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  1. That's probably due to the way in which the organisation sent the OTP. If it was identifiable as a plain SMS, then it would get through. OTPs are a particular TYPE of SMS though not all are tagged as such.
  2. BY 2025? Better get a move on boys 😜
  3. Excellent 👌 Well while we're on a nostalgia kick, Toots and the Maytals at Hammersmith Odeon (as was). I swear my mate and I were the only 2 white faces visible! Fabulous gig 👍
  4. Hmmmm . Not my thing sadly. Hope lots of people enjoy it but if that's what's on offer, my beach road walk won't take long 😕 I get your comment about Teddy Ska, although I think they did write most of their music. I love Ska though.
  5. Agree about the line-up. I was hoping to have heard of at least one of the acts, but sadly no. I remember when they used to have a Reggae / Ska stage but that's no more it seems. (Do a search for "teddy ska band" - brilliant!) Still, as I'm staying nearby (near Soi Bukhau) I shall take a Baht Bus up 2nd Road to Dolphin and walk down Beach Rd but if it's like last year's festival, I probably won't be stopping much, sadly.
  6. People actually REQUEST John Denver? 😯
  7. They're not all lady boys are they?😁
  8. All valid but in my case I'm not breaking my budget and it is the location and pool that is attractive. One of these "up to you" situations I suppose.
  9. Thing is, I'm an old customer so I just email the boss and she comes up with a rate. I'm guessing she looks at occupancy numbers . Just try your luck 😁
  10. Exactly where I'm posting from 😎🌞😀
  11. But YOU said that the airline asked at check-in how he was going to get between airports, so I asked why he didn't just reply "By taxi" There wasn't a suggestion of being refused entry...more refused boarding!
  12. I did say on my first post "negotiate a monthly rate which varies around 31000 a month." Often good if you read the thread 😋
  13. Does Malaysia also have a functioning and even efficient police force? Just wondering....
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