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Trump says only role for U.S. in Libya is defeating Islamic State


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Trump says only role for U.S. in Libya is defeating Islamic State




U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 20, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he does not see a role for the United States in Libya apart from defeating Islamic State militants.


"I do not see a role in Libya. I think the United States has right now enough roles. We're in a role everywhere. So I do not see that," Trump said during a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.


"I do see a role in getting rid of ISIS, we're very effective in that regard ... I see that as a primary role and that's what we're going to do, whether it's in Iraq, or Libya or anywhere else," Trump said, using an acronym commonly used to refer to the Islamic State.


(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Eric Walsh)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-21
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

"I do see a role in getting rid of ISIS, we're very effective in that regard ..

Really? I wasn't aware that the US had effectively got rid of ISIS. I thought there was still a hell of a lot of work to be done on them.

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14 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Really? I wasn't aware that the US had effectively got rid of ISIS. I thought there was still a hell of a lot of work to be done on them.

Trump is good at dropping bombs.  It creates a lot of dust and diverts from more important matters closer to DC - like investigating treasonous people.


Trump can order tens of millions of $$'s of bombs dropped on Libya, and then declare victory.  Who's going to argue with that?  Certainly not his fan base.

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Mr. Trump, I am nobody but can I give you advice today. You can bomb ISIS with all the bombs you have and then when you are finished you sons can do the same and then your sons sons. Your country fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for many years based on lies and you have achieved very little except to destabilize those countries. Your country with the help of Mossad created ISIS but yet your country is denying this fact. At present your country is supporting rebels in Syria which is just another name for ISIS. You lied about the recent chemical attack in Syria as did Obama on the 2013 attack. Your media that's controlled by 6 men are drumming up war in Syria, Russia, Iran and North Korea, instead of finding ways to peace and stability. Your soldiers are committing suicide at larger numbers than ever before and are on drugs at higher rates than the Vietnam war. You have more than 70% of your men that are unfit for military duty due to obesity and low education levels. Yet you are searching for war. This is my advice to you never fight a war based on lies as you will always loose it. You lost Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq (in process) because your people later on discovered that these wars was based on lies. Search for the truth and only wage war based on the truth.




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1 minute ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Mr. Trump, I am nobody but can I give you advice today. You can bomb ISIS with all the bombs you have and then when you are finished you sons can do the same and then your sons sons. Your country fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for many years based on lies and you have achieved very little except to destabilize those countries. Your country with the help of Mossad created ISIS but yet your country is denying this fact. At present your country is supporting rebels in Syria which is just another name for ISIS. You lied about the recent chemical attack in Syria as did Obama on the 2013 attack. Your media that's controlled by 6 men are drumming up war in Syria, Russia, Iran and North Korea, instead of finding ways to peace and stability. Your soldiers are committing suicide at larger numbers than ever before and are on drugs at higher rates than the Vietnam war. You have more than 70% of your men that are unfit for military duty due to obesity and low education levels. Yet you are searching for war. This is my advice to you never fight a war based on lies as you will always loose it. You lost Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq (in process) because your people later on discovered that these wars was based on lies. Search for the truth and only wage war based on the truth.




Who exactly are these 6 men who control the US media?

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who exactly are these 6 men who control the US media?

The CEOs of the 6 Corporations that control 90% of the media. The Corporations are: GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. Currently News-Corp are trying to take over Sky News UK.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Really? I wasn't aware that the US had effectively got rid of ISIS. I thought there was still a hell of a lot of work to be done on them.

There were only small groups of ISIS fighters in Libya, mainly in Sirte and Derna. These have been virtually wiped out by the Libyan Army/militias 0f the Tripoli Government backed mainly by the Europeans and the US. ISIS in around Benghazi has been virtually wiped out by the Benghazi Government's Army/Militias led by General Haftar backed by the Russians.  General Haftar is a US Citizen and was based near CIA head quarters in the US for some years. He was part of the CIA plot to get rid of Colonel Gadhafi and prevent Gadhafi forming the United States of Africa with himself as President. The problem was that he went rogue and started fighting against the Tripoli based legally elected Government that the US thought (wrongly) was too Islamic. He said goodbye to the CIA and is now backed by the Russians. Both the US and Russian oil companies are after control of the oil industry in Libya.

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1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Mr. Trump, I am nobody but can I give you advice today. You can bomb ISIS with all the bombs you have and then when you are finished you sons can do the same and then your sons sons. Your country fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for many years based on lies and you have achieved very little except to destabilize those countries. Your country with the help of Mossad created ISIS but yet your country is denying this fact. At present your country is supporting rebels in Syria which is just another name for ISIS. You lied about the recent chemical attack in Syria as did Obama on the 2013 attack. Your media that's controlled by 6 men are drumming up war in Syria, Russia, Iran and North Korea, instead of finding ways to peace and stability. Your soldiers are committing suicide at larger numbers than ever before and are on drugs at higher rates than the Vietnam war. You have more than 70% of your men that are unfit for military duty due to obesity and low education levels. Yet you are searching for war. This is my advice to you never fight a war based on lies as you will always loose it. You lost Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq (in process) because your people later on discovered that these wars was based on lies. Search for the truth and only wage war based on the truth.




                   And may I add:   it would help to know which country you're bombing.  When asked by a reporter, right after dropping bombs in Syria and Afghanistan, about the effect, Trump responded, "We bombed Iraq....."


                   If, in the future, Trump plans to bomb Taiwan, let's  hope he doesn't get mixed up, and say 'Thailand.'  Or, if he directs his generals to bomb Korea, Trump may absent-mindedly say S.Korea.  What's the big deal with little words like 'north' and 'south'?  Nit-picky, nit-picky.


                Trump is the opposite of Obama or Clinton (Bill or Hillary) in the articulation dept.  He didn't even know Russia had invaded Ukraine, weeks after it was all over the front pages of every newspaper.


                       Perhaps it's not fair to pick on the US Navy by pinholing individuals, but recently I met an active US Navy officer.   We hung out for a couple of days.   He was in charge of a communications team, digital stuff.   He was a nice guy, but wasn't hitting on all cylinders, if you get my drift.  His sense of direction was abysmal.  He was insecure and disoriented if left alone for over five minutes.  I'm sure there are adept people in the US Navy, but it doesn't bode well for their reputation, when a major battle group is heading south, and the entire top echelon in Wash. D.C. thinks it's heading west, and keeps telling everyone the false info for days.   


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11 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Thanks for the excellent link to a very credible analyst. WOW! And as other posts are suggesting, the overall agenda will keep news like this away from the mainstream media. The 6 media barons need a good war to improve their bottom lines (massively), not to mention the other multi-nationals and the military industrial complex that would benefit. Why let the truth get in the way of another illegal and highly lucrative war. The only losers are those that die (and their families) fighting for what they are fed is a just and noble cause. Don't you just hate politicians, they are in the most part truly wicked and evil people.

Edited by Andaman Al
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40 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I think eve the donald agrees with the yahoo link….he just dropped a shit ton of bombs to placate the hungry media….note that the ordinance was dropped on an uninhabited airfield with advance warning provided.

Trump's primary goal, when dropping bombs, is to divert attention from his legal troubles.

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