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  1. Not cage fighters they are now
  2. And that should include every country in the world not just U.S.
  3. Politics 101, Big Joke is off and running next election. Screw being police chief Im aiming higher dump the boy scout uniform when Im looking good in designer suits.🤑
  4. And there you have it! A a-- of a comment from a person who obvious endorse poor reporting. Not even a guy like you would report as an amature report on am accident and use another photo of another bike. If you didnt live In Self dark Would look at majoroty of your own comments as beind ridicule to other Thai articles and towards the police. You must be the only one who actually think police here are competent to figure out anything. Ive got over 35 years years of experience With the Dept of Trans in the States I do havr a clue unlike!
  5. Reference that is how pathetic the reporting to be. Regardless pretty much what I wrote can hold true even 125 wave. I travel a lot on my bike 150 PCX I find going 60 to be an adequate speed otherd blow by me.
  6. Based on the writing of the story of course can and most liKely written incorrect use of words wrong giving the wrong impression as to what really happened. From the picture of the damage bike it was reported a 125 wave from picture this is a big bike looking at the size of back wheel and the location of gas tank. I travel this road often day and night based on outline of road no one is going to be traveling even at 50KM/H, certainly not a big bike in general from the damage from photo. If police here actually knew the basic of investigation of accidents markings if any and I gaurantee there are plenty with this scene first and foremost skid marks when bike went down match the distant and the damage of bike would give a forencic inspector a number. My guess just from the damage 80-100 easily. My training Regardless of speed limit signs I drive what is consider safe for the condition generally it is 80-90, and I make it a point to fowards my eyes 7-10 seconds ahead my lights will catch anything even without lights Ive a number of times have noticed sidecarts on this road traveling on the shoulder with zero lights. Which get me to my point that in general the way Thais are taught here is to look down and not ahead nor are they taught to share the road. The SUV driver said reported lights or no lights but saw him " fall off the bike " I'll take a guess if whatever speed bike was traveling lets say SUV was traveling the same using proper distance behind if all of a sudden the bike stopped or driver fell off bike split second less than 5 right in front of your vehicle down there is only one result. Whether he intented to or not head straight run over him that is actually what is recommended in the West trying to avoid left right can do more harm. It is recommend brake the best you can and head straight. 🤔
  7. Knowing this road, bike was going too fast and vehicle likely approaching faster on bike from behind never considering?
  8. This is what this PM and his Party, boss Thaksin like to do. Give handouts socialist programs to get votes, medical, min wages, all needed in cases. Higher wages for those coming out of higher education 25,000 to start yet all the good paying jobs are given based on nepotism especially government. yingluck vote for me your kid will get a tablet my son is still waiting he's 25 LOL. Covid, did people get anything NO! those who needed it the most got nothing. But of course nothing a foreign say will matter go ahead make my day when the economy tanks baht is worthless 70 to 1, I come out regardless. LOL
  9. Is this a doc in Thailand that gave you the medication. My brother back home He has since pass away on BP medication I no longer have the list but there was one after taking I thought he was having another stroke.I I ask him he daid the same think I called up his doctor next day he was told to stop another was given.
  10. Open a account www.SSA.Gov, Have code to send to email Using a VPN, turn it on S.S. online open during their business hours.
  11. Yep so right! Last I read their yearly budget is 19 billion which 16 billion is consider regular expenses I bet within that 16 is money yearly to strip and replace Beach Road in which a lot of skimming is done. The new Mayor which is old now ran on change see any? ran around in a T-shirt I'm one of you vote for me now is all dress up driving a Benz nowhere to be seen with the deputy doing all the interviews. Yet they still skimming money from the Indoor stadium project which still after 20 years still isn't finish like Beach Road you got it right!
  12. Not happening as long as every leader concentrate on Beach road." Shade covering " how mamy times are they going to plant, then pull, then plant, then pull. Repeat and repeat.
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