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Hand, foot, mouth disease alert

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The Health Ministry’s Communicable Disease Control (CDC) department has urged people to be cautious of the spread of hand, food and mouth disease (HFMD) and asked that infants or children displaying symptoms be brought to seek medical treatment immediately. Ministry spokesperson and director of the CDC Ly Sovann said yesterday that hospitals have been seeing a rise in HFMD cases and appealed to all parents to be vigilant in identifying the symptoms so that children can be given treatment immediately.

“Especially for children with dangerous symptoms, they have to be sent to the Children’s Specialized Hospital immediately. Dangerous symptoms include vomiting as well as arm and foot convulsions or weakness,” he said. Mr. Sovann also recommended that people regularly wash their hands with either soap or an alcohol-based solution such as hand sanitizer, especially after touching blisters or ulcers, before preparing or eating food, before feeding infants or children, after using the toilet and after changing a baby’s diaper.

In 2012, dozens of children were infected with a deadly strain of HFMD which killed 52, Time magazine quoted the World Health Organization and the Health Ministry as saying. The epidemic which spread in April 2012 landed 62 children in hospital as medical practitioners struggled to identify the EV-71 strain, previously unrecognized in Cambodia.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/35382/hand--foot--mouth-disease-alert/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 13/02

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