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Political Correctness


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I met very few black-skinned Americans who thought their racial identify was insignificant. In the 1990's, they had ample evidence to show they were still being discriminated against by prejudiced, bigoted persons. Same with gays. So, we had a general rule: call them what they wish, because calling them nigg-- or queer might rightfully offend them.

One day the Black lady in charge of EEO sponsored a Caucasian day for those employees who were not Black, Hispanic, or Asian. One Scot-American who was most serious about his ancestry came in a kilt; maybe he even had bagpipes. The Black lady proved her points: Caucasians in America are mostly a very mixed lot who've been beyond Europe so long that they'd have to do a long genealogical search only to find out they're 2% Bohemian, 3% European Turkish, 8% Greek, 11% criminal, 1% Black, etc. Also, that those ancestries hardly matter because nobody looks at the White Americans and says, "Oh, so you're one of those f***ing Anatolians!!

My daughter in law showed her Irish passport to the US Border Patrol guards in south Texas, and they had no idea that such a country existed. They don't know Thailand from Taiwan. My kid traced his supposed Norwegian ancestry and found out it's Dutch.

Singing "Baa, baa, purple sheep" is absurd; only Barney is purple, and it's bad iambic meter.

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That link partially confirms there is more to the story than what is normally told. If you read it, it turns out the 1 (one) nursery that sings 'rainbow' sheep does not do it out of PC concerns, but because they want to exercise children's minds and encourage creativity. They also change other parts of the song.

So is it a case of Chinese whispers we have here? Sorry, I mean Cathayan rumours. No, no, no... :o

Out of interest, the same nursery rhyme in Swedish is "bä bä vita lamm" which means "bah bah white lamb". No suggestions of changing it yet as far as I know.

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I love all this PC stuff because it's usually the majority claiming themselves off to be the minority who are actually behaving as the kettle who then goes on to call the pot black (oops I used black, I must be a racist)

The PC brigade have really gone too far though. Let me give you some wonderful examples that made me chuckle. When I was a kid growing up we had great kids programs to watch which I know would not be aired today.

Does anyone remember Muffin the Mule? Banned because Muffin was loosly termed to be going for a Muff Dive despite the fact that it was a wooden horse on a piano.

You can see Muffin here: http://www.whirligig-tv.co.uk/tv/children/muffin/muffin.htm

How about Noddy and Big Ears? Are we allowed to call him Big ears these days for fear of upsetting those with sonar dishes on the side of their heads?

Then there was Captain Pugwash and his merry crew of Master Bates, Ben Dover, Seaman Staines, and Roger the Cabin Boy who sailed on the ship called the 'black pig'... I mean come on you cannot help but giggle at such a great show and these IMHO were well ahead of their time and seriously took the Piss yet they didn't get the rug pulled for a long time until the PC brigade walked in. This was a big shame because it was a great series.

You can see Capt Pugwash here: http://www.whirligig-tv.co.uk/tv/children/...ash/pugwash.htm

How about Rainbow? Didn't they get pulled off the air because Geoff and Zippy made some remarks concerning the peeling of a banana that had Bungle crossing his legs?

Even certain episodes of the Simpsons have been banned. One entitled 30 Minutes Over Tokyo showed the Simpons family watching TV ("Battling Seizure Robots"). Bart then asks, "Isn't this that cartoon that causes seizures?" and the entire family is seen having a seizure about 3 seconds later. Ha! Ha! but it was banned in case it caused offense but you have got to laugh at the humour.

I myself am only 165cm tall and I constantly get heightest remarks about punching people's knee caps but I take it all with a pinch of salt and laugh it off because I am not so thin skinned, besides if I am quick enough, a run up the trouser leg of the tall person making the remarks followed by a pinch of the left nut usually works wonders.

Edited by Casanundra
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...Are we allowed to call him Big ears these days for fear of upsetting those with sonar dishes on the side of their heads?...
Sonar dishes? :o

These made my day!

Off topic, but did you know that outstanding big ears are respected as one of the signs of (a) Buddha? Look at any Buddhaimage and you will see :D . In Thailand your "Sonar dishes" are adorable :D . I've seen a lot of advertising for all kinds of plastic surgery here in Thailand but never about ear- correction.

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My daughter in law showed her Irish passport to the US Border Patrol guards in south Texas, and they had no idea that such a country existed.

Talk about PC.

Don't like ridiculing the statements of "Super Moderators", but I'm afraid that pretty much everyone in America has heard of Ireland - even in Texas. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The United States is a color based society point blank, actually a racist society obsessed with color. It is country so obsessed with color that when in doubt your ancestry will be questioned. “ I know you are American, but where are you from “ORIGINALLY”?

There are two schools of thoughts in the US. The older generation that is obsessed with ancestry as a form of justification as to just “how American they are” .. “well I’m really a Heinz 57, part Irish and Scottish, German and English” the assumption being anything else did not fight during the civil war… and the younger generation that will ridicule anyone that is 2nd, 3rd or even 4th generation that has opted for the melting bowl versus salad bowl life of America.

“So your family immigrated from Russia and you can’t speak any Russian? Are you ashamed of your heritage?”

As a result, you have people who feel the need to constantly harp on their ancestry.

What does the African American have? Well, up to fairly recently in some states a drop of black blood made you black. And yes, I do know some people who are white by all accounts (a family member is actually a member of congress) who are considered to be black. For the most part you have no idea what part of Africa you may have originally come from and open your mouth and claim to have even the slightest percentage of European blood in you and you will be accused of trying to be white. So hence you have a terminology to be proud of. African (as though your roots are not obvious enough) American.

Interestingly enough, this need to be identified as such is not seen in the Caribbean nor Latin America where no matter what the color of your skin you are considered to be Latino / Latina / Hispanic.

Correct me if I am wrong.

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The PC brigade in the Uk and the adoption of positive descrimination in favour of ethnics for jobs does more to cause racial tension than anything I have seen here in the UK.

The person of ethnic origin who has gained his position here by dint of his abilities and industry is undermined by employers (particulary in the public sector) filling their quota for ethic employment.

When wil they ever learn that respect must be earned and cannot be legislated for.

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The United States is a color based society point blank, actually a racist society obsessed with color. It is country so obsessed with color that when in doubt your ancestry will be questioned. “ I know you are American, but where are you from “ORIGINALLY”?

Actually, according to the non-white Americans that I have met they only encounter this in Asia where Asians can't believe they are American. When quizzed as to where they are from and told the US, they say, "but where is your family from?" When told China, the answer is indubitably, "So, you are Chinese".

These have all been Asian-Americans, mind you, but they all told me that none of them encountered this in the US.

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Gotta ask, since we are all being anti-PC here, how many people object to the catch-all "farang" used in Thailand? I recall a thread where several people objected to being called "the farang' when their name is known.

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Sometimes the problems lie with gov'ts.

In the US, when you are in school, be it high school or university, you are always asked to identify yourself by race in the forms the schools provide. When I filled out my college application, I had to identify my race and religion. When I enrolled in high school, the forms always include a box where you have to identify your race. If you are a naturalized US citizen, they write your country of birth in your passport even though you have changed your nationality to US. Alot of the race obsession has to do with gov't assistance. If you are a certain race (ie: African-American,Latin-American etc...) you are eligible for certain gov't welfare schemes and quota programs for universities.

different groups compete for the limited welfare dollars, so it's important that your race is well represented by special interest groups and a well funded lobby.This ensures more dollars will flow to your cause. Affirmative action is a good example.

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The 'farang' calling has been discussed ad infinitum and the consensus was that some like it, others fond it offensive when people know their names - others again brought to attention that Thais even call them 'farang' when they live in the US or Aus.

What I find weird and quite silly is when non-Thais call themselves 'farang' or their kids that awful Thai word leuk kreung - - what a put-down.

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It is Caucasian people that are obsessed with political correctness.

Are Africans, Asians, Orientals and Hispanic people concerned wether they offend other races?

I think not.

'Multicultural society' highlights our differences, but then we are not allowed to talk about those differences, at least Caucasians aren't.

Is that un PC?

Probably. :o

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My daughter in law showed her Irish passport to the US Border Patrol guards in south Texas, and they had no idea that such a country existed.

Talk about PC.

Don't like ridiculing the statements of "Super Moderators", but I'm afraid that pretty much everyone in America has heard of Ireland - even in Texas. :o

No offense taken, U.G. Of course, I had heard of Ireland, and I seriously doubted my Irish d-in-law when she climbed back into the car. She was convinced that both Border Guards had never heard of Ireland. Mind you, this happend in the no-mans-land next door to the Armstrong Ranch where Dick Cheney shot his buddy this past year. Those guards are from the incredibly isolated ghetto of the lower Rio Grande Valley. They might distinguish a Guatemateco from a Salvadoreno, but not an Irish woman from a Scot or Icelandic woman.
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I'm not affected (infected) with that PC disease. A garbage collector is a garbage collector and a janitor is still a janitor. Of course I could go on and on and on, but it's usually better to keep one's mouth shut. :o

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My daughter in law showed her Irish passport to the US Border Patrol guards in south Texas, and they had no idea that such a country existed.

Talk about PC.

Don't like ridiculing the statements of "Super Moderators", but I'm afraid that pretty much everyone in America has heard of Ireland - even in Texas. :o

No offense taken, U.G. Of course, I had heard of Ireland, and I seriously doubted my Irish d-in-law when she climbed back into the car. She was convinced that both Border Guards had never heard of Ireland. Mind you, this happend in the no-mans-land next door to the Armstrong Ranch where Dick Cheney shot his buddy this past year. Those guards are from the incredibly isolated ghetto of the lower Rio Grande Valley. They might distinguish a Guatemateco from a Salvadoreno, but not an Irish woman from a Scot or Icelandic woman.

My guess is that the misunderstanding stemmed from a brutal combination of Texas redneck accents and Irish ones.

Even good ole' boys eat Lucky Charms cereal in the morning and know about four leaf clovers, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and leprechauns. :D

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The PC brigade in the Uk and the adoption of positive descrimination in favour of ethnics for jobs does more to cause racial tension than anything I have seen here in the UK.

The person of ethnic origin who has gained his position here by dint of his abilities and industry is undermined by employers (particulary in the public sector) filling their quota for ethic employment.

When wil they ever learn that respect must be earned and cannot be legislated for.

This is the second post that has indicated that "quotas" exist in the UK. This is not the case - positive discrimination is unlawful in the UK. As Meadish has pointed out, many views about Political Correctness are formed from a mish mash of urban myths which when investigated prove to be totally groundless.

Let me stick my neck out and speak out in favour of polictical correctness. The alternative would have to be political incorrectness. This issue for me is simply a matter of respect. If I know that a word or phrase I use is likely or possibly going to offend someone, I will stop using it. All languages change over time and words come and go.

Some words have a historical and cultural history that we may not be aware of and it may be hard for us to understand why someone can get so upset over a word. So I will always try my best to be considerate to other peoples feelings and not to continue using words that I know can offend.

I am sure that there are some organisations and governing bodies that may push the boundaries on PC unneccesarily, but I would guess that the vast majority of the stories we here about "PC gone mad" are fairy tales.

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My daughter in law showed her Irish passport to the US Border Patrol guards in south Texas, and they had no idea that such a country existed.

Talk about PC.

Don't like ridiculing the statements of "Super Moderators", but I'm afraid that pretty much everyone in America has heard of Ireland - even in Texas. :o

They probably saw the huge harp and 'Eíre' and thought she was trying to use an elf passport picked up from some Tolkien live role playing game.

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Political Correctness is proportional to ugliness and loneliness.

The really sad thing is how few people used to speak out about it. Most speak out about it now and its a good thing too.

We had a "wimins stearing group" in our local authority that consisted of TWO women. One who was off sick most of the time, the other deperately looking for a boyfriend, the more so when she was drunk. The illness was Khrones disease which is a sort of disease up the ###### which everybody found hillarious, due entirely to her obnoxious antics down the years.

I remember the girls in our office sending spoof suggestions to their newsletter (What Women Want) asking for jam recipes and suggestions for irong thier husbands shirts and keeping him well fed.

They caused havock with their idoit E-Mails and suggestions in an organisation of 800 people. They made the spineless Councillors and Directors change all adresses to "MS" at great cost. Many (espescially older ladies) were horrified and complained. Some saying they had lost husbands and were pround to have been married etc. Then at great cost, they had to write to every single person sking for their preferred option. Please tick Miss, Mrs Ms, Dr etc.

A true case of the tail trying to wag the dog and all caused by just two individuals.... and the cowardice of the rest of us in those far off days.

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To the poster who said there are no quotas in the UK---you are wrong!

One of our police forces was recently castigated heavily in the press because a number applications for service with the force had been refused simply on the grounds that the applicants were white English men and were therefore of the wrong ethnic origin.

In construction myself for many years I had to prove that I employed a specific number of employess of foreign origin in order to be alowed to tender for local authority works.

I know both good and bad people of many origins and strongly feel that the achievements of the hard working and talented people of ethnic origin are denigrated by all these quotas and PC bullshit.

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I love these PC threads. They're almost invariably started by white middle aged men who complain that those who aren't white, middle aged or men are being given some sort of unfair advantage. When you dig a little deeper into individual complaints you usually find that the advantages that are being doled out to the 'PC brigade' are advantages that the whiteys have enjoyed for years. Get used to it boys, you just ain't special any mo!

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