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  1. Promising to get rid of corruption from Thai highway-officials and police? Yeah, good one. 🤣
  2. Possible exit?, It's in full blow, mate. Exodus is the best word for what is happening right now.
  3. Waiting for the medical report to press a charge?? These Thai brutes will be given a 500 Baht fine which they will not have to pay, and soon they will be drinking beer together congratulating one another on another beaten up Farang.
  4. Yes, Japanese company producing japanese engines in a japanese owned factory. Forgive me if I am missing something, but please tell me what Thailand contriutes to a new Toyota other than cheap labour?
  5. And how much of your battery capacity is left after one sprint from 0-100 in 4 seconds? And what is the health/state of your battery after two/three of those sprints? And what is the level of know how of your local Thai-mecanic, lets call him Somchai, when you need a diagnostic of your cars electrical system and battery, and God forbid, an experts view on repairs..
  6. You are saying 90% of a Toyota Hilux is made in Thailand? Bull<deleted>. Thailand is still a 1000 years from being able to make or produce a car engine or a transmission. And in a 1000 years if they succeed, everything will be made from blueprints from Japan (or other car makers around the world). In effect copies, and most likely substandard. It's basically slave labour that is used in Thai factories to assemble! cars from countries that can actually produce cars.
  7. When was the last time Thailand invented or started something significant? The answer is never (besides happy ending)
  8. I got paid 57 NOK per day (for 18 months) in my country in 86/87. Equivalent of 160 NOK today, or 550 Baht. All expenses paid, absolutely all exept tobacco/cigarettes and alcohol, which we anyway bought dirt cheap from visiting Nato-forces who were smuggling it in on every single visit, including british fighter pilots!. We even had free public transport whilst wearing a uniform, including domestic flights! And we were training, not cooking, gardening, cleaning or picking golf balls from an army driving range! (like the Thai soldiers did where I lived, they were actually promoted to the driving range for impeccable behaviour) Can you believe Thailand!?
  9. 2 months is because you are a Farang. It's in their DNA not to give money to a Foreigner, only receive.
  10. Another thing, this new global tax idea, isn't it a breach of basic human rights? I mean, Thailand, and the global system with OECD at the forefront, wants western expats to pay tax in return for nothing, absolutely nothing. It's even worse, paying tax to a totally corrupt country where the only thing you get is government mandated discrimination (property market, double, triple or 10 times prices in hospitals, tourist attractions, traffic fines, hotels, taxis, not to mention a reporting system like you are a criminal and the exorbitant expat rates in the justice system). I could go on! I could try telling the clowns running Thailand what paying tax gets me in return in Norway, but they probably wouldn't believe me. It's not right, the new global tax regime.
  11. And a Thai Covid-cure. Wasn't it herbs or something? 555555 And don't forget, they are going to send up a spaceship soon. Think a Thai astronaut that is hungry and has to contemplate wheather eating his Isaan crap food, or save the Spaceship .. God save us
  12. And soft power! Darts through balloons and associated activities by the female Thais probably account for 20% of GDP. (at the very least)
  13. "Thai, studying overseas, isn't the easiest thing to do, financially or socially. Limited options for most" Why do you think it's like this Khun LA? Do you think that the western education system is not aware of the appalling standard of Thai education, with incompetent teachers with near to zero knowledge of English and more interested in corrupt brown paper envelopes than actually contributing to their facking country through good teaching? Jesus!
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