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About Cuchulainn

  • Birthday 04/01/1871

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  1. And the yearly interest generated from pre 2024 savings? Apparently, that is taxable, unless the TRD recognises FIFO. That's my hope!!
  2. If using your pink card on hotel check in, instead of passport, will that by-pass the TM30?
  3. We'll know in April when the deadline for submitting tax returns has expired. Will Immigration start asking for tax clearance forms after April for non O extensions? THAT is the question.
  4. Fifo or lifo? Is it up to the RD or the taxpayer to choose? If we can choose fifo, fantastic!! No tax!
  5. The principal (100,000) is not assessable, but apparently the interest accrued is taxable if transferred in 2024. I'm in that boat.
  6. Maybe the new automatic gates will work as well as the online 90 day reporting
  7. As 2024 dawns? Oh well. Don't let me stop you.
  8. No <deleted>, Sherlock!
  9. There is a very good service in Chamchuri Sq. Did everything for my pink card. Translation and courier to MFA. B1,500, if I recall correctly. However, I had to go myself to my embassy to get passport authentication letter before anything else. Sunida (?) or Sutida (?) was the company name. We found it in a google search
  10. No assessable income (see above comments, as my savings are pre 2024), but will immigration accept no submission of tax documents when applying for a yearly extension? Like the TM30,sometimes they ask, sometimes they don't!!
  11. Ok, many thanks to all. I will look further into FIFO. Do I still have to file a tax return? I know you will all probably shout NO, but when it comes to visa extension renewal, immigration may ask for proof of tax returns or even some proof of liaison with the TRD
  12. If I can live off the remitted interest alone ( and maybe dip into the principal now and again), then I could live tax free for years. Maybe till the end of my days!!
  13. Yes, I have. Statements as far back as 2011
  14. Thanks Jim. I read that article in the BKK Post. That seems to only pertain to shares and not principal in an account. Can FIFO be applied to funds in an account?
  15. That is exactly what it is. Money from deceased parents' wills. Even so, that won't hide the fact that interest was generated on the pre 2024 principal and was remitted this year.
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