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Thailand’s Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation Reports Nearly 8000 Killed in Road Accidents this Year


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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

While you have to applaud the efforts of groups like the “Don't Drive Drunk Foundation”, the real problem is less drunk drivers than totally incompetent ones, with no knowledge of, or respect for, road laws and other road users.

It would be interesting to learn what percentage of the drivers who caused the fatalities, including their own,  were actually under the influence of alcohol. I do not think it would be as many as 50 percent perhaps not even 30. You have hit the nail on the head. The problem is total incompetence of the majority of drivers here. 

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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"... 7,925 people have been killed in road accidents..."


These are not "accidents". These are CRASHES caused by people who don't know how to drive and supported by the lack of the government requiring proper training and enforcement of driving rules and regulations.


The sequence should be 1)Learn to drive. 2) Pass a proper driving test. 3)Buy a car. 4)Drive


In Thailand, it's 1) Buy a car 2)Buy an amulet. 3) Learn to drive on the crowded roads. 4)Good Luck

And there is no such thing as a Learner's Permit in this country. How is one supposed to learn to drive if they (in theory) are  not allowed to drive on the road! Even the tests are done in a parking lot here. I bet at least 90% would fail within the first km on a  real road with real traffic. 

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At first: no evidence (whatever evidence in Thailand can be) of the death while drinking!
I wonder how an article can be written like that

Sure yes it's a problem of drink and drive in Thailand but more or less the lack of proper driving, enforcing and following the laws (also by police as i can see very often) driver licence without education of driving and on the streets its like that: ME FIRST!

Wild West style on the roads !

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The UK has around 1,700 deaths PER YEAR and the figures are considered shocking.

Stop the 'Tea Money' road blocks and have mobile patrols catching and punishing drivers who commit moving violations.  Of course that's not going to happen.

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4 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Lybia's top ranking in deadly road accidents is in danger. 

With these figures, I wonder if there was subsequently a drastic decrease in road rage cases.

Thailand is now in second place behind the Dominican Republic for overall road deaths, but still retains the crown for motorbike deaths annually. I reckon it's god's way of culling idiots

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I won't comment on the driving etc as I agree mostly with what others here have said. But I wonder how many of those were children. Then next are the adult passengers who should understand the risks on Thai roads. Next are victims in other cars. If a driver wants to wrap himself around some post or other without injury to others then so be it but it's the innocent losses that are tragic. But no one seems to give a toss...drivers life is so cheap and the others too.

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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

You can do anything you want in your car, as long as you are in motion and aren't near a checkpoint. Cops wont do a thing. That's the problem.

I think you can also add; drive a Ferrari and have a lot of money?

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6 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"... 7,925 people have been killed in road accidents..."


These are not "accidents". These are CRASHES caused by people who don't know how to drive and supported by the lack of the government requiring proper training and enforcement of driving rules and regulations.


The sequence should be 1)Learn to drive. 2) Pass a proper driving test. 3)Buy a car. 4)Drive


In Thailand, it's 1) Buy a car 2)Buy an amulet. 3) Learn to drive on the crowded roads. 4)Good Luck

1  Borrow  money to buy a car and don't forget to forget any service work in the payments you can barely make.

2 Give the temple as  much money to create big man face from the money you save on servicing.

3 Show everyone how  well you drive by weaving and cutting in and out and don't forget to park in the  Tesco disabled spaces seeing as you've shown us how retarded your driving is your'e "entitled "

4 "it was meant to be" so no need for number 3 really

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1 hour ago, HHTel said:

The UK has around 1,700 deaths PER YEAR and the figures are considered shocking.

Stop the 'Tea Money' road blocks and have mobile patrols catching and punishing drivers who commit moving violations.  Of course that's not going to happen.

This is true, but with numbers of traffic officers on the decline in the UK due to 'austerity' (30% down in my home county) it's feared that the number of accidents may start to rise due to a lack of law enforcement. Plus, here the BIB will still take tea money whether mobile or static.

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1 minute ago, Wiggy said:

This is true, but with numbers of traffic officers on the decline in the UK due to 'austerity' (30% down in my home county) it's feared that the number of accidents may start to rise due to a lack of law enforcement. Plus, here the BIB will still take tea money whether mobile or static.

So in the UK to combat this they are now  introducing a blanket 20mph limit in  many cities, had a questionnaire through the door of my UK residence asking if  we had any suggestions to go the meeting. 

I planned to go along with my "Man with a RED  FLAG"  walking in front of  my car as a protest  so we could get right back to the good  old  days of  motoring.

Way too  much safety in the UK way too  little  in Thailand, never   a happy  balance.

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The main issue is the belligerence of the population.


Massive cultural and educational changes needed even to make a dent in these figures.


Not going to happen in our lifetimes unfortunately. 

Perhaps it is time to accept Thais for what they are.



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The April figure alone is more than the 2016 road toll for all of Australia... population for Australia is slightly less than three times that of Thailand, plus Australia count people who die in hospital later which apparently Thailand doesn't making the Thailand death toll even worse in comparison.


So long as you have a situation where you can pay off police with little fear of losing your licence or having your car impounded, things aren't going to change.


Last night I saw a car drive out of my local supermarket out on to the highway with sunroof open and what looked to be a ten year old boy standing up, jumping around and shouting... as the car accelerated along the highway he was still jumping up and down... :omfg:

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4 minutes ago, BasalBanality said:

Perhaps it is time to accept Thais for what they are.




You got to learn to love this huge pile of irresponsible or it will eventually lead to alcohol fueled frustration or even worse, death by tall building.

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6 minutes ago, BasalBanality said:

Perhaps it is time to accept Thais for what they are.



And also accept that the next time there is another completely avoidable accident, you might be the one that dies as a result...

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2 minutes ago, kkerry said:

And also accept that the next time there is another completely avoidable accident, you might be the one that dies as a result...

Anyone here with those thoughts constantly in mind needs to get out fast and find a suitable comfort zone.

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4 minutes ago, maxpower said:


You got to learn to love this huge pile of irresponsible or it will eventually lead to alcohol fueled frustration or even worse, death by tall building.

I chose to look at the daily dysfunctionalities with humor and accept them as banal slapstick comedy.


4 minutes ago, kkerry said:

And also accept that the next time there is another completely avoidable accident, you might be the one that dies as a result...

It is a factored risk when I decided to retire here, I can only take measures to my best ability to ensure my safe passage on the roads.




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2 minutes ago, AWillOz said:

That's incredible... In australia we get excited about 300 per year dying, but seriously, is Thailand losing 1000 per month??? I didn't read too much of the article to find out how many were involving drunk drivers though...

Thailand's monthly toll is probably similar to roadkill rates in Australia.

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Prayut's concern about alcohol near schools is heartening now what solutions can he come up to impose control over these mindless men who are in control of these dangerous weapons (Cars) Take the keys off them until they receive re-education because this carnage suggests that 95% of drivers in this country think that driving is a game and the car is a toy - same as 5 year olds

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The problem is that Thais believe they are invincible just by having things dangling from the rear view mirror and/or around their necks and then drive/ride accordingly. The best way to improve road safety is to ban all such comforters. It would need to be vigorously enforced and punitive. such as, when a driver/rider is found with any comforters, the vehicle would be seized and put into public auction. The money raised then used to improve road safety.

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1 minute ago, wvavin said:

The more the merrier in order for the innocent road user a safer environment.

Being surrounded by bad drivers does not make anyone safe. They don't just kill themselves.

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4 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

Yes this is the answer any 'education' is a waste of time. But the problem is that the police will  not fine and police to the extent necessary.

Maybe a better system would be to fine the police many millions of baht based on casualty figures.

That might make them pull their fingers out!

I like this idea but very hard to implement. I expect the figures would improve but not the road safety.

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Whilst I agree with the majority of the sentiments being expressed here it isn't all about just the Thais, as I go about my daily chores, out and about town I see innumerable foreigners riding motorbikes with no helmets dressed usually in a Chang singlet and shorts and flip flops, why ? Did they suddenly become invincible ? Why are they so stupid ? I also know of people that don't bother with seat belts, and drive pissed, utter buffoons in my opinion, these things are there for your well being same with helmets.


Rant over, if you wanna kill yourself be my guest but please don't involve me.   

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8 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

 I see innumerable foreigners riding motorbikes with no helmets dressed usually in a Chang singlet and shorts and flip flops, why ? Did they suddenly become invincible ? Why are they so stupid ? I also know of people that don't bother with seat belts, and drive pissed, utter buffoons in my opinion, these things are there for your well being same with helmets.


Rant over, if you wanna kill yourself be my guest but please don't involve me.   

Monkey see monkey do 

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For me this subject is now "Fake News". If you google road deaths and worst in the world etc....you get massively different stats. Lots are based on per 100,000 of population. Others seem totally made up. Along with the Thai figures. All that nonsense about if they die later in a hospital it is not a road death - its just death. 

Tiny countries like Andorra with about 7 deaths per 100,000 seem like utter carnage when you realize the population is only 72,000 .........


If you try to find death by guns per 100,000 on WiKi....they don't have figures for LoS on the list but the U.S.A. is over 10 people..yet not a week goes by and read about people shooting one another here. So where are the stats for that ? and how many happened on a road rage incident - is that a Road death ? Probably not.



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