones to intervene...in theory.


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2 hours ago, sioux2012 said:

By the way she is striking the head with the kicks and the body movement follows through, shes had maybe max 1 months worth of lessons...her kicks were shit. The ONLY thing she did that was correct, was accuracy. (but anyone can hit a person sitting on a low sofa, making no attempt to block and by the looks in height, I would guesstimate, the gik was 6 inches shorter )

The wannabe fighter, still couldnt knock her out (9 kicks and 1 backhand  and feeble uppercut, and I'm still trying to work out if the other strikes were suppose to be punches or slaps).

BUT SERIOUSLY......shes coward and probably a bully in her hood.

EVERYONE in that hall were cowards and more so  the people the gik obviously thought were here friends, it did mention it was a party, so I'm assuming the gik was invited or/and had fake friends there.

The reporter that reported the original article, should be ashamed. This isn't a reportage, its a bad attempt of a humorous sports  commentary.

The girl that took the punishment, Hat off to you.....  the coolness in how she shakes off the beating with a casual rearrangement of her hair into pony tail, showed who the better person is.


How inconsiderate of wifey to mess with the hair. 


There wont be any arrests, the girl (gik) wont be pressing charges . Whereas the police in most western countries, could file charges of assault without the gik.  (Video is the evidence that a crime had been committed and MO is said by the assailant several times between shots to the head).

Yah never know...if the video evidence is floating around such that millions of people are looking at the assault then maybe it will get reviewed by the police and maybe the woman will be pulled in for questioning and maybe charged for assault and maybe some sort of reprimand will be forced upon the "Bitch"

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10 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

This seems to be with regard to  "if you should have a gik" IN reality its about the woman beating the other woman

She should be in prison for this abuse 


Take this video to the police

In theory they should.....but in all likelihood the MALE police officers will be amused to no end while listening to the sordid details leading up to the assault and the reasons for the assault in the form of payback from the wife exacted on the Gik for being "caught out" and more than likely treat the assaulted women with a degree of scorn and ridicule rather than help her press charges against the other woman that assaulted her.

After the police see the video they will, more than likely , comfort the woman a little and say: "Never Mind, You where not hurt.....Just leave it be and YOU stay away from the husband.

The crime of perpetrated assault is superseded by the socially unacceptable crime of being a Gik, and worse yet, caught out for having an affair with the husband of some other woman so the Gik is at fault while she is considered disposable and has to suffer the consequences of her said to be irresponsible actions ( and not the actions and conduct of the other people involved )  ...

Even if she was murdered by the angry wife the police would handle the murder case with indifference and lack of empathy towards the murdered victim...such are the minds of the Thai people.

In other words the Thai mentality is such that the Gik is at fault for all and anything that happens or happens to her.


Edited by gemguy
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Insult to all involved in Muay Thai to mention this at all, but that never stops coming up with a sensational headline.The only 'skills' this person has, have at best been from watching martial art in TV. Ineffective punches and kicks doubt if the gik was hurt very much but a very tipically thai response

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13 hours ago, Allstars said:



So if in a UFC the challenged party refuses to defend himself it isn't a fight, but rather an assault, right?


Did the mia noi think the wife was there for a game of cards? Weren't there enough signs prior that a fight would occur?


Because the other party is a coward who refuses to defend herself doesn't make the challenger an assaulter.



How you can compare this with a UFC Fight? In a fight both parties want to fight!!! But here not!!!

What do you think what happend if she fought back? For sure all friends of the kicking woman started beating she too.

And for sure the kicking woman is the assaulter.

Edited by snowgard
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17 hours ago, the donger said:

Yes it's silly in Thailand. ..


They always blame the third-person instead of their partner. Why is she not kicking her unfaithful husband?  "My husband"... that means she isn't breaking up with him?!


I experienced the same thing, twice. Hooked up with a Thai girl and later discovered she had a boyfriend. Both times the boyfriend was angry at me rather than his cheating girl.  


It's no surprise infidelity is so prevalent here, when you can get away with it scott free. 

Have any of you ever listened to country music? Been happening for years in every country and society in the world at every economic level of society.  Same same.

Frankly none of your business how other adults act when it does not involve you. If you must judge someone judge yourself and your perceived faults. 

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5 hours ago, Wake Up said:

Have any of you ever listened to country music? Been happening for years in every country and society in the world at every economic level of society.  Same same.

Frankly none of your business how other adults act when it does not involve you. If you must judge someone judge yourself and your perceived faults. 

Hmmmm...that last part was a little bit nasty......lol

OK...we will take your advice and should we or anyone ever so happen to witness you being beaten without mercy we will take your advice and make no judgement at all nor concern ourselves at all as to why you are being beaten upon or robbed or ripped off and we will definitely ignore your pleas for help.

Best self serving advice seen in a long while......lol


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