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  1. I'll keep looking. The one you linked is shipped from overseas, again making my spider sense tingle. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks. Yes that's my concern purchasing that way. I'm hoping to find one at a legitimate audio shop.
  3. Hi. I'm looking to buy a Behringer XM8500 microphone. I can't find one in stock anywhere, hoping someone had an idea of where I might get one. I'm in Bangkok or can order online. Thanks.
  4. OK thanks, so your friend was given a full year from NBTC to match the duration of his visa -- I'll make sure we tell them that when I renew next month so that they give me a full year, not 3 months.
  5. I just went through the process of registering a drone I was gifted with CAAT and NBTC. The NBTC process took about 10 days total for approval, but when I received my certificate it says it expires on Jan 1 (in about 6 weeks). I asked about this and they said that it's because my current Visa expires then (OK, I can live with that and renew in 6 weeks). But then they explained that even though my Non-B visa will be for 1 year, they will only issue 3 month registrations for foreigners. My wife's cousin (Thai) just registered the same drone with NBTC. He paid the same registration fee as me (214 baht) but his is perpetual. I'll have to pay 856 baht per year (ok not such a big deal) and will have to go through this paperwork process 4x per year. What a joke. Does anyone have any information about this that might make things easier? I'm wondering if I can register myself with CAAT as the pilot, but register the drone with NBTC under my wife's name to get that perpetual Thai certificate? Or do both registrations have to be in my name? The 1M THB insurance coverage is in my name.
  6. I'm looking for an Android app developer for a short term (1 month or less) project. The developer needs to be in Bangkok and be able to work at our offices on Ekamai, at least part of the time. The app will need to pair with a bluetooth BLE device, deal with data transfer in both directions, pull information from public APIs, and create 5 screens in the app to display this data. Anyone interested can send me a PM here, and I can share complete requirements. Thanks.
  7. Is there anywhere to buy a crust so I can make my own meat pie?
  8. Tha ks. It's not really the water, I can use dechlorinated tap water to replenish the tank. It's the original source material which contains all the microbes living in the water column, plant roots, bottom substrate, etc. That's what I'm after. I ended up going to a local fishing pond about 20 minutes out of town, and got fantastic water and plants materials for the aquarium.
  9. Hi. I'm a microscope hobbyist living in the Thonglor area. I have a very small 25L glass tank that I want to use to create an environment for pond microbial life -- a couple freshwater plants, some bottom muck, and water. Can anyone point me to a spot nearby where I can collect some stuff? Pond/stream, not Khlong. I think it would be strange to walk out of Lumphini Park with a few full jugs. If anyone knows of a more roadside spot, or if anyone close by has a natural pond on their property, I'd appreciate the info.
  10. Can anyone give me some options for fun mini golf in hua hin? Years ago we played at Black Mountain, we'd like to try something else. Thanks.
  11. Just to bring this full circle -- I had a few of these delivered today. They do fit between the grates so they're perfect for the grill. Thanks again.
  12. You know what? I have one, I use it when torching creme brulee. Good idea.
  13. Thanks. Yes, I'll get a few of these for indoors. If you read my other reply you'll see my need for matches to light my gas grill.
  14. My biggest need is to light my very old char broil gas grill. the ignitor has long since stopped working. I guess I could try to source parts for it. I'm not sure if a long-stem gas lighter could get through the grates. Now I turn on the gas and drop a match between the grates, but when it takes 2 or 3 matches to get one lit I can very easily lose my eyebrows LOL. For indoor use (candles, etc.) of course I could use a gas lighter, I'll order one to at least make life happier indoors. Thanks.
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