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Google almost unusable on TRUE fiber


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I recently "upgraded" :sad: from TRUE Docsys 40Mb/5Mb to TRUE Fiber 100Mb/40Mb and it is absolutely the worst decision I have ever done regarding internet access in the 14 years I have been in Thailand. Among the many problem is that every 3 or 4 Google searches results in the message below and seemingly being blocked out of doing another Google search for seems about 15 minutes. Anyone else on TRUE fiber seeing this message? BTW, I'm on the east side of Pattaya.



"Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen?"


My missus has been on the phone with True almost every day for the last 2 weeks, complaining about lack of speed, torrents not working, internet disconnecting and reconnecting continuously. I am almost to the point where I will be calling TRUE to come and take out ALL their stuff out of my house.


We have been told on more than 6 occasions that an engineer will come to our house within 24 hours, on each occasion not a single sole has showed up at our door. Anyone else also on TRUE fiber that uses TVChaousUK that finds that torrents are taking forever to start  downloading?

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29 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

AIS Fiber is the way to go.  Switched over a few months ago and it is really really brilliant.

Unfortunately not available in Pattaya, as soon as it is TRUE is gonski. Been with them as a ISP for about 7 relatively trouble free years, but the last 3 months have been an absolute joke.

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Perhaps turn off your modem, wait atleast 5 minutes and turn on.

make sure you get a different ip

check your ip via icanhazip.com website


and try again in google.

if your IP starts with 100.x.x.x then you're behind CGNAT and it could be the reason of your problems.

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On 3/29/2017 at 3:31 PM, paul1970 said:

"Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen?"

@muratremix has the partial answer.


True, and other ISPs, tends to configure user accounts to use either 'transparent proxy', 'CG-NAT', or both.  Essentially, these options concentrate many users to share a common gateway (single IP address) for Internet queries and transactions.  


When outside services see all this Internet traffic coming from what they interpret as a 'single user IP', and  not wanting automated bots scouring their service unimpeded, it triggers their "Hey, what's up with this", message.


You can check to see if your Internet router has been given a CG-NAT (non-direct Internet, reserved IP) address by checking the 'actual' WAN address of your router. If it is in the – IP address range, then your account is provisioned as CG-NAT and shares a common Public Internet IP address upstream with hundreds or thousands of other similar users.


While normally not an issue (mobile phone users are all under a version of CG-NAT), it does mean you may have some issues hosting IP Cameras, Point-to-Point sharing software, and some services may block your web requests.

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