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Three men killed dog with intention to eat it, say police


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11 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:
15 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

At the risk of getting hounded for my comment, I , as a dog owner, have no problem with people who traditionally eat dog meat. However, I think most people would agree that the methods that Asians use to transport and prepare the dogs for slaughter is incredibly cruel. Beating a dog with sticks to increase adrenalin or whatever is the worst part and not humanely killing them is also a big problem. Vietnam, China and Korea are probably the worst offenders.

This is not really the forum to discuss meat eating vs vegetarianism etc, but generally speaking, in western countries there are strict controls on humane slaughter of livestock. Halal does not consider this as their methods are different.

I am sure barbecued dog meat is quite tasty, but I prefer not to eat dog meat, the same as I do not eat rat meat. I merely provide them to my Thai wife and family to mince up and make pad krapow noo . I assume using dog meat would work too.



you probably never saw the secret movies how about USA people or employees in order of USA cattle farm treat the cattle !!

Check Food, Inc. on You Tube. This terrifying documentary was made in 2009. Since then, things only got worse.

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18 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

If you dont know the difference between a farmed or wild animal/insect and a dog, then you need some educating:

Quote:  "Dogs and human beings have a particular relationship, one distinctive among domestic animals: even when we work together, we work alongside. The man working with a dog in the field trusts the animal’s independent judgment. Whether that dog is herding sheep, hunting other animals, or sniffing for bombs, we place our trust in the dog’s intelligence and loyalty. We therefore accord them a respect and a place we do not grant to the other animals. That respect isn’t irrational, because it is founded in the uniqueness of the relationship. You could say the relationship itself could have been formed just as easily with some other animal—pigs, for instance. That might be true, but it’s irrelevant. Denying the existence of the relationship would be the irrational thing to do here. The relationship is a fact, and like all relationships, it comes with duties and privileges. So don’t eat dogs."



I also think humans should not eat other humans too, and although I am aware that some humans do, I dont think that because some do, that it means that it is OK to do so too.


Pigs are probably not the best bomb-sniffers in the world. Can have something to do with that. :sorry:

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Just have one little relevant comment to all this.

Let´s say that it´s okey to eat stray dogs. I mean it´s not nice to steal dogs that somebody loves. There I can understand the true meaning of a relationship with the dog, as maybe your best friend. However, stray dogs are appearently animals that nobody loves. Then it must be okey to eat them. If all the people that cry and comment so much for them, everytime it comes to a discussion about this type of animal, love them so much then they would take care of them and give them a home.

So, eat only stray dogs, to be on the safe side of humanity. That is because even the genuine doglovers that try to give them their free rights, just doesn´t care enough about them. It´s a true sight everyday on the streets of Thailand.

Yeah, I know I am going to be bashed to death for this one.

Edited by Get Real
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22 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

What's the problem? Is it illegal to eat dog in Thailand?

Obviously they shouldn't go round stealing them, but the article is not interested in the fact they were stolen, only that they were likely to be eaten. No doubt 'man steals dog isn't much of a headline'.


Really, if you care for animals, there are more pressing issues. Dogs are not an endangered species.

Yes, about 2 years ago it was made illegal in our province to kill and eat dogs.

I believe it was enforced for like 3 days. Maybe 4.

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13 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

you probably never saw the secret movies how about USA people or employees in order of USA cattle farm treat the cattle !!

Because the "secret movies" are largely BS., and mostly have nothing to do with cattle farms anyway.
I believe you are referring to some clips taken of isolated events at slaughter houses and feed lots.
None of that stuff happens around my house, anyway, which is literally in the middle of a cattle ranch in Arizona.
Pigs and chickens on factory farms have it very bad, I have to say.


AZ Ranch view.jpg

Edited by Bill Miller
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1 hour ago, howard ashoul said:

Yes, about 2 years ago it was made illegal in our province to kill and eat dogs.

I believe it was enforced for like 3 days. Maybe 4.

So it's a by-law in certain provinces? I hadn't heard.


If it's a road-kill, can they eat it then?

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16 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

HEy a horse , we ride on, use for farming some have real special bond with horse, but never the less you can eat horse meat.

A dolphin is very intelligent, but in Norway slaughterd out from an ancient habbit/custom every year

Have you ever seen the dogs in Thailand, they are packs coz they are kicked out from human interaction, it cost too much for Thai and

they will attack you. You can do many things with a dog, like in USA having them fight to live or die and for another its food  

You need to read the webpage link I sent you - all of it. Dogs are not like any other animal. Your dog will defend you from attack. Your dog will guar your property, Your dog will walk you safely down the street even though you are blind. Your dog trusts you.  Your horse, cat, dolphin, etc etc etc will not and cannot  There is a bond between humans and dogs that does not exist with any other animal. Whilst some cultures dont understand or recognise that, they are still wrong to eat dogs. Period.  There is never never never an acceptable reason to kill and eat a human. And there is not an acceptable reason, short of imminent death, to kill and eat a dog. 

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19 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

The difference is that for generations, dogs and cats have been bred as companion animals, pets, whereas cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks etc have been bred as food animals. 

For Thailand to be recognized as a forward thinking first world country, notice should be taken of the fact that the majority of its population now recognize that eating companion animals is both unnecessary and unacceptable.

If this is in fact not the case, then the country will always be treated as primitive. 


By the same token, the majority of Thailand's population who are dog owners should recognize that NOT controlling and taking good care of their pet is also not acceptable.  There are thousands of soi dogs in Thailand which presumably originally at least belonged to someone, and which are unspayed,  ill-nourished and lacking in medical treatment. 

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30 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

You need to read the webpage link I sent you - all of it. Dogs are not like any other animal. Your dog will defend you from attack. Your dog will guar your property, Your dog will walk you safely down the street even though you are blind. Your dog trusts you.  Your horse, cat, dolphin, etc etc etc will not and cannot  There is a bond between humans and dogs that does not exist with any other animal. Whilst some cultures dont understand or recognise that, they are still wrong to eat dogs. Period.  There is never never never an acceptable reason to kill and eat a human. And there is not an acceptable reason, short of imminent death, to kill and eat a dog. 

The argument is mainly sentimental. Dogs are man-made creatures - they've been bred to become attached to humans. Having given them that sensibility, is it then immoral to eat them? It's a moot point, and probably depends on how much you like dogs.

I'm not a big fan. The dog that defends its master is hostile to everyone else. I've been attacked or threatened often enough, and disturbed at night for years by the blighters barking. I have no problem with the idea of people eating them. Breeding them for food is probably a good idea.

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On ‎29‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 1:21 PM, whatawonderfulday said:

Absolutely agree.  in fact it should be compulsory in Thailand to eat dogs on a Friday.  Most of them are wild, untrained and savage.

Most of them have owners, albeit disinterested ones. Don't take your ignorance and spite out on dogs, tackle the owners!!

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:

The argument is mainly sentimental. Dogs are man-made creatures - they've been bred to become attached to humans. Having given them that sensibility, is it then immoral to eat them? It's a moot point, and probably depends on how much you like dogs.

I'm not a big fan. The dog that defends its master is hostile to everyone else. I've been attacked or threatened often enough, and disturbed at night for years by the blighters barking. I have no problem with the idea of people eating them. Breeding them for food is probably a good idea.

What would you recommend for tearaway kids, capture them, kill them and eat them. Rid the streets of drunken brawls, knife wielding idiots, motorcycle maniacs. Leave the dogs alone. They attack when threatened, cornered, or assaulted, the same as a lot of humans, especially the untrained, neglected, spoiled ones. Get your priorities right and do something positive about the society we live in. I have nine street dogs around me, none have ever bitten me and most are affable when approached in a responsible, caring manner!

Edited by Suzy
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The hypocrisy of meat eaters moaning about people eating dogs is laughable, a dog is just another meat source no matter what 'morality' and special status people want to make up for the pests. Dead dogs are no different to a dead sheep or pig and Thailand has about 4 million unwanted strays, eat up guys.

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8 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Most of them have owners, albeit disinterested ones. Don't take your ignorance and spite out on dogs, tackle the owners!!

What are you talking about ? you seem to have a frazzled mindset.  Whilst I don't agree with having sex with animals I also think it abhorrent to have sex with the same sex for the same reason but hey whatever floats your boat and so long as the dog was happy , so what ?

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21 minutes ago, Suzy said:

What would you recommend for tearaway kids, capture them, kill them and eat them. Rid the streets of drunken brawls, knife wielding idiots, motorcycle maniacs. Leave the dogs alone. They attack when threatened, cornered, or assaulted, the same as a lot of humans, especially the untrained, neglected, spoiled ones. Get your priorities right and do something positive about the society we live in. I have nine street dogs around me, none have ever bitten me and most are affable when approached in a responsible, caring manner!

Beats me why you animal activists don't invest your time and energy in defending the natural world, which is in severe danger, rather than pets, which are little more than genetically-engineered slaves or toys. That would be my priority.


You've obviously never been out in a public place and had a dog hurtle towards you from a distance for no reason and sink its teeth into your leg.  If you'd had my experience you would have a different opinion of dogs.

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1 minute ago, ddavidovsky said:

Beats me why you animal activists don't invest your time and energy in defending the natural world, which is in severe danger, rather than pets, which are little more than genetically-engineered slaves or toys. That would be my priority.


You've obviously never been out in a public place and had a dog hurtle towards you from a distance for no reason and sink its teeth into your leg.  If you'd had my experience you would have a different opinion of dogs.

Don't forget, dogooders never do good to anybody other than themselves

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1 hour ago, whatawonderfulday said:

What are you talking about ? you seem to have a frazzled mindset.  Whilst I don't agree with having sex with animals I also think it abhorrent to have sex with the same sex for the same reason but hey whatever floats your boat and so long as the dog was happy , so what ?

What a warped specimen of humanity you must be.

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38 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Don't forget, dogooders never do good to anybody other than themselves

Obviously nobody has let you out of your cage. Have you not seen the do-gooders in Manchester or viewed any of the VDOs on YouTube of do-gooders helping fellow humans and defenceless animals in times of need as well as the sheer hell of it. I would offer you my pity but I'd rather direct my attentions to the sane.

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On 30-6-2017 at 5:41 AM, Bill Miller said:

Because the "secret movies" are largely BS., and mostly have nothing to do with cattle farms anyway.
I believe you are referring to some clips taken of isolated events at slaughter houses and feed lots.
None of that stuff happens around my house, anyway, which is literally in the middle of a cattle ranch in Arizona.
Pigs and chickens on factory farms have it very bad, I have to say.


AZ Ranch view.jpg

NO they arent BS, there were people, employees sentenced to prison by court, due to those movies.

THey were made by animal activist. Of course  the owners were saying they didnt know and didnt had that policy

of abusing the animals. Hey what do they care, it"s all about the money.

Even if they go to slaughter house then still do it properly. Be gratefull the animal is providing you with meat, food!

There is no reason to hit and kick the cow or any other animal and then i really mean HIT with a stick full power and or kick.

REspect the animal coz its going to die for YOUR STEAK.

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On 30-6-2017 at 7:57 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

You need to read the webpage link I sent you - all of it. Dogs are not like any other animal. Your dog will defend you from attack. Your dog will guar your property, Your dog will walk you safely down the street even though you are blind. Your dog trusts you.  Your horse, cat, dolphin, etc etc etc will not and cannot  There is a bond between humans and dogs that does not exist with any other animal. Whilst some cultures dont understand or recognise that, they are still wrong to eat dogs. Period.  There is never never never an acceptable reason to kill and eat a human. And there is not an acceptable reason, short of imminent death, to kill and eat a dog. 

OK another animal, pig. SOme has them as a pet in the same way as a dog, never think of eating it, but they will eat pork meat!!

I know about dogs , had 2 in my life and maybe later another. I will never think of eating MY dog.

You said there was no reason to eat people, i never said a thing about eating people. But do you know some living people HAD to eat people 

for staying alive. They didnt had to kill for eating as they were already dead. But when they crashed with the airplane in the snowy mountains

ther was no other choice anymore then to die or live by eating people, RAW. They made a movie with that and it was based on reality !!

CAn you imagine the struggle with those people?!  

I know dogs can do a lot. THey are working here now with dogs, to detect cancer in a person only by letting them snif on the urine of people !!

AMazing ! Or maybe not anymore as a dogs nose can detect lots and we teach them.

But we can also use a pig to do so and the pig has a similair DNA structure as humans !! Humans are pigs?!   

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On ‎29‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 2:10 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Dog eating used to be very common and the meat is a delicacy in some parts of Thailand.


It would still be fairly widespread in Thailand had it not been for international condemnation of the dog meat trade. 

They now wait for roadkill. Usually big rush to get the choice cuts.

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