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About Cuchulainn

  • Birthday 04/01/1871

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    Here, there, everywhere

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  1. Thank you both. Has anyone ever been successful / had no reply in filing a report via mail 90 days after entering the country?
  2. I believe that the report cannot be done online after entering the country and must be done in person. Has anyone sent the report by EMS post after returning home, or MUST it be done in person at CW? Don't fancy a 3 day camel trek to CW!! Any first hand experience?
  3. Yeah, but it says to report in person after re entering. Mail in accepted?
  4. Leave it as the old date and hope immi desks at airports aren't linked to 90 days system
  5. But then it must be done in person at CW. I'm hoping to avoid that. My cunning plan (Baldrick!!) is to stick with current 90 days reporting irregardless of leaving country and hopefully avoid a trip to CW
  6. I will be back in TH. Just going to continue old report as if I never left. Hope immi at BKK/DMK airports aren't linked to 90 day system!!
  7. I think I'll try that. Will be out of the country for a week soon and will stick to the current 90 days reporting schedule (as if I have never left the country). Hope immi desks at airports aren't linked to 90 days system Any thoughts?
  8. I did mine on Friday 26th July and was approved on Tuesday 30th July (Monday 29th was a holiday). And that was 15 days before due date. That was just earlier this week!! Has it changed since then?
  9. I hope you're right, but Immigration is a law unto itself!! "Ah ha, another hurdle for Johnny Westerner to jump over. Let's do or say nothing about it now and then rigidly implement it starting April next year"!!🤣
  10. Yeah, but will Immigration start poking its nose in and asking for proof of a tax filing when your next Non O visa extension is due next year?
  11. Yes, but I remember reading somewhere on this forum that the imm computers weren't linked to the 90 days database. Seems unlikely, but worth a try??
  12. With the latest requirement of having to report in person to CW after entering the country, do you think it possible to keep on reporting as if you never left the country? i.e. keep using the same original date of entry when completing 90 days form. I think I read somewhere that the entry stamp at the airport isn't linked to the 90 days database. Doesn't sound right, but, any thoughts?
  13. Wife not needed, but bring your passport and updated bank book (currently not needed, but you never know!!)
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