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Age Gaps In Relationships


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Is that really the BEST time to have a child? As an adult you might think what is more convenient for you, but what of the child? IS it really in their best interest NOT to have a parent that can play outdoor games with? Take them hiking, camping, play tennis with them, attend all school functions, and most importantly, be there in their lives when they are turning into adults and might really want the advice of their father? For some, the memories we have growing up and doing things with our parents are some of our most cherished memories. Who really wants to say “My dad was too old to do things with me”.

What age is in your mind when you are talking about not playing outdoor games?

My Grandma was still hiking mountains at age 85. My Dad has always been fitter than I, and still plays a mean game of tennis. He's over 70.

And why is fat creeping into the conversation? I thought we were considering age. Are old people fat? It went from talking about an older partner to old-fat-and-ugly. That's extreme. Old people are not all ugly nor all fat. And some are very fit.

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shall I count the morons... let me see... 1,2,3,4,5.. wow so many idiots it's hard to believe. As usual there are a lot of very ignorant, gargantuanly ignorant, stupid moronic swipes at someone who dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

In the normal course of events I don't suppose many people (quite rightly) would tolerate such a relationship if it was physical. But you c*ckheads just cannot see past your own tiny, wee brained little existences to imagine anything or any situation where it might happen.

Here is just one.... my sister when she was 13-14 started to go out clubbing as lots of young girls do, ( yes you've probably snogged or tried to pick up a 13 year old in a club and didn't know it! ) at this time my mother was distraught because she didn't want my sister getting pregnant, so being a child of the sixties herself, she talked to my sister and they agreed that she could bring her boyfriends back to our home, where at least she could keep an eye on things. This is really important so any of you funny guys should read this slowly... you cannot tell a 14 year old girl what to do and automatically expect it to happen!, Anyway the point being my sister who was a very mature 14 year old girl was if I remeber right, having sex with her 19 year old boyfriend, everyone knew it was illegal but it was consenting. What is a parent to do ask yourself that?? What is worse to know or not to know?

Secondly, and back to the clubs, I used to DJ in London for many years, and you would always hear stories of guys going home with a girl, or sometimes vice versa, and then they later found out they were underage. Now none of these ever, ever, led to second dates after the truth was out, but drunk or off your head in a club, where young underage girls are determined, absolutely to have an older boyfriend for the night, things like that will happen.

It is mostly a societal thing that age has become such an important thing, but this has never been fixed it has changed with the current morals of the society, and our understanding of development in young people, there are different laws in every country, there are states in the USA where you are allowed to get married at age 13 with parental and/or consent of a judge, what does that imply that it is wrong no, it means that there maybe circumstances when it is appropriate??

So most of this pathetic, really pathetic name calling from Chuck and his little group of friends, is just them reacting to all the press they have seen in the past few years, they have no insight, imagination or the ability to think freely and for themselves, they are societies little sheep, bleating along behind their leaders, you need not take anything they say seriously as they will probably say something different next week when their "sheperds" say something else too. And one thing that is always true however is that those who like to so loudly condemn others for whatever reason, are the ones most likely to do it themselves.

Paedophilia is a very very serious accusation to throw around, paedophilia is evil and it is malicious and it has intent, so you had better make sure the people you are calling these names are all of those... or otherwise go bleat somewhere else.

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I have no doubt that you are an attractive and thoughtful short bald farang skilled at seduction, etc.. My opinion was simply that all else being equal (and yes, it's certainly possible for the younger fellow to be... whatever), most gals will go for the model that is newer and likely will live longer. And of course there are plenty, but IMHO they are in the minority, that will go for the older model. Even fewer gals IMO that are young and well to do who will go for that older gent. Surely there are some.

I don't have a vested interest in this as I'm neither young or old, nor playing the field, just giving my opinion. I suppose it's all relative, as at 31 I'm old and young to plenty of folks.


The most attractive women usually end up with good-looking, powerful men at least ten years older than themselves because those men can offer things the youngsters haven't got yet: superior sexual experience and prowess (better believe it!), financial security, sophistication... the list goes on.

At the same time, I don't think anyone living in the real world would deny that the younger guys and gals that DO have 'it' DO indeed have an edge and are preferred by young and old alike. Older women aren't the only folks using hair dye.


If you give a close read to some of the thoughtful posts on this thread, you'll see that younger guys that DO have it, are still younger. Old guys have things that young guys do not and can not have. Experience, wisdom, maturity, and more patience.

My girlfriend is one of the sexiest in her city. I know this, because at the huge disco there is a weekly "sexiest girl in cebu" contest, and every time she danced for that she got by far the most enthusiastic response. She was 21 when we met.

I'm balding, and a bit short for a westerner. Even my girlfriends refer to me as ugly. And for the last two years I've been poor.

I've seen some of the suitors that she passed up to be with me. Very handsome, very fit young men, of all types. Some quite wealthy.

I left her for a year, during which she pined after me intensely. She dated other guys - some young and rich. But she still wants me. She wants to marry me even.

And I've seen a similar response with other girls. Very attractive women, with a great many options, not making choices based on either looks or money. This is the reason I prefer to not look good or have money - because it limits options to people I prefer to be with - the passionate ones. Girls like this are not so rare. And someone who does not yet know strong passion can be woken up.

Another poster mentioned that a man in his late thirties knows women better, and so has an advantage. You don't know what you don't know until you know what you know. Young guys don't know what they don't know. No matter what age you are, look back five or ten years, and compare your wisdom now with what it was then. I should hope you'll see a noticable difference. This change keeps changing - you will get wiser as you age.

In my case I feel more attractive and capable at 40 than I did at 25. And it isn't just empty talk - both in the west and in Asia, dating got easier for me as I aged.

There are many ways to hack a computer. There are many ways to win the heart of a woman. Looks only gets initial interest. It helps, but you don't need great looks for strong fiery passion. And a forty year old can provoke strong fiery physical passion in a 19 or 23 or 29 or 30 year old woman. I'm sure a fifty year old guy, if he keeps on his game, can too. I plan on it.

I think a main reason for young guys thinking things are askew if an older man has a young woman is territoriality. We are not supposed to be competition - we are supposed to be outsiders. Once you get older, you'll see your feelings for young women don't change. But your skill at seduction should have improved, and you should be a better man than you were.

I made a blog post about how to be in relationship here.

I couldn't have written that even five years ago.

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This is really important so any of you funny guys should read this slowly... you cannot tell a 14 year old girl what to do and automatically expect it to happen!

Geez mate, good parenting starts from day one. If you neglect discipine at the beginning its only going to get harder in the teenage years. its a shame your mother took the path of least resistance in this important matter. What did your father have to say about all this ?

Edited by Grover
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Just imagine you meet someone and it clicks!

You talk for hours about everythng, you share same interest, family and friends accept you.

When the two of you come to a party the energy from the two of you is clear.



Talked for hours hahaha about what? flavours of different lolipops

When the two of you come to a party.... where is the party? A kid from schools house (with fairy floss) or Mcdonalds for the Mchappy party meals...

unbelievable :o

Edited by In the Rai!
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58 at the time and she was 34, hardly a "young girl".

Is that the reason you didn't include ages?

Edit... one more gold star, soon you will get a big gold star (when you reach ten), if you get 100 stars you get a free roundhouse kick.

May I ask one more time:

"You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post? "

I have read all your post in TV and that was good, ehhh let's say funny reading.

May I ask you what you are smoking? Must be some heavy stuff!

Take it cool Chuck!

And be careful, father might come home and found out you have been playing with his computer again!

I think he's playing with Van Zam's computer.

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What the hel_l.. I can't resist.
BUT, then we had to confront the outside world. Her friends couldn't belive she lived with this very old guy, 36 years old, and with two children!!!

And my friends, especially the wifes of my friends, they never accepted her. They did not even want to talk to her. They did not want to learn to know her.

Fortunately here in Asia people don't care about these "agegaps" that much. They are accepted, as are the ladyboys, as are gay people.
Lets make that 2 gold stars... now what were you muttering about again?

?????? 2 gold stars .... for what?

You must be one of these americans with a big fokking mouth and small ears! Never listen, just shouting.

Can not understand other peoples input, spoken or written!

And your idol is Chuck Norris! :D :D :D

How old are you? 16 ?

You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post?

Three gold stars, for not being able to understand your own posts "spoken or written".

EDIT.. Chuck norris is not an idol.. he's a GOD.

"You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post?"

No mr Chuck Norris, please tell me!

And "Chuck norris is not an idol.. he's a GOD."

From Wikipedia: Chuck Norris Family

In 1963, his first child with Holechek, a son named Mike, was born. A daughter, Dina, was born in 1964, and a second son, Eric, followed in 1965. After 30 years of marriage, Norris and Holechek divorced in 1988. He married again in 1998, this time to former model Gena O'Kelley, and she delivered twins in 2001.

Gena O'Kelley was 24 years younger than Chuck Norris! His son was one year older than his new stepmother!


Plus he stole my girlfriend in '92. Jing Jing.

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shall I count the morons... let me see... 1,2,3,4,5.. wow so many idiots it's hard to believe. As usual there are a lot of very ignorant, gargantuanly ignorant, stupid moronic swipes at someone who dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

In the normal course of events I don't suppose many people (quite rightly) would tolerate such a relationship if it was physical. But you c*ckheads just cannot see past your own tiny, wee brained little existences to imagine anything or any situation where it might happen.

Your insulting members who are taking a stand against what can ONLY be described as child abuse?

If you are having trouble understanding, just give the local police a call, give them the situation and see what sort of reaction you get.

I'm not going to bother returning the name calling, people who do that generally can't win a debate by any other means.

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58 at the time and she was 34, hardly a "young girl".

Is that the reason you didn't include ages?

Edit... one more gold star, soon you will get a big gold star (when you reach ten), if you get 100 stars you get a free roundhouse kick.

May I ask one more time:

"You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post? "

I have read all your post in TV and that was good, ehhh let's say funny reading.

May I ask you what you are smoking? Must be some heavy stuff!

Take it cool Chuck!

And be careful, father might come home and found out you have been playing with his computer again!

I think he's playing with Van Zam's computer.


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shall I count the morons... let me see... 1,2,3,4,5.. wow so many idiots it's hard to believe. As usual there are a lot of very ignorant, gargantuanly ignorant, stupid moronic swipes at someone who dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

In the normal course of events I don't suppose many people (quite rightly) would tolerate such a relationship if it was physical. But you c*ckheads just cannot see past your own tiny, wee brained little existences to imagine anything or any situation where it might happen.

Here is just one.... my sister when she was 13-14 started to go out clubbing as lots of young girls do, ( yes you've probably snogged or tried to pick up a 13 year old in a club and didn't know it! ) at this time my mother was distraught because she didn't want my sister getting pregnant, so being a child of the sixties herself, she talked to my sister and they agreed that she could bring her boyfriends back to our home, where at least she could keep an eye on things. This is really important so any of you funny guys should read this slowly... you cannot tell a 14 year old girl what to do and automatically expect it to happen!, Anyway the point being my sister who was a very mature 14 year old girl was if I remeber right, having sex with her 19 year old boyfriend, everyone knew it was illegal but it was consenting. What is a parent to do ask yourself that?? What is worse to know or not to know?

Secondly, and back to the clubs, I used to DJ in London for many years, and you would always hear stories of guys going home with a girl, or sometimes vice versa, and then they later found out they were underage. Now none of these ever, ever, led to second dates after the truth was out, but drunk or off your head in a club, where young underage girls are determined, absolutely to have an older boyfriend for the night, things like that will happen.

It is mostly a societal thing that age has become such an important thing, but this has never been fixed it has changed with the current morals of the society, and our understanding of development in young people, there are different laws in every country, there are states in the USA where you are allowed to get married at age 13 with parental and/or consent of a judge, what does that imply that it is wrong no, it means that there maybe circumstances when it is appropriate??

So most of this pathetic, really pathetic name calling from Chuck and his little group of friends, is just them reacting to all the press they have seen in the past few years, they have no insight, imagination or the ability to think freely and for themselves, they are societies little sheep, bleating along behind their leaders, you need not take anything they say seriously as they will probably say something different next week when their "sheperds" say something else too. And one thing that is always true however is that those who like to so loudly condemn others for whatever reason, are the ones most likely to do it themselves.

Paedophilia is a very very serious accusation to throw around, paedophilia is evil and it is malicious and it has intent, so you had better make sure the people you are calling these names are all of those... or otherwise go bleat somewhere else.

Rather a moron than a sexual deviant.

And in my opinion someone who condones an illegal act is just as guilty.

So if the cap fits wear it!!!!!!. Go on knock yerself out

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58 at the time and she was 34, hardly a "young girl".

Is that the reason you didn't include ages?

Edit... one more gold star, soon you will get a big gold star (when you reach ten), if you get 100 stars you get a free roundhouse kick.

May I ask one more time:

"You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post? "

I have read all your post in TV and that was good, ehhh let's say funny reading.

May I ask you what you are smoking? Must be some heavy stuff!

Take it cool Chuck!

And be careful, father might come home and found out you have been playing with his computer again!

I think he's playing with Van Zam's computer.


In another thread, one of your posts was edited by the other of you. Maybe it's just a TV glitch I don't know, but it's odd, huh?

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It was too much to expect you to understand what I was saying I know that now... and of course I don't condone any form of abuse, I thought I made that clear. But I cannot stand by while you call someone a paedophile without knowing the whole story. It's just sick and pathetic in my opinion.

There are reasons there are laws, and one of them is so that the law and it's implemantation is not left to reactionaries like you, who would hang someone without trial. You are a very scary bunch of people. !

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It was too much to expect you to understand what I was saying I know that now... and of course I don't condone any form of abuse, I thought I made that clear. But I cannot stand by while you call someone a paedophile without knowing the whole story. It's just sick and pathetic in my opinion.

There are reasons there are laws, and one of them is so that the law and it's implemantation is not left to reactionaries like you, who would hang someone without trial. You are a very scary bunch of people. !

So if there is an excuse for having a relationship with sombody so young that's ok is it?

"oh but judge I loved her so much"... please, your sig says it all.

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cricky's boys,


its frigging sensational watching some of these blighters blowing a cog. :D:o

cheers boys and be nice or the mod will spit the dummy.

and to stay on topic,

i recon that this thread is a whole pile of ROSES. just watch out for the few thorns. :D

cheers friends and off to the pub now.

keep up the good work. :D

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shall I count the morons... let me see... 1,2,3,4,5.. wow so many idiots it's hard to believe. As usual there are a lot of very ignorant, gargantuanly ignorant, stupid moronic swipes at someone who dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

Oh Rod :o

I can't believe the guy is trying to make excuses for this tosser.


and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :D

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Standing up for people isn't easy is it?If you had read anything I had written I am not condoning anything, but this thread has been hijacked by idiots calling people paedophiles because they are dating or are in relationships with 18, 19 and 20 year old girls. And I cannot condone your stand. You are all idiots for doing so. As for condoning a relationship between a 19 year old man and a 13 year old girl, no I do not. But as he had specifically said it was not physical then you have absolutely no right to call him anything either. You are all bigots and dangerous at that.

There really is no point in trying to talk to you on such an emotive subject, you are all very weak minded, and like all weak minds you latch onto what you think is there when plainly it is not.

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Just imagine you meet someone and it clicks!

You talk for hours about everythng, you share same interest, family and friends accept you.

When the two of you come to a party the energy from the two of you is clear.



Talked for hours hahaha about what? flavours of different lolipops

When the two of you come to a party.... where is the party? A kid from schools house (with fairy floss) or Mcdonalds for the Mchappy party meals...

unbelievable :o

:o:D:D:bah::bah: So much energy you could power a small country, or at least a wendy house. ;)

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So most of this pathetic, really pathetic name calling from Chuck and his little group of friends, is just them reacting to all the press they have seen in the past few years, they have no insight, imagination or the ability to think freely and for themselves, they are societies little sheep, bleating along behind their leaders, you need not take anything they say seriously as they will probably say something different next week when their "sheperds" say something else too. And one thing that is always true however is that those who like to so loudly condemn others for whatever reason, are the ones most likely to do it themselves.

Ain't it the truth! :o

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I was bonking every girl in sight and loving life.

But I was never, ever, ever, attracted to a 13 yr old or even close to that!!

And for your information, I doubt whether 99% of 19yr olds would be either

In other words, he was wanking up a storm and never got within a kilometer of a real female of any age! :o

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Standing up for people isn't easy is it?If you had read anything I had written I am not condoning anything, but this thread has been hijacked by idiots calling people paedophiles because they are dating or are in relationships with 18, 19 and 20 year old girls. And I cannot condone your stand. You are all idiots for doing so. As for condoning a relationship between a 19 year old man and a 13 year old girl, no I do not. But as he had specifically said it was not physical then you have absolutely no right to call him anything either. You are all bigots and dangerous at that.

There really is no point in trying to talk to you on such an emotive subject, you are all very weak minded, and like all weak minds you latch onto what you think is there when plainly it is not.

You are right, defending the indefensible, isnt easy, in fact it is moronic!!

I do not know if he had sex with this child when she was 13. However having any sort of relationship with a child THAT young is reprehensible.

Later in that thread he admits having sex with her 3 years later. with permission from parents :o

16YRS is still below the legal age in most countries,

What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

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What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

What a load of cr*p.

Tracy Lords was a porno star at the age of 15 and no one had the slightest idea of how young she was. Most 19 year olds are attracted to anything remotely resembling a sexually mature female. :o

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What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

What a load of cr*p.

Tracy Lords was a porno star at the age of 15 and no one had the slightest idea of how young she was. Most 19 year olds are attracted to anything remotely resembling a sexually mature female. :o

Well thats 2 of you :D

Sexual deviants is a word that comes to mind!!

Maybe I moved in different circles to you guys when I was 19?

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What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

What a load of cr*p.

Tracy Lords was a porno star at the age of 15 and no one had the slightest idea of how young she was. Most 19 year olds are attracted to anything remotely resembling a sexually mature female. :D

Well thats 2 of you :D

Sexual deviants is a word that comes to mind!!

Maybe I moved in different circles to you guys when I was 19?

If you didn't find Tracy Lords attractive when you were 19 you definitely were not moving in any heterosexual circles. :o

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What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

What a load of cr*p.

Tracy Lords was a porno star at the age of 15 and no one had the slightest idea of how young she was. Most 19 year olds are attracted to anything remotely resembling a sexually mature female. :D

Well thats 2 of you :D

Sexual deviants is a word that comes to mind!!

Maybe I moved in different circles to you guys when I was 19?

If you didn't find Tracy Lords attractive when you were 19 you definitely were not moving in any heterosexual circles. :o

Ive never even heard of Tracy Lords :D

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What I find strange is the fact that a "normal" 19 yr old would be attracted to a 13 yr old in the first place, that to me is something that is abnormal

What a load of cr*p.

Tracy Lords was a porno star at the age of 15 and no one had the slightest idea of how young she was. Most 19 year olds are attracted to anything remotely resembling a sexually mature female. :D

Well thats 2 of you :D

Sexual deviants is a word that comes to mind!!

Maybe I moved in different circles to you guys when I was 19?

If you didn't find Tracy Lords attractive when you were 19 you definitely were not moving in any heterosexual circles. :o

Ive never even heard of Tracy Lords :D

Talk about culturally deprived. :D


Edited by Ulysses G.
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My girl was supporting her whole family at age 14....no shit! A family of 8...a very poor family. She built them a house (nothing flash) before she turned 15.

This is the reason that she is willing to sacrafice her childhood to live with you. She is from a very poor background and you are seen as a way out of it.

If she was from a comfortable background and the family had no money issues then my guess is that you would not have got a second look.

Keep on telling us how handsom and in shape you are and you might start to believe it yourself though i doubt the girl your with does.

This is a long thread, but you should really catch up on background information before you start spouting your bs. I already explained earlier that she had a rich BF before me, and at the time I met her she was "dating" a guy that was supporting her. Both of these guys were better prospects financially...apart from the fact that this girl was not desperate for guys. She's a knockout girl and has always had to beat the guys (young and old, rich and poor) off with a stick.

I wonder how successful your relationship is? How old is your woman?

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Your relationship is not what I would consider success, your gf is a kid, you're old enough to be her grandfather.

You are the reason why Thailand has the reputation it does... shame.

Chuckie, did you miss the fact that my GF is not Thai? What I do has no effect on Thai reputation...we'll leave that up to idiots like you.

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