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Security Company In Pattaya

Phil Conners

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Our moo ban is paying quite unreasonable fees for security considering what the guards are actually paid in salaries - and not least considering their current performance - so we are considering "changing the guards".

Anyone have recommendations for good security companies in Pattaya?

What about hiring the security directly instead of going through a company, anyone have any experience with that? All input appreciated!

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I would go for hiring yourself. It might take a while to get the good people together, but if you treat them fairly, they will most likely do a proper job.

If you employ them yourself you have much more controlling power, e.g. a few missed rounds will result in a fine deducted from their salaries etc.

You also have more financial leeway (no middlemen) to reward for good service (outside of what could be expected from a seurity guard, like being extra courtuous when entering and leaving the estate, or finding and pointing out security weaknesses).

You will get some extra expenses as well, such as equipment (flashlights, batteries, uniform allowance etc)...

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This was also my opinion Monty, however as the contract with our current security company is going to expire by the end of the year we don't at this time have enough time to organize it at this time.

I'd like to compare offers from a couple of companies first, to be able to make a quick decision.

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there are loads of security companies around.

go with one of the international companies such as Chubb or G4S then you can build in performance measurements and penalties into the contract. You can also ask them to be transparant on what they are paying guards etc so you get peace of mind and know that you are getting a fair deal.

I have sent you a PM with some details.

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Got it, thanks.

Yes I know there are many companies but the problem is finding a reliable one :o

Please let us know if you do find a good one. Where I stay we change frequently. Guards start out OK and quickly deteriorate and co-owners start complaining. Of course, our management is the pits which doesn't help.

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Got it, thanks.

Yes I know there are many companies but the problem is finding a reliable one :o

Please let us know if you do find a good one. Where I stay we change frequently. Guards start out OK and quickly deteriorate and co-owners start complaining. Of course, our management is the pits which doesn't help.

Tammi this sounds exactly like the eastate where I live, every year severalsecurity companby changes, first start great and then within a couple of weeks worse than the previous company. We have had meeting after meeting to try to rectify this and cannot not.

Phil Conners, what about the postion of working when instructing gaurds of their duties and payment etc. I would look at this quiet seriously. Also with a company at least you will have less problems with the security staff robbing from you. Somtimes it is better the devil you know. You may end up with a bigger tin of worms.. We decieded on our estate not to go down this route for the reasons stated above, however if you can make it work, i would be happy to see your security model.....

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I had a good meeting with G4S today. I will not go into details on a public forum but they have some very good routines and procedures and the cost will not exceed what we already pay. Time will show.

Rocky, you don't need a WP to instruct Thai staff but don't take my word for it, check it with Sunbelt or a lawyer of your choice - but I think you might be setting yourself up as a juicy target in case of any future problems with the security staff.

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I had a good meeting with G4S today. I will not go into details on a public forum but they have some very good routines and procedures and the cost will not exceed what we already pay. Time will show.

Rocky, you don't need a WP to instruct Thai staff but don't take my word for it, check it with Sunbelt or a lawyer of your choice - but I think you might be setting yourself up as a juicy target in case of any future problems with the security staff.

Thank you for the advice, i do take you word and will as pointed out look into it.

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