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  1. Did a test at Bumrungrad they phoned me about 4 hours later to say it came back positive, I told them I would isolate in my Condo, no problem, after 10 days they emailed me a certificate to say I have completed home quarantine .
  2. Salmonella take away .
  3. Are you allowed to drink beer on a public beach that time of night ..?.
  4. So if they can tax the profits, can you also claim the losses? Can you also claim your time spent doing your research on a particular coin and studying charts etc.
  5. Wow must be a big meeting with all the top brass to decide to extend it for 5 days , the intense pressure they are under on the big decisions must be overwhelming.
  6. When Bitcoin was a Dollar they did not care when it was 10,000 they did not care, now it’s around 50,000 and they start to wonder how they can get there meat hooks into it. Heaven forbid the working class can make money, banks offer no interest so the punters are pulling there cash out and going to Alternative investments. .
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