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Human Rights Watch: French police use excessive force on Calais migrants


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Human Rights Watch: French police use excessive force on Calais migrants



FILE PHOTO: French riot police walk towards a migrant who is on his knees as French authorities block their access to a food distribution point in Calais, France, June 1, 2017. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol


PARIS (Reuters) - Human Rights Watch (HRW) pressed the French government on Wednesday to end what it described as police violence against migrants in the northern town of Calais, where hundreds have returned despite the demolition of a sprawling camp known as "the jungle".


In a report entitled "Like Living in Hell", the rights group said police "routinely" abused migrants in the hope of having them leave the coastal town.


Based on interviews conducted with some 60 migrants in the area, HRW said police had used pepper spray on child and adult migrants while they were sleeping, regularly sprayed or confiscated sleeping bags and clothing, and sometimes destroyed food and water.


Officials at the interior ministry and the regional government could not be reached for comment.


"Such acts violate the prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment as well as international standards on police conduct," HRW said.


"Local and national authorities should immediately and unequivocally direct police to adhere to international standards on the use of force and to refrain from conduct that interferes with aid delivery," it said.


Aid agencies and government officials estimate there are as many as 600 migrants, fleeing war and poverty, in the northern port area, where a vast shanty town was brought down by authorities last October.


Drawn by the English language and, in some cases, by family and friends, they hope to reach Britain illegally.


"Since they destroyed the Calais camp last year, there is no place to sleep or eat. It's like living in hell," HRW quoted a 29-year-old Ethiopian national as saying.


The accusations of police misconduct echo what other migrants and local associations representatives told Reuters last month. The regional prefect and a police official had at the time formally denied any wrongdoing.


A local court in June ordered authorities to provide drinking water, toilets and showers to migrants and to allow charities to hand out meals. But at the same time it upheld government decisions to deploy extra riot police and not to build a new reception centre.


New president Emmanuel Macron last month promised migrants would be treated humanely after France's human rights watchdog was fiercely critical of the living conditions they face.


(Reporting by Matthias Blamont; Editing by Ingrid Melander and Pritha Sarkar)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-26
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They only understand force. Arrest and immediate deportation is the only solution to the africanisation of Europe. Let them develop their own nations. We have already given them roads, buildings, plumbing, electricity, transport, medicine and mobile phones.. Now they all expect to move to Europe bringing their violence, tribalism, archaic beliefs and health issues.

When will Europes leaders realise the risks ?

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As long as people are treated nicely, fed and watered, provided with sanitation, washing and health facilities and not repatriated they will continue to enter illegally, with a self proclaimed intent to enter other countries also illegally and continue to pay people traffickers and take risks.


These are, in the main, illegal economic migrants who think the UK, Germany, Sweden, France and some others are the promised land. That belief is fueled by the weak virtual non existent of laws enforced by the authorities and encouraged by ngo aid organisations and self appointed human rights advocates who continue to ignore the law breaking reality of these illegal migrants.


<deleted> France - wake up!  Italy too. These criminals are taking the piss.

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

Sorry but my thoughts are, if the so-called migrants dont like the treatment they are receiving.  They should go back to their own countries.

Yes, just about sums it up for me and if the human rights watchdog needs a job, get to where they come from and complain to their government about their treatment. 

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The Calais migrant circus has been going on for years...


Time to be human, dignified but unconditionnally firm.


Treat the immigrants with dignity and respect (and not plainly pepper mace their faces as the French Riot CRS Police love to do so)..... but plainly have them deported.


The costs of their deportation could be shared between the UK and the EU for instance...


Most of the africains nations,  refuse re-entry of a officially deported person without ID...and that's all part of the racket that prevents deportation....deeper political (and financial) agreements are needed with the African Nations to take back their unwanted..


If not the breach will extend and the situation will go out of control.


But the issue seems to staggle as each country is refusing to assume the political responsability....so at one point everyone will reap what they sow...


Edited by observer90210
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1 hour ago, observer90210 said:

The Calais migrant circus has been going on for years...


Time to be human, dignified but unconditionnally firm.


Treat the immigrants with dignity and respect (and not plainly pepper mace their faces as the French Riot CRS Police love to do so)..... but plainly have them deported.


The costs of their deportation could be shared between the UK and the EU for instance...


Most of the africains nations,  refuse re-entry of a officially deported person without ID...and that's all part of the racket that prevents deportation....deeper political (and financial) agreements are needed with the African Nations to take back their unwanted..


If not the breach will extend and the situation will go out of control.


But the issue seems to staggle as each country is refusing to assume the political responsability....so at one point everyone will reap what they sow...


Why on Earth should the Uk or , indeed any country, share the cost of deportation?


I understand the problem of countries refusing to accept the re-entry of "refugees' but what is the answer?


It will get to the point of a 747 landing, flanked by an armed forced saying ' there you go...back home old mate'


Hard to see it ending any other way except by a complete subjugation to 'radical' Islam by Europe. SEA is in big trouble right now too.

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3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Why on Earth should the Uk or , indeed any country, share the cost of deportation?


I understand the problem of countries refusing to accept the re-entry of "refugees' but what is the answer?


It will get to the point of a 747 landing, flanked by an armed forced saying ' there you go...back home old mate'


Hard to see it ending any other way except by a complete subjugation to 'radical' Islam by Europe. SEA is in big trouble right now too.

Well if you deport them, it has a cost...somebody has to pay?...Who?



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11 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Well if you deport them, it has a cost...somebody has to pay?...Who?



Perhaps by reducing the amount of foreign aid the  unwitting taxpayer is forced to give them. Go ask your Government what the handout is.

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14 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Perhaps by reducing the amount of foreign aid the  unwitting taxpayer is forced to give them. Go ask your Government what the handout is.

Ok I followed your advice and just asked them.


They said that the UK must pay for the deportation in full (and not split the costs as I suggested)..sorry your idea was not all that good after all...:sleep::cheesy:

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When will those people from the colonies ever learn. We took everything we could from their country, set up independent government, introduced genocide to reduce minorities, taught the latest techniques of torture and now they have the hide to seek refuge in our lands. Ungrateful lot.  

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16 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Ok I followed your advice and just asked them.


They said that the UK must pay for the deportation in full (and not split the costs as I suggested)..sorry your idea was not all that good after all...:sleep::cheesy:

Wow you must have contacts at high level on call 24/7.


Why would your people...the UK  tax payer agree to pay for half the deportation costs of people who have never set foot in the UK?


They are still in Calais in France. Is it that irrelevant to your employer?






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14 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

When will those people from the colonies ever learn. We took everything we could from their country, set up independent government, introduced genocide to reduce minorities, taught the latest techniques of torture and now they have the hide to seek refuge in our lands. Ungrateful lot.  

And now you bend over and say sorry? And take whatever punishment you as a masochist must take.


Sorry old mate, that's not they way of the world.....the strongest will always survive. even if we have to take the piss weak with us on the journey. Enjoy the ride. Or enjoy the subjudication into Islam. Those are your two choices,


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Anybody who has seen the news reports or videos of the actions of these so called migrants in Calais should take their complaints with a grain of salt.  The internet is rife with videos of these so called peaceful refugees attacking truck drivers, attempting to break into the cargo holds, and blocking the roads with debris in attempts to sneak into Britain.  Laws mean nothing to them.  And their is not a woman or child in sight.

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The so called "Jungle" has been dismantled and France has no obligation to facilitate the passage of illegal immigrants to UK,   

Some events need to be reminded :


"Calais: Van driver killed in crash caused by migrants' motorway road block" 



"The Grande Synthe camp of tightly-packed wooden cabins, set up just over a year ago, was 70 percent destroyed by the blaze on Monday night after clashes between Iraqi Kurds and Afghans, Michel Lalande, a top regional official, told Reuters. "


Edited by Opl
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5 hours ago, tryasimight said:

And now you bend over and say sorry? And take whatever punishment you as a masochist must take.


Sorry old mate, that's not they way of the world.....the strongest will always survive. even if we have to take the piss weak with us on the journey. Enjoy the ride. Or enjoy the subjudication into Islam. Those are your two choices,


Don't know how old you are; did u ever listen too and like Cat Stevens.


1 in abt 5 million refugees is or may be a terrorist.


Are you misanthropy in your beliefs?

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8 hours ago, landslide said:

Anybody who has seen the news reports or videos of the actions of these so called migrants in Calais should take their complaints with a grain of salt.  The internet is rife with videos of these so called peaceful refugees attacking truck drivers, attempting to break into the cargo holds, and blocking the roads with debris in attempts to sneak into Britain.  Laws mean nothing to them.  And their is not a woman or child in sight.

Another myth. Whatever the wrongs may be, there are/were women and children at the Calais camps. Also documented by HMG humanitarian efforts to assist children at the camps, but as usual denigrated by those from 'right of centre'.





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11 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Ok I followed your advice and just asked them.


They said that the UK must pay for the deportation in full (and not split the costs as I suggested)..sorry your idea was not all that good after all...:sleep::cheesy:

You said the UK and the EU must pay, last time I checked the UK is still in the EU. These people are not in the UK but you want the UK to pay twice. 

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

Another myth. Whatever the wrongs may be, there are/were women and children at the Calais camps. Also documented by HMG humanitarian efforts to assist children at the camps, but as usual denigrated by those from 'right of centre'.





I am sorry I was not clear.  When I said there were no women or children in sight, I was speaking of the individuals attacking truck drivers, attempting to break into the cargo holds, and blocking the roads with debris.  If you sample the videos on Youtube and random news sites, I am sure you will find I am correct.  I don't consider myself far right, but do attempt to comment on what I see sometimes, regardless of those on the radical left who see only one perspective. .

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1 hour ago, landslide said:

<snip> I don't consider myself far right, but do attempt to comment on what I see sometimes, regardless of those on the radical left who see only one perspective. .

Interesting how people who deny they are to the right of centre, nearly always counter by referring to 'radical left'.

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Sadly, the only way to slow down/stop illegal migrants is to put those caught into something resembling highly guarded concentration camps :sad:.  i.e.  only basic amenities available - but enough to prevent disease epidemics/starvation etc.


Only when they can then prove that they genuinely need to flee to EUROPE to escape persecution, should they be treated as refugees.


It should be easy to sort out the cost of deportation - share the cost amongst the countries affected, and deduct the cost from the originating countries' foreign aid allocation - as pointed out by other posters.


Some arrive without any documentation - so to where would they be deported?

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A lot of debate on deporting these individuals with no easy resolution as to how this may happen.

Meanwhile these criminals are free to roam across Europe commiting further crime, with no checks on their medical status & risk of potential virus. 


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On 31/07/2017 at 11:50 PM, LammyTS1 said:

A lot of debate on deporting these individuals with no easy resolution as to how this may happen.

Meanwhile these criminals are free to roam across Europe commiting further crime, with no checks on their medical status & risk of potential virus. 


Along with most posters in this topic, totally ignored the OP.


How many / what percentage of those at Calais have been assessed as 'illegal migrants'. As I recall there is a two year delay for assessment of asylum seekers in France, have the processing times improved? 


"Risk of potential virus" is a classic far right mime.


Migration and communicable diseases: no systematic association



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