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  1. I checked the profile page of my ex fiancé’s Facebook page and can only assume that God loves me and is on my side. Dodged a bullet!!!
  2. somtam - either the Thai version or Laos version are pretty much ubiquitious
  3. It has to be said, your writing style in your story is a lot different to your comments. Punctuation, for example.
  4. He has a big bag of money,mate. Doesnt need tricks.
  5. "First House Speaker Padipat Suntiphada has ordered an investigation into claims that the military's information operation (IO) has interfered in the public hearing for a draft amnesty bill from the civil sector." This from somewhere else. Apparently there were many votes put forward within the same hour. Wouldnt surprise me one bit.
  6. with a little formic acid for taste.
  7. I boil eggs and shell them completely before mashing up on toast with soy sauce. To shell them, I put in ice water and crack them before peeling the whole shell off in one go. One of life's more satisfying activities, like putting your finger through the top foil of a newly opened coffee jar.
  8. Thank you all for your replies, very much appreciated. I’m really just after other’s perspective, basically, so to handle it the best way possible I’m very pleased that he came forward to talk about it with me because I wouldn’t have at that age. Some things I got up to at 16 are best not mentioned and my parents never knew a thing. She ll be invited for dinner 1 night and we ll take it from there, but from all that the boy has said, she seems level headed. Studies hard, not a drinker, no tattoos, regular family. He’s already met her older sister so her family know all about it. His school gave him glowing reports at the recent parent teacher meeting so all good there as well. I think, the moment he starts screwing up at school is where I’ll intervene. My only real question is , as mentioned, what is a , very pretty as it goes, 22 year old doing with a M5 16 year old? Anyway, I think he s going to go through some learning experiences and I ll be ready if he falls. He seems very cool about it all. Oh, I did high five him as well . My boyyyy!!! Thanks again.
  9. Hi all, if I may, I would just like to pick your brains for a second. Let's say, you have a 16 yr old son. He s doing ok, got friends, a bit of a social life, is very active and doing ok at school. In fact, you could say, he s mature a little over his age. One day he comes to you, and asks to have a chat. He has met a girl and he s very happy with her etc. He s not going to let it affect his studies and his sports activities but would like to stay over at her appartment. He then informs you that she s a university student and is 22 years old. In fact he s been with her for the previous 2 months and everything is going ok. Also, they met on a dating app where you're supposed to be over 18. She is, however, aware of his age and is ok with it. What would your reaction be. Would you be concerned or would you be happy for him. Not forgetting, of course, about stories of jealous ex boyfriends, extortion scams etc. Looking for advice and some sensibility, thanks in advance.
  10. Working as an engineer in a small factory in Liverpool with a salary that could be described as nothing special, I had little female attention. I then got a job in Saudi and on my first return to the UK on leave, I was inundated. And i aint especially handsome.
  11. I would think that having the ability to use basic hand tools for house renovation is far more impressive or useful than walking on a subway!! 😊
  12. You did leave thailand beforw, never to return, had it with all the bulls**t here and were sitting at the airport ready to depart for a new life in Cambodia (I think it was). Then you came back after a few days. i do like your posts Bob as you provide some light relief from my mundane office job, but would you say that you were something of an attention seeker, at all?
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