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Recommend a good provider of Internet in CNX


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At the moment I use TOT fibre 2U, supposed to be something like 100/30 ,

for the last few weeks,every evening around 8.00, the speed is dismal.pages

loading in Kbs,even Btys,meaning i cannot watch any streaming services,just

buffering all the time.

I will go to the office today to make a complaint,in the hope they can stop the

throttling ,which is obviously whats going on,I have had TOT for a long time,

and have been happy with it, but if they cannot do something to improve their

service ,i will be looking for new supplier, what do you use and  can recommend.


regards worgeordie

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We had a lot of trouble with Sinet initially (we got the 2nd cheapest package- approx 700 Baht a month), but after about a week or two of constantly calling and messaging them, they eventually gave us a different modem (or is it router?) and it has been great since. If they think they will have downtime they SMS you and it is usually overnight. They can be contacted on Line text chat which is less frustrating for me than calling.


I also get 2GB per month on AIS for my phone for 239 Baht for when out, emergencies and certain websites will not stay logged in with Sinet, so I have to use tethering from the phone occasionally. Sinet has a stall on the electronics floor of Maya if you want to check if they service your area.

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26 minutes ago, jeffandgop said:

3BB hands down.  I quit True where I was paying 800/mo for 50/5, and now pay only 963 (incl vat) per month for 150/50 speeds. Here's a speed test I just did. 


Was this CNX to Bangkok ?, it's once it tries to Thailand to overseas sites that matter.

regards worgeordie

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I've been using True Internet for the past 4 years, and never had any problems. I can only remember the net being down twice in all those years, and only for a few hours each. Speeds are fast enough for any live viewing, and with reliability like this, I have absolutely no complaints.

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2 hours ago, JulieM said:

I also recommend 3BB. My speeds are slightly slower than yours and I pay more (1,250/month.) How can that be and what should I do? I guess I need to go talk to them about getting a new package?

I would say yes. Just look at their website and you'll see their packages 

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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Was this CNX to Bangkok ?, it's once it tries to Thailand to overseas sites that matter.

regards worgeordie

Yes. Speeds will get much slower once your traffic goes overseas thru Thailand's single gateway. I'm able to stream television shows here from the US using a VPN and so far I've rarely experienced any freezing, slowing or buffering. 

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24 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

I've been using True Internet for the past 4 years, and never had any problems. I can only remember the net being down twice in all those years, and only for a few hours each. Speeds are fast enough for any live viewing, and with reliability like this, I have absolutely no complaints.

I used True for 4 years as well. But their product is overpriced compared to 3BB and with 3BB I get fiber optic technology and True was only coax cable. Performance overall is much better and at less cost.  In fact I dumped True Visions at the same time and now just stream my TV content and no longer pay True 2500+ per month for content that just kept getting worse and worse and more expensive (I.e., loss of HBO, etc)

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19 minutes ago, jeffandgop said:

Yes. Speeds will get much slower once your traffic goes overseas thru Thailand's single gateway. I'm able to stream television shows here from the US using a VPN and so far I've rarely experienced any freezing, slowing or buffering. 

Do me a favour and try another speedtest to Vodafone in London, if you can.  I'm on AIS 30/10 which is generally good but it looks slow just now.

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1 hour ago, jeffandgop said:

I used True for 4 years as well. But their product is overpriced compared to 3BB and with 3BB I get fiber optic technology and True was only coax cable.


True just installed fibre optic service to my building a week ago, did the install, doubled my speeds, with no change to my billing price. I'm satisfied.

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I had True and 3BB side-by-side for a month (due to getting a free True internet trial when I started their TV package) two years ago- both had the same advertised speed.  I noticed that when I downloaded the same torrent files as a test, True speeds were always slower (sometimes very much so), and after asking what was going on, their tech told me they throttle torrent downloads.  Their modem speed tests were about the same, though, and for most applications they'd be pretty much equal.  As I said,  this was a couple years ago and things might have changed.


Hard-wired I have seen torrent download speeds up to 15MB on 3BB fiber optic (though that's not typical, but it's always very fast, with averages often in the 4MB range).

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3BB. 200/100

I've been streaming the cricket in HD (IPTV from outside of Thailand) since about 6.30 and it's not dropped once.

Large movie torrent files take minutes.

Speedtest to BKK from my phone shows 150/105 with the IPTV feed streaming.

Very happy with that.

Sent from my R2D2 droid using my C3P0 manservant

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I'm using 3bb VDSL line at the condo. I do their 590 baht/month 30M/10M package. Just did a speed test to a server in the middle of nowhere Texas, USA. Had a d/l speed of 52.84Mbps and u/l of 4.48 Mbps. These have been pretty consistent over the past months. 








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Went to TOT office yesterday,and said they would send a  man out to check system,

this morning the man phoned up and explained that TOT are having problems

lately,(could not believe it,someone actually admitting its their fault),anyway

he said he's fiddling about with something his end,and should be better,if not

phone again.I suppose if you keep adding customers and are not increasing

bandwith you are going to have problems.

regards Worgeordie

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Theres apparently a bit of a war going on with the main players TOT,TRUE,3 BB etc.


After 4 years with 3 BB and getting satisfactory speed we took up their offer of upgrading from the cheapest package to the next level provided we signed up for 2 years.


We did and it is marginally better but promises are not always kept as well we know 

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  • 1 month later...

I notice a lot of you are getting fast speeds when you use speedtest.net, but I'm curious what kind of speeds you get when you choose an overseas server. I have the 100/30 package with True and have been getting about 60/30 via the default Chiang Mai test server. But anything overseas (US, UK, Japan etc) tops out at 20/10, sometimes much less than that. Does 3BB do better in this regard?

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Im currently with 3BBand in the past I have sung their praises.  For the last month (plus) their service has been lower than crap.  Unfortunately the missus is too involved in all this saving face <deleted> and has put up with very poor internet connection.


What really gets my goat is that we are paying 1200 baht for the top fibre network service which is advertised at 200/100 mbps download/upload speeds. We currently get less then their cheapest fibre package at 50/30.


A week ago the missus went to the local office to sort this out (she was sick of my complaining).  Very nice staff but all they say is talk to the service centre.  She contacts the service centre who say the problem is with the old modem which they provided.  Unfortunately they dont have any 'spare' new modems available at the moment.


OK so we will keep plodding along at a snails pace...dont bother with streaming as it wont work..and pay top price at 1200 baht a month.


What a pack of masterbaters.  I will ensure they dont get 1200 baht off me the next rounds of invoices.


Customer Service...what a joke

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Depends on where you live, and the number of subscribers on your line. I use 3BB in our village. As there is only one other non Thai person living here, service and speeds have been outstanding. Laptop on torrent sites full time. Regular download speeds of 1.5 to 2 MB. I do see a speed slowdown when school gets out, or Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but nothing to be worried about. Another of the perks of country living. Pay 599 or 699 per month, can't remember.

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12 minutes ago, ollylama said:

Can any of you please do a speedtest using a server based overseas? For those of us who don't access Thai websites, the readings using the default (local server) settings are meaningless.





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9 minutes ago, ollylama said:

Thanks! Strange that London is so fast and Los Angeles is not. But it does show how different the speeds of overseas servers are. Are you also on the 200/100 package?

I don't think you can subscribe to the package I have anymore.  I was on the dsl Premiere package and I converted to Fiber.  It is expensive.


In my opinion, any speedtest will only give an idea of how your connection is working.  Actual downloading other than speedtesting depends on the end server and all the points in between.  For myself, I only use a speed test to see how my speed at the time compares to an average.


I normally get download speeds of 300 to 350 to Bangkok.  Right now I get a little over 200.  I am pretty sure it is because other people connected to the same trunk line are using the internet for high volume things..... like movies and tv.

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