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Bomb At Us Embassy Bkk?


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Although it's dissipating now. 11:36AM 16th Dec.

When you say 'bomb', did you hear an explosion?

Nothing loud enough to notice --- I asked about a bomb because that's (sadly) the first thing that comes to mind. The smoke appears to be coming from somewhere close to the security kiosk on the west side of Wireless road --- also suggestive.

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As the old saying goes:

Where there's smoke, there's umm . . . a bomb?

Gee, thanks for your very original and helpful reply to a simple question. Did you see the event? Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume? Or do you just make pompous half-witted remarks for practice?

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As the old saying goes:

Where there's smoke, there's umm . . . a bomb?

Gee, thanks for your very original and helpful reply to a simple question. Did you see the event? Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume? Or do you just make pompous half-witted remarks for practice?

Could it have been the guards frying a bit of bacon and eggs? :o

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As the old saying goes:

Where there's smoke, there's umm . . . a bomb?

Gee, thanks for your very original and helpful reply to a simple question. Did you see the event? Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume? Or do you just make pompous half-witted remarks for practice?

You're the one who put "bomb" in the heading... and now you're calling others pompous and half-witted.

You have some nerve mate.

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You're the one who put "bomb" in the heading... and now you're calling others pompous and half-witted.

You have some nerve mate.

There's this thing called a question mark. It appears in my original title. It renders a declarative statement interogative, and its purpose is to elicit further information from those who actually know something about the topic, not snide commentary from those who apparently don't.

I had thought I was doing the ThaiVisa community a service by drawing attention to a potentially bad situation. I expected incredulity but not insults. Those who chose the latter (instead of concealing their ignorance behind silence) deserve to be thought pompous and ignorant. As do those who rush to their defense with further content-free accusations.

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You're the one who put "bomb" in the heading... and now you're calling others pompous and half-witted.

You have some nerve mate.

There's this thing called a question mark. It appears in my original title. It renders a declarative statement interogative, and its purpose is to elicit further information from those who actually know something about the topic, not snide commentary from those who apparently don't.

I had thought I was doing the ThaiVisa community a service by drawing attention to a potentially bad situation. I expected incredulity but not insults. Those who chose the latter (instead of concealing their ignorance behind silence) deserve to be thought pompous and ignorant. As do those who rush to their defense with further content-free accusations.

So was it those pesky guards frying bacon or what?

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You saw smoke coming from the general area of the American Embassy and automatically thought 'Bomb'? What is the world coming to? CB, you said 'Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume?' In your first posting, you just said 'lots of smoke', now that is very descriptive. Can you describe what you saw?

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As the old saying goes:

Where there's smoke, there's umm . . . a bomb?

Gee, thanks for your very original and helpful reply to a simple question. Did you see the event? Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume? Or do you just make pompous half-witted remarks for practice?

I'd call that a witty reply.Quite clever and funny.Where is your SOH?

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Are you the same guy who reported AK47s being fired around the Thong Lor area at the start of the Chinese holiday a few months back? The AK47s that turned out to be fire crackers.

No, I am not the same guy, as you can tell by examining my previous posts.

I just contacted the embassy, although I was reluctant to add to their burdens. There was a fire that started on the roof of the security kiosk at about 11:10. It lasted about 25 minutes and was put out by the embassy fire trucks. At first an IED was suspected, but now is being attributed to an electrical fire in the air conditioning system that spread to the rooftop tar, according to a person at the embassy staff, who made clear she was not speaking ex officio.

Next time I won't bother asking ThaiVisa for information.

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You saw smoke coming from the general area of the American Embassy and automatically thought 'Bomb'? What is the world coming to? CB, you said 'Did you notice the unusual velocity and density of the smoke plume?' In your first posting, you just said 'lots of smoke', now that is very descriptive. Can you describe what you saw?


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You're the one who put "bomb" in the heading... and now you're calling others pompous and half-witted.

You have some nerve mate.

There's this thing called a question mark. It appears in my original title. It renders a declarative statement interogative, and its purpose is to elicit further information from those who actually know something about the topic, not snide commentary from those who apparently don't.

I had thought I was doing the ThaiVisa community a service by drawing attention to a potentially bad situation. I expected incredulity but not insults. Those who chose the latter (instead of concealing their ignorance behind silence) deserve to be thought pompous and ignorant. As do those who rush to their defense with further content-free accusations.

Be your post declarative or interrogative, it tends to cause undue worry and I think the point people are trying to make to you (since you obviously have a computer or access to one) is to do a little research before posting something potentially frightening others. Also posting such a thing can draw the attention of the American government (to you), may sound funny but sure enough we Americans are paranoid more than the world knows.

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CB does seem to have a fixation on Embassy fires, see http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=9266&st=0

Post number 1 "There is a huge column of smoke, well south of Wirteless and Ploenchit. I i had to guess I would say the Australian Embassy. ANybody know more?"

Post number 3 "It's not the US embassy, I can see that from my apt building."

Post number 12 "If it's really between Sathorn and Rama V that's possibly the Saudi, UAE, Kuwat, or Omarn embassies."

Are you familiar with Aesop's fable about 'The boy who cried wolf'?

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Be your post declarative or interrogative, it tends to cause undue worry and I think the point people are trying to make to you (since you obviously have a computer or access to one) is to do a little research before posting something potentially frightening others. Also posting such a thing can draw the attention of the American government (to you), may sound funny but sure enough we Americans are paranoid more than the world knows.

OK, since your comment was civil, I'll respond in kind, but this will be my last post --- I don't have time for endless and senseless recriminations. My TGF was the first to call my attention to the smoke -- I was on the phone at the time, which is why I could not tell if there was any explosive noise. The smoke was quite fulsome and worrisome, and I bet if you had seen it you would have wondered about a bomb, as I (and my TGF) both did. The first thing I did was search the Internet and turn on the TV ---- no results. Then I asked my neighbors --- a level headed British/Thai couple --- their first question was: "is it a bomb?"

I had always regarded ThaVisa as the first best source of information. I plead guilty to using the word "bomb" a bit prematurely in a rushed initial posting -- although I thought I made clear from the "dissipating" comment that I was not trying to be overly alarmist. Furthermore, that was my real question --- I already KNEW there had been a fire.

I was shocked that not a single reply carried any information about the event itself. To those who think fires are commonplace on the embassy grounds: I assure you they are not. To the person who insisted on asking about a bacon fire: you're a moron. To those who think I am being overly harsh on ThaiVisa for the behavior of a few with too much time on their hands --- you're right. I should remember never to attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


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Since this has turned into a 'jab fest' approaching flaming, will close it. If there is verifible information regarding the topic, PM me and I will re-open it. Some comments are approaching warning levels already.

//Closed -- Tywais

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