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Sturgeon: May election move 'huge miscalculation'


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Scots will take part in a British election. Presumably if TM loses NS will hail it as a success for democracy. Pity she couldn't do the same for the British Brexit vote.


Scotland is part of Britain and must abide by British elections.


And when is England going to have its own assembly and become equal to Scotland, Wales and NI?




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13 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Are you seriously suggesting everyone who voted for SNP candidates, either to Westminster or Holyrood, supports Scotland seceding from the UK?


I don't know the split - do you? I would suggest that the majority do.

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13 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


But many Scots want to see the Brexit deal first and are also suspicious of Sturgeon and her cronies claims that Scotland will be out the UK one day and in the EU the next.

How many? Have you seen a poll confirming this?

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On 4/19/2017 at 1:25 PM, Grouse said:

OTOH, if a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition wins and either soft Brexit or no Brexit happens, that would make independence less likely

Coalitions aren't typically made before elections although they may be retained for subsequent ones. Rather they are hastily scrabbled together post-election by otherwise minority elected parties as a stop gap measure. Corbyn has already said no to any SNP alliance and (I think) the feeling has already been publicly stated as mutual by the SNP. In the same way as Sooty, Sweep and Harry Corbett, the Lib Dems are already used to having someone elses hand up their bums but I doubt that anyone wants to go there (again).

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On 4/19/2017 at 9:53 PM, CharlieK said:

If that were the case then Sturgeon, should be happy, after all this will prove if she really has a mandate for a referendum or if Scots have had enough of her. After all the last indy referendum was supposed to be a once in a generation vote. Maybe Sturgeon worries she won't have such a mandate, do Scots really want the EU more than they want to stay in the UK? She is not offering true independence is she!  

She doesn't have a mandate for anything. It was a parliamentary vote in Holyrood that gave her the right (as she sees it) to pen the Section 30 letter to the PM, not a public one.


From the following where she still talks about "the will of parliament" she hasn't quite got the message yet.


Addressing the options of court action or a snap Holyrood election, she added: “These are not the kinds of things I am thinking of. I was elected as First Minister just less than a year ago. I’ve got a responsibility to lead this country. ...“These sort of scenarios that are put to me are not the ones I am thinking of, but I do have an idea of how we progress the will of parliament.”

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:

She doesn't have a mandate for anything. It was a parliamentary vote in Holyrood that gave her the right (as she sees it) to pen the Section 30 letter to the PM, not a public one.


From the following where she still talks about "the will of parliament" she hasn't quite got the message yet.


Addressing the options of court action or a snap Holyrood election, she added: “These are not the kinds of things I am thinking of. I was elected as First Minister just less than a year ago. I’ve got a responsibility to lead this country. ...“These sort of scenarios that are put to me are not the ones I am thinking of, but I do have an idea of how we progress the will of parliament.”


In general, we are not governed by plebiscite. Parliamentary democracy represents the will of the people and confers the mandate for governing the country upon the largest party. Sturgeon is merely fulfilling her elected role. 

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17 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


In general, we are not governed by plebiscite. Parliamentary democracy represents the will of the people and confers the mandate for governing the country upon the largest party. Sturgeon is merely fulfilling her elected role. 

Totally agreed, it's her job and prerogative... but is she truly representing the will of the people on this? She is always saying that it is her duty as First Minister. Cameron probably happily thought he was representing the will of the people until he submitted the question of EU membership to a referendum.

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Totally agreed, it's her job and prerogative... but is she truly representing the will of the people on this? She is always saying that it is her duty as First Minister. Cameron probably happily thought he was representing the will of the people until he submitted the question of EU membership to a referendum.

Much like Cameron, the SNP was elected to Westminster with an almost ridiculous majority on a manifesto pledge to fight Brexit if it was to occur.
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