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Best Bars around Rawai/Naiharn


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Any up to date information on good bars around the Rawai/Naiharn area?  been away about 2 years so thing will have changed i know but The sunshine bar and the Islander were always popular, i liked the Stoned Crab, Valhalla and OK bar but would be great to have some up to date info??

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8 hours ago, Chainsaw said:

Dilligaf is a good ex-pat bar. All you can eat ribs 99baht on a Tuesday. Cocktail night Wednesday and killer pool on Friday. Come on down!


been in there a few times last time, nice place and i even got to find out what Dilligaf stood for!!!  will be going there again for sure!

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7 hours ago, madmax2 said:

Breathalyzing people more nowadays if the police pull you over 

That is new, when you say "pull you over" do you mean at the check points (naiharn intersection, Chalong circle & viewpoint)  or are they actually stopping people as they drive!!

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7 hours ago, littlelost said:

That is new, when you say "pull you over" do you mean at the check points (naiharn intersection, Chalong circle & viewpoint)  or are they actually stopping people as they drive!!

At checkpoints in the night.

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On 08/02/2017 at 1:41 PM, stevenl said:

No, nothing new about this.

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Really???  I've been to Rawai for 5 or 6 holidays, I've see morning checkpoints set up but always the police were gone after an hour.  Chalking circle, where there is a permanent police box was slightly different, they'd stay til mid afternoon there!  But I've never see an evening check in Rawai or naiharn!!

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34 minutes ago, littlelost said:

Really???  I've been to Rawai for 5 or 6 holidays, I've see morning checkpoints set up but always the police were gone after an hour.  Chalking circle, where there is a permanent police box was slightly different, they'd stay til mid afternoon there!  But I've never see an evening check in Rawai or naiharn!!

Me neither, they usually set one up around midday between Icon and the intersection. Gone after 2 hours and not everyday.


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1 hour ago, littlelost said:

Really???  I've been to Rawai for 5 or 6 holidays, I've see morning checkpoints set up but always the police were gone after an hour.  Chalking circle, where there is a permanent police box was slightly different, they'd stay til mid afternoon there!  But I've never see an evening check in Rawai or naiharn!!

At viewpoint, as mentioned by you as one of the checkpoint locations, is quite often a checkpoint in the late evening/early night.

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1 hour ago, madmax2 said:

Thais generally do prison time if caught DUI

You can to if you do not want to pay , i am sure the Police  would have no problem with booking you instead of fining you

surprised it doesn't deter them then!!


any other bar r commendations in the area, not bothered what type or clientele!  I've been told the OVO on visit rd is a wine bar that's worth a visit!  Wine in Phuket is usually well down my list due to the horrendous price, but the wife will be keen!

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Hilarious. Someone posts asking about new bar recommends and the entire thread is filled with posters warning of police checking for drunk drivers, very likely the same posters castigating the perpetrators and 'helmetless' victims of 'I bet they were drunk' accidents here. Carry on.

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Hilarious. Someone posts asking about new bar recommends and the entire thread is filled with posters warning of police checking for drunk drivers, very likely the same posters castigating the perpetrators and 'helmetless' victims of 'I bet they were drunk' accidents here. Carry on.

The op happens to be the same person enquiring about the checkpoints.

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4 hours ago, stevenl said:

The op happens to be the same person enquiring about the checkpoints.

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It's true, I confess!  I asked about bars and then asked what had changed in the area!!  Personally I'm keen to hear anything about the area, as when i'm not there, I miss it hugely!


it does seem on the driving/checkpoint argument, the posts are always regarding how strict everything is becoming!  I was last there 18 months ago and read then how much things had changed!  I didn't find it like that - the normal checkpoints in the normal places for a couple of hours!  No issues if you are legal!  If you weren't, pull over before it at a cafe/bar/massage or turn around. (No doubt I'll be castigated as advocating breaking the law, not so just stating a fact).  Perhaps things have changed but no one is prepared to post such as they fear being labelled a criminal terrible human!


in 6 months I'll be able to see for myself!

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It's true, I confess!  I asked about bars and then asked what had changed in the area!!  Personally I'm keen to hear anything about the area, as when i'm not there, I miss it hugely!
it does seem on the driving/checkpoint argument, the posts are always regarding how strict everything is becoming!  I was last there 18 months ago and read then how much things had changed!  I didn't find it like that - the normal checkpoints in the normal places for a couple of hours!  No issues if you are legal!  If you weren't, pull over before it at a cafe/bar/massage or turn around. (No doubt I'll be castigated as advocating breaking the law, not so just stating a fact).  Perhaps things have changed but no one is prepared to post such as they fear being labelled a criminal terrible human!
in 6 months I'll be able to see for myself!

I don't think it has changed at all.

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On 11/2/2560 at 9:58 PM, Tapster said:

Interesting checkpoint update:


I wasn't stopped (in a car) but there was a checkpoint on Soi Sammaki 2 this morning (Sunday) at 10:30 am.


Gone again by noon.


What's that about?

I was living on Sammakee 2 in 2002-03 and the locals had a banner hanging across the street praising Osama Bin Laden. His picture and all "Allah Akbar" "Osama Akbar" or some kind of nonsense.


Maybe they were just reminding the locals to keep it all in the middle of the road :thumbsup:

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On 15/02/2017 at 11:19 AM, glassdude007 said:

Viking bar is a nice place on beach road....

White Heart best Happy Hour, 7pm shift change and the ladies arrive

Viset road at night very dangerous speeding vehicles no rule of law in Rawai at night....Be Warned 

Thanks, that a new one since I was last there, so will definitely go on the list!  


Do do you think the Viset road has got worse in the last couple of year, I noticed many more coaches in the day, but at night I never ventured much past Asia bar and then had the option of soi san yuan 1 or viset rd home!

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