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Trump says Comey not telling truth, willing to respond under oath


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32 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Comey is a sad guy who got fired. Angry at the world. Grandstander who's head got too big for himself. Trump was right to get rid of him. 

Talking about a "grandstander whose (I fixed that for you) head got too big for him" and Trump in the same post. You do know what a "Freudian slip" is, don't you?

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On 6/11/2017 at 8:02 AM, boomerangutang said:

                                  He took an oath of office in January.  Whichever Founding Father(s) wrote that oath, assumed everyone would know that telling lies is unbecoming of a president.  Same reason the oath didn't specify that the president should not kill or rape anyone.  Yet Donald plays by his own rules.  He has the outlook of a Mafia-Don-Wannabe.  Telling the truth is for pussies, in his view.  He has lied in numerous court cases against him.  In one case, he invoked the 5th 99 times.  Everyone who knows him, including some of his former and current wives & sex partners, knows he lies for breakfast lunch and dinner.  


                          BTW, getting married also requires allegiance to an oath.  To Don, a marriage vows is yet another silly formality that means absolutely nothing.  


                         Now, if you're talking about pre-nup contracts or non-disclosure statements (which Don requires of everyone around him), then yes, those are things - Trump takes seriously.  Oath of Office for Prez of the US? ......is silly pomp, in Trump's view.  He broke that oath the minute he expressed his hope that Obamacare would fail (part of the prez oath is to uphold the laws of the land)


Probably true.  It will be like his "I would love to release my tax statements" pledge.  As much substance as tobacco smoke.

The 5th is probably the only part of the U.S. constitution he agrees with. All else is for us suckers.

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On 6/10/2017 at 11:19 AM, boomerangutang said:

                   I asked this question a week ago, and not surprisingly, no one could answer:   Here it is for the 3rd time: Please name ONE mainstream media report which was proven factually wrong.  


                      Nearly all the data we have re; Trump's lies, Trump's anti-American behavior, and his ties to the Russkies is via mainstream media.  MSmedia is also who are connecting the dots.    

All Trumpsters can do (each time a story is published) is deny everything, and then when they can no longer deny due to overwhelming (usually video) evidence, they reluctantly agree to as little as possible, along with diversions, blaming HRC/Obama, soggy excuses, and more lying.

                        Congress is controlled by Reps.  Reps don't give a wren's poop about lying - if it's their guy lying.  Republicans want to get their anti-American policies and tax-breaks-for-the-rich pushed through (if possible).  When they've done as much damage to the US as possible, then they'll abandoned Trump like baby Sarah's soiled diaper.

here's one for yah:


"CNN Forced to Correct Report From ‘Anonymous Sources’ After Comey Proves It Wrong"



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President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

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3 minutes ago, mesquite said:

President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

One of the few astute observers.:wai:

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5 minutes ago, mesquite said:

President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

And what agenda is that?

Antagonizing decades-old friends?

Bankrupting America with even more useless military spending?

Allowing polluters a free for all and endangering American's health?

Weakening the next generation by gutting education?


Oh wait, you mean Putin's agenda...


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21 minutes ago, mesquite said:

President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

Every citizen must get his pants down when it comes to taxation.
Is now a presidency linked to a tax exemption?
A president should be upright and a shining example for society.
A president with corpses in the cellar?
A sad picture for America is emerging.

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8 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Code for jacking up membership and greens fees at Maralago

 Also, wedding seller:


Bradd Jaffy (‪@BraddJaffy‬)

11/6/17, 23:44

Multiple Instagram posts appear to show Trump showing up at a wedding being held last night at his NJ golf club, posing w/ the bride & groom twitter.com/braddjaffy/sta…


Trump's NJ golf club was marketing him as a wedding selling point—pledging he'd likely stop by for photos if on site


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4 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Every citizen must get his pants down when it comes to taxation.
Is now a presidency linked to a tax exemption?
A president should be upright and a shining example for society.
A president with corpses in the cellar?
A sad picture for America is emerging.

There is no legal requirement for the President to release his tax returns to the public.  Similarly, there is no legal requirement for President Trump to testify under oath simply because he said he would.

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22 minutes ago, mesquite said:

There is no legal requirement for the President to release his tax returns to the public.  Similarly, there is no legal requirement for President Trump to testify under oath simply because he said he would.

In fact, he ought to be applauded when he makes promises and then breaks them.

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

Which "agenda" would that be? Repealing Obamacare and ripping away access to medical care from 24 million people? The repeal that the Senate pronounced "DOA". Or tax reform and helping out the woefully underprivileged oligarchs? Or his trillion dollar infrastructure plan that no one has been able to figure out how to pay for? Perhaps it's the "big, beautiful wall" that has somehow metamorphosed into a fence? Or his endless weekends on the golf course at taxpayer expense? Please...do tell.

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54 minutes ago, mesquite said:

There is no legal requirement for the President to release his tax returns to the public.  Similarly, there is no legal requirement for President Trump to testify under oath simply because he said he would.

And who, with an ounce of sense, would ever expect Trump to follow through on his word? That would require some level of honor, dignity, and moral character. Putting Trump together with those words in the same sentence would be the height of naivete. Or stupidity. Take your choice.

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8 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

And who, with an ounce of sense, would ever expect Trump to follow through on his word? That would require some level of honor, dignity, and moral character. Putting Trump together with those words in the same sentence would be the height of naivete. Or stupidity. Take your choice.

Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers.  They will figure it out sometime around the end of his second term.

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1 minute ago, mesquite said:

Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers. 


Shame he hasn't figured out he's in a checker tournament.coffee1.gif

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6 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers.  They will figure it out sometime around the end of his second term.

ANd apparently his supporters don't even understand what he's up to since I've never seen any of them invoke this trope and then explain what it is he's up to.

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3 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

So the director of the fib is the leaker or one of them. Funny how the Russians found Hillary's emails when the fib could not.

Just a little strange

Except of course, that the Russian hackers did not hack into Hillary Clinton's email account.

But it's good to see that you accept the the Russians were responsible for the hacking of the accounts of various Democrats.  Baby steps but still...

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21 hours ago, riclag said:

Wouldn't it be something if Comey was the leaker on General Flynn's unmasking?

                       Flynn doesn't need any unmasking.  Mainstream media has been talking about Flynn's nefarious dealings since summer of '16.  Pence pretends he didn't know diddly about Flynn.  How is it millions of Americans knew more about Flynn than the man who is heading the vetting program at the WH.  Pence should go down, along with Flynn, Trump, Sessions, Kushner and all the other law-breakers infesting the Oval Office.


8 hours ago, blackson said:

here's one for yah:

"CNN Forced to Correct Report From ‘Anonymous Sources’ After Comey Proves It Wrong"


                         Mainstream media openly admits if it makes factual mistakes, on the rare time it does.  Same for respected newspapers like the NY Times and Wash Post (both papers which Trump 'The greatest jobs president ever' has openly hoped would go out of business).  The only thing Trump ever retracted was the Obama birther thing - trying to delegitemize a popular president.  Q: how are Trump fans supposed to think?  Their hero harassed Obama for 5 years (with a ploy that even Trump should have known was vacuous). Then their same hero says Obama is an American.  What's the thinking for Trump fans?  Will one side start shooting the other side with their beloved guns?  


2 hours ago, mesquite said:

President Trump will not release his tax returns and he will not testify under oath about Comey.  He throws this kind of stuff out there and the resistance takes the bait.  He loves this kind of stuff and while people are arguing about these things and badmouthing Trump, he moves on with his agenda.

                         If I want to watch a reality show host toss teasers out, I'll watch a reality show.  It so happens, Trump is prez.  A US president is supposed to be presidential.  Trump is less presidential than Ronald McDonald.

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FLASHBACK: Here’s Donald Trump in 1992 Talking About Loyalty Exactly as Comey Says He Did in 2017


Former FBI Director James Comey claimed under oath in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week that President Donald Trump spoke those words to him earlier this year.


In some newly resurfaced footage that’s been making the rounds online, it’s clear that loyalty was extremely important to Trump in 1992.


“I would’ve wiped the floor with the guys who weren’t loyal — which I will now do,” Trump told Charlie Rose. “I love getting even with people.”



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26 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Just when you think it couldn't get more absurd, this comes up.  Feminists claim Trump sexually harassed 6'8" Comey.

You can't make this stuff up!



Yes, you CAN make this stuff up, and you just did.  Nobody claimed that Trump "sexually harassed Comey."  


They claimed that the way Comey was treated by the Republicans when he testified was very similar to the way that women who report instances of sexual harassment and assault are treated (disbelief, "why didn't you say NO louder?" "why did you allow yourself to be alone with him," that kind of <deleted>, etc.).  Which is absolutely true.

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9 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

Yes, you CAN make this stuff up, and you just did.  Nobody claimed that Trump "sexually harassed Comey."  


They claimed that the way Comey was treated by the Republicans when he testified was very similar to the way that women who report instances of sexual harassment and assault are treated (disbelief, "why didn't you say NO louder?" "why did you allow yourself to be alone with him," that kind of <deleted>, etc.).  Which is absolutely true.

Trump to Comey, "You look just like a hog."  LOL!



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22 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

You are correct in your assertion that they both mean a great deal. However, given that perjury is committed endlessly in U. S. courts, it very much does have a lot to do with the person testifying. Yes, every individual who testifies under oath is subject to the law. However, their being subject to that law and that law being enforced are often two very separate and distinct things. Ergo, back to the person testifying and their willingness to obey that law, which Trump has demonstrated countless times that he is not, as the court transcripts quoted in this article vividly illustrate: http://www.newsweek.com/mr-speaker-stop-trump-let-gop-lose-election-489797.


No one can force any witness to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, especially after coaching from their attorney team... :sad:

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15 hours ago, mesquite said:

Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers.  They will figure it out sometime around the end of his second term.

I doubt 45 is smart enough to play chess. He's probably lucky if he can play "go fish."  

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15 hours ago, mesquite said:

Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers.  They will figure it out sometime around the end of his second term.


3-D chess??

Looks more like he's playing with a dollhouse while inexplicably wearing a football helmet and intermittently screaming (via twitter), "FOUR!!"



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