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Gang Warily

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  1. On the subject of drugs if I search Google 'Luke Cook sentenced to death' I find quite an offence post here from Webfact with the a story headed 'Amazing fall from grace for Pattaya Big Shot Luke', This was followed by the usual comments from punters of the 'serves him right' variety. It is clear that this story was cobbled together from reports in the trained media. But putting the knife in Webfact added such things as: 'Thaivisa sources close to Cook said that his wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 40, was a "controlling and unpleasant person". He further stated: "An insider source who knew Cook well and asked not to be named told Thaivisa that Kanyarat was an unpleasant and controlling wife who kept her hands on business matters. She was described to Thaivisa as an attention seeker who would hog the karaoke microphone at the couple's bar and who aspired to a hi-so life." In view of the fact that Luke Cook was acquitted at the Supreme Court and no other charges were pursued against him the comments from an 'insider source' are highly libellous. In fact they were libellous at the time but of course the three defendants were in jail having been sentenced to death so Webfact might have felt very safe. You can guess what my advice might be now..
  2. On the subject of drugs if I search Google 'Luke Cook sentenced to death' I find quite an offence post here from Webfact with the a story headed 'Amazing fall from grace for Pattaya Big Shot Luke', This was followed by the usual comments from punters of the 'serves him right' variety. It is clear that this story was cobbled together from reports in the trained media. But putting the knife in Webfact added such things as: 'Thaivisa sources close to Cook said that his wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 40, was a "controlling and unpleasant person". He further stated: "An insider source who knew Cook well and asked not to be named told Thaivisa that Kanyarat was an unpleasant and controlling wife who kept her hands on business matters. She was described to Thaivisa as an attention seeker who would hog the karaoke microphone at the couple's bar and who aspired to a hi-so life." In view of the fact that Luke Cook was acquitted at the Supreme Court and no other charges were pursued against him the comments from an 'insider source' are highly libellous. In fact they were libellous at the time but of course the three defendants were in jail having been sentenced to death so Webfact might have felt very safe. You can guess what my advice might be now..
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