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Visa Exemption Rule

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My friend is travelling to Thailand on the 4th Jan, then will be leaving for Kula Lumpuron the 24th Jan, she will then re-enter Thailand from Cambodia around the 10th Feb for her remaining 9days then fly out of Bangkok home.

She has emailed the local Thai Consulate here in the uk and they have sent an information pack about the visas. She will want a Visa on the 'Visa Exemption Rule' which allows the 3 30day periods in 6 months. Thats all well and good but one of the rules stated in the info pack is:

'Must be in possession of a confirmed flight ticket (e-ticket acceptable) to show they

will be exiting Thailand within 30 days of entry. Open tickets do not qualify. Traveling

overland out of Thailand to check-in for a flight from an airport in another country

(Malaysia, Singapore, etc) is not accepted.'

does this rule usually apply as I imagine some peopel will plan to be in or around thailand for the possible 90 days and therefore won't have an exiting flight booked within the 30 day period.

Hope you can help! Thanks a lot.

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The airline could refuse to let her board the aircraft without either a ticket out within 30 days or a visa. It is advised to obtain a visa for first entry when you plan to remain longer than the 30 days allowed by visa free entry.

The visa exemption rule is not a visa. She should obtain a single entry tourist visa and then use a visa exempt entry on the return from Cambodia.

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'Must be in possession of a confirmed flight ticket (e-ticket acceptable) to show they

will be exiting Thailand within 30 days of entry. Open tickets do not qualify. Traveling

overland out of Thailand to check-in for a flight from an airport in another country

(Malaysia, Singapore, etc) is not accepted.'

does this rule usually apply as I imagine some peopel will plan to be in or around thailand for the possible 90 days and therefore won't have an exiting flight booked within the 30 day period.

Thats the rules but in practice there should be no problem to enter Thailand (travellers usually have cash and credit cards to prove funds) but the airline could refuse to check her in if the onward/return ticket is after the time that the 30 days will give her(they have rules too). If she has an open return ticket she could tell the airline her trip is shorter but it's a risk (albiet slight) that she will have to buy an onward ticket at the airport before they will check her in.

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She seems to fit the 30-day visa-waiver stamp fine:

Enter Thailand 04Jan with ticket to leave Thailand dated 24Jan.

Enter Thailand 10Feb with ticket to leave Thaland dated 19Feb.

There is no "unacceptable" overland travel out of Thailand.

Why would she need to bother with applying for a tourist visa?

Unless, of course, her ticket(s) out of Thailand are open tickets, or she is travelling overland to KUL...

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